AdWords Interview Questions Answers
AdWords Interview Questions Answers
AdWords Interview Questions Answers
which platform?
a ti o n to y o ur a ds, such as
io ns p ro v id e a dditional inform
Ad Extens nk s , lo c a ti o n , and more.
sit e li
phone numbers, is ib il it y a n d p e rf ormance.
h ey help in cre a se the ad's v
Can I choose a specific Mobile
Operating System to show my Ad in
Display Ad? How?
c m o bil e o p era ti n g system to
a specifi
Yes, you can choose ev ice ta rg eti ng options in
ttin g d
show your ads by se
your campaign sett
Can I change the Currency and Time
Zone after Creating an Account?
No, you cannot change the currency and time zone after
creating an AdWords account. These settings are permanent and
can only be set during the account creation process.
How many Characters can we
have in Description Line 2nd?
For a clothing brand, you might choose CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) bidding
if your goal is to drive sales, or CPC (Cost Per Click)
if you want to drive traffic to your website.
What is A/B Testing?
Quality Score is a metric that Google uses to rate the quality and
relevance of your ads and keywords. It affects your ad's position
and cost per click.
How many types of Video ads are
there in AdWords?
You can improve landing page quality by ensuring fast load times,
mobile-friendliness, relevant content, and clear calls to action.
What are some of the ways to increase
conversion rates in Google AdWords?