AIL 1 Chapter 1

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Rubric for ISPSC Presentation—1/4

CRITERIA Excellent
Very Satisfactory

Timeliness The output is submitted few days The output is submitted one day after The output is submitted two days after The output is submitted three
before the deadline of passing/The the due date. the due date. days or more after the due
output is submitted on time. date.

The output is crafted with artistry, The output is crafted with less The output was compiled only
Quality of Output The output is crafted with much ingenuity and creativeness and had creativity and it was ok for the for the purpose of passing the
artistry, ingenuity and creativeness quite passed the expectation of the instructor. project.
and had passed the expectation of the instructor.

Content The output reflects what is being The output reflects what is being The output somewhat reflects what is The output deviates from the
asked. asked; however, some deviations or being asked. topic.
errors are evident.

Collaborated effectively, with all

Limited collaboration occurred,
members contributing equally and Collaboration was evident, but some
Collaborated well, with most members or only a few members actively
actively participating in discussion, members did not contribute equally or
contributing and participating. Final participated. Final product lacks
Teamwork & Unity decision-making, and work actively. Final product shows some
product shows some unity and unity and shows limited
distribution. Final product shows a disunity or inconsistent integration of
integration of individual contributions. integration of individual
unified vision and seamless individual contributions.
integration of individual contributions.
Shift of Educational Focus from Content to Learning

• Reduced to the barest components, the educative process happens

between the teacher and the student. Education originated from the
terms “educare” or “educere” which meant “to draw out”. Ironically,
however, for centuries we succeeded in perpetuating the belief that
education is a “pouring in” process wherein the teacher was the infallible
giver of knowledge and the student was the passive recipient. It followed
that the focus of instruction was content and subject matter. We were
used to regarding education basically in terms of designating a set of
subjects to take when the course is completed we pronounce the
students “educated,” assuming that the instruction and activities we
provided will lead to the desired knowledge, skills and other attributes
that we think the course passers would possess.
•The advent of technology caused a change of
perspective in education, nationally and intentionally.
The teacher ceased to be the sole source of knowledge.
With knowledge explosion, students are surrounded
with various sources of facts and information accessible
through user-friendly technology. The teacher has
become a facilitator of knowledge who assists in the
organization, interpretation and validation of acquired
facts and information.
•The change in educational perspective called Outcome-
based Education (OBE) has three characteristics:
1. It is a student-centered
2. It is a faculty-driven
3. It is meaningful
•To implement outcome-based education on the subject or
course level, the following procedure is recommended:
1. Identification of the educational objectives of the
2. Listing of learning outcomes specified for each
subject/course objective.
3. Drafting outcomes assessment procedure.
•Outcome-based education focuses classroom instruction on the
skills and competencies that the students must demonstrate when
they exit. There are two types of outcome:
 Immediate outcomes are competencies/skills acquired upon
completion of an instruction, a subject, a grade level, a segment
of the program, or of the program itself
 Deferred outcomes refer to the ability to apply cognitive,
psychomotor and affective skills/competencies in various
situations many years after completion of the degree.
•These are the attributes that a graduate of an institution is expected to
demonstrate 3 or more than 3 years after graduation.
• Outcomes in OBE come in different level.
1. Institutional outcomes are statements of what the graduates of an
educational institution are supposed to be able to do beyond graduation.
2. Program outcomes are what graduates of particular educational programs
or degrees are able to do at the completion of the degree program.
3. Course outcomes are what students should be able to demonstrate at the
end of a course or a subject.
4. Learning/instructional outcomes are what students should be able to do
after a lesson or instruction.
Institutional Outcomes
(School-Based outcomes)
•NLPSC is a higher educational institution committed to nurture
globally competitive graduates that shall be able to:
1. Express themselves effectively in various modes of communication
in diverse environments;
2. Create innovative works contributory to national development
through quality instruction, research and extension;
3. Practice their professions grounded on positive values and social
4. Exercise leadership that will promote a culture and gender
responsive society; and
5. Demonstrate technological competence attuned with the trends
of the changing times.
Program Outcomes (Based on CMO No. 75 S. 2017)
—Government-based (Nationwide) outcomes
•Graduates of the Bachelor of Secondary Education program are expected to:
1. Practice wide range of skills learned demonstrate higher critical thinking
and reasoning;
2. Communicate, write and discuss using the principles of Ethics;
3. Transfer knowledge on changing time;
4. Explain social issues in everyday life situation;
5. Interconnect effectively amidst of the cultural diverse learners; and
6. Manage quality political, socio-cultural researches in computer
Course outcomes(Plane & Solid Geometry)—
Subject-based outcomes
•At the end of the course, the students should have to:
1. Differentiated polygon from a region and its area.
2. Understood fully the concept of geometric figures
3. Applied geometry in real life situation
4. Explained competently the concept of plane and solid
geometric figures
5. Drew and constructed representations of three dimensional
geometric objects using a variety of tools.
6. Described the plane and solid geometric figures.
Learning Outcomes (Topic: Line and Angle Relationships)
(Specific topic-based outcomes)

•At the end of the semester, students should have to:

1. Named, described, and drew models for points, lines and planes
2. Illustrated collinear, non-collinear, coplanar and non-coplanar
3. Solved exercises on distance and coordinates of points on a line
4. Named an angle
5. Found for the measurement of an angle
6. Identified and illustrated the types of angles
• Statedand applied the definition of congruent segments and
congruent angles
•Group yourselves into 8.
•Suppose you are assigned to team-teach in a
particular Higher Education Institution.
•Make your own Institutional, Program, Course,
and Learning Outcomes in your field of
specialization (three outcomes per area)
•20 minutes brainstorming.
•10 minutes presentation per group.
Rubric for graded recitation
CRITERIA Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
91-100% 81-90% 71-80% 61-70%

Timeliness The output is submitted few days The output is submitted one day after The output is submitted two days after The output is submitted three
before the deadline of passing/The the due date. the due date. days or more after the due
output is submitted on time. date.

The output is crafted with artistry, The output is crafted with less The output was compiled only
Quality of Output The output is crafted with much ingenuity and creativeness and had creativity and it was ok for the for the purpose of passing the
artistry, ingenuity and creativeness quite passed the expectation of the instructor. project.
and had passed the expectation of the instructor.

Content The output reflects what is being The output reflects what is being The output somewhat reflects what is The output deviates from the
asked. asked; however, some deviations or being asked. topic.
errors are evident.

Collaborated effectively, with all

Limited collaboration occurred,
members contributing equally and Collaboration was evident, but some
Collaborated well, with most members or only a few members actively
actively participating in discussion, members did not contribute equally or
contributing and participating. Final participated. Final product lacks
Teamwork & Unity decision-making, and work actively. Final product shows some
product shows some unity and unity and shows limited
distribution. Final product shows a disunity or inconsistent integration of
integration of individual contributions. integration of individual
unified vision and seamless individual contributions.
integration of individual contributions.
Quiz #1
•Coverage: CHAPTER 1 w/ ISPSC
•Types: Multiple Choices
•Points: 30
•Paper size:
•Date: September 2, 2024

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