Warm-Up Conditioning Exercise

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▪ You need to be clear about your fitness goals

▪ Before you start any program, have the necessary medical checks,
take note of your resting pulse and warm up.
▪ If you are not used to exercise be sure to start with the appropriate
beginner’s program.
▪ If your feel dizzy or pain, stop at once.
▪ Always choose an activity that you enjoy, so that there is less
chances of dropout.
▪ If you are beginner, do not start off to fast. You cannot get fit in a
week, but you can get a long way toward it in a month.
▪ Work at your own pace. If you feel stiff the day after exercises,
change activities or simply do some warm up exercises, so that your
body gets time to recover.
▪ Exercise at a time of the day, that is the most convenient, but
preferably not until two or three hours after a meal.
▪ Never exercise if you feel ill or have cold or fever. Do not start training again until
you are free of symptoms and keep your intensity low.
▪ Lay out your exercise clothes the night before. They’ll serve as silent reminders.
▪ As far as possible, breathe through your nose, not your mouth, research
indicates that it can reduce amount of pollutants, including ozone, that reach
your mouth.

▪ The warm-up should include stretching and exercises of

moderate intensity that cause sweating and increase in muscle
temperature. Another important practice to follow in an exercise
program is to gradually start exercise session and gradually taper
off at the end. The warm-up or conditioning exercise allows
body systems to adjust to increased metabolic demands.
▪ Warm-up should be appropriate for the performer and the sports activity
▪ Warm-up should include some stretching exercises as well as movements
related to or similar to the activity that is about to be performed.
▪ Warm-up should be intense enough to raise body temperature and cause
▪ Warm-up probably should begin to be reduced 10 minutes to 15 minutes
before performance.
▪ Jog in place

▪ Jog slowly in place for 30-60 seconds.

▪ Lift your knees.
▪ Rope Jumping

▪ Jump slowly for 60 seconds.

▪ Keep your elbows close to your sides.
▪ Turn the rope with small circular motion of your hands and wrist and jump high enough to clear
the rope.
▪Neck stretch

Bend your neck alternately to the left, right, front and

back. Hold each position for 5 seconds and do 2
repetitions. Do not rotate your neck each movement
must be distinct.
▪ Arm and Shoulder Stretch

▪ Interlace your fingers, straighten, and lift the arms to

produce stretch in the arms, shoulders and chest.
Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Do one set
▪ Triceps and shoulder Stretch

▪ Gently and slowly pull the elbow behind the head.

Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and reverse arm
▪ Side Stretch

▪ Keep your hips facing front and bent to the left. Hold for
5 to 10 seconds and repeat to the right side.
▪ Do 3 repetitions on each side.
▪Calf Stretch

▪ While standing, place your left foot near the wall.

Keeping the right foot flat on the floor, move right leg
back until you feel the stretch in the calf muscle. Do
not bounce. Stretch the other leg.
▪ Chest Stretch

▪ Place flat palm of right against a wall. Slowly rotate forward

until you feel the stretch in your chest.
▪ Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds.
▪ Stretch the other side.
▪ Shoulder Stretch

▪ Extend your left arm in front of your body. Using the left wrist, place
the right wrist underneath and pull inward toward your body, while
keeping the left arm extend. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Stretch the
other side.
▪ Quadriceps Stretch

▪ Supporting body with your left arm against a solid object, grab your
left toes with right arm. Pull your help up to your buttocks until you
feel the stretch in your thigh.
▪ Forearm Stretch

▪ Extend your arm. Using your left hand, pull your finger tips
back toward your body until you feel the stretch in your
forearm. Hold stretch for 10-30 seconds. Repeat using the
other arm.
▪ Inner thigh Stretch

▪ While seated, pull both feet inward toward the body. Grab your
feet with your hands, while using the elbows to press
downward slightly on the knees. You should feel this stretch in
your inner thighs. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
▪ Cat (Black) Stretch

▪ To stretch the upper back, hands and knees should be on the

floor. Just as a cat would do, slowly lift your back up toward the
ceiling and hold in place.
▪Spinal Twist

▪ While seated, extend the left leg in front of you. Bend your right leg, placing
your right foot on the outside of the left knee. Extend your right arm
behind you to support your body. Place the left arm on the outside of the
right leg. Slightly twist the torso using your left arm until you feel the
stretch in your side. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Stretch the other side.
▪ Harmstring Stretch

▪ While seated, extend your left leg in front of you. Bend your right leg, placing the bottom of your
foot on the inside of the left knee. Place your right hand on top of your left hand. While keeping
the lower back straightened, reach toward your left foot. Hold this for 10-30 seconds. During this
stretch, keep the foot of the straight leg upright with the ankle and toes relaxed.
▪ Repeat for the right leg.

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