Bumoni's Banana Trees

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I.Word meanings ;
.backyard : the area behind a house .

2. Chops: cuts them into pieces with a knife.

3. blossoms: small flowers.

4. toss: throw something with a quick, light movement.

5. pit: a large hole that has been dug in the ground.

6.hoolocks: animals that are like monkeys.

7. herd: a large group of animals of the same

type that live and feed together.

8. trample: walk on something in a way that

crushes or spoils it.

9. gobble: eat food very quickly.

10. Citronella : a type of grass that smells like

II. Frame sentences:
1.backyard: My grandmother was pulling up
weeds in her backyard.
2.chop: Chop the onions very finely.

3.blossoms: The peach tree has an

excellent blossom this year.
4.toss: She tossed the paper into the bin.

5.herd: The horses were herded into the

1.Where does Bumoni live?
Ans. Bumoni lives in a small village surrounded by banana
plants and forests.

2. In what way is your house similar to or different from

Ans. My house is different from Bumoni's in terms of location
and architecture, as I'm assuming I live in a urban setting.

3. How do Bumoni and her family use each part of the banana
Ans. Bumoni and her family use each part of the banana plant:
the fruit to eat, the leaves to cook and serve food, the stem to
make fiber for ropes and mats, and the flowers to make a
special dish.
4 . How does each person in Bumoni's family help
in the house?
Ans. Bumoni's family members help in the house
by doing various chores like cooking, farming, and

5. Where do the elephants come from? Why do you

think they leave that place and come here?
Ans. The elephants come from the forest and leave
their habitat to visit Bumoni's village in search of
food, likely due to scarcity or attraction to the
banana plants.
6. “Now they know what to do”.
a. Who are they?
Ans. "They" refers to Bumoni and her family.
b. What do they know to do?
Ans. They know how to prepare and offer food to the elephants.
c. What were they doing before? Do you think this was safe?
Before, they were unaware of how to handle the elephants' visits,
and their actions might have been unsafe, like trying to shoo them

7. Bumoni is not happy when the elephants go back without eating.

Ans. Bumoni is unhappy when the elephants leave without eating
because she was looking forward to sharing food with them and
8. “In her mind is a happy picture”.
a. Describe this picture in your own words.
Ans. The happy picture in Bumoni's mind is a scene where
she and her family are peacefully sharing food with the
elephants under the shade of banana plants.
b. Do you agree that this is a 'happy picture? Why or why
not? ​
Ans. Yes, I agree it's a happy picture because it depicts
harmony, friendship, and a sense of community between
humans and animals.

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