Preventive Exercises: Ankle Mobilization
Preventive Exercises: Ankle Mobilization
Preventive Exercises: Ankle Mobilization
Lead to overcompensation by your knees or hips and encourages a full range of motion with
every step.
Kneel on your left leg. Grab your right heel with your left hand, and place your right hand on
the inside of your right knee. Push your right knee over your pinky toe, pause for one second
and return to the start position.
Regular running can cause hip flexors to shorten, leading to lower back pain
Kneel on your right leg with your left foot on the floor in front of you, hands behind your head.
Squeeze your right glute and bend your upper body to the left until you feel a stretch in your
right hip. Hold this position for 30 seconds, and then return to the start position.
Strong hip rotators support a powerful, efficient running form.
Kneel on your left leg beside an exercise bench thats secured to the ground. Loop a resistance
band around the bench and also around your right thigh, just above the knee. Push your right
knee outward, keeping your right foot at on the ground, and hold for 5 seconds. Thats one
A stable core encourages good posture, which is crucial to injury prevention.
Lower into a plank position, with your weight evenly distributed between your forearms and
toes. Keeping your body perfectly parallel to the floor, lift your right foot a few inches off the
ground. Pause for one second. Lower your right leg to the floor, then repeat on your left leg.
Strengthening your upper back will reduce the risk of neck and shoulder injuries.
Stand on your left leg, holding a dumbbell in your right hand. Keeping your back straight, bend
forward slightly and extend your right leg toward the back wall. Engage your right shoulder to
row the weight toward your torso.
Exercises will teach your body to maintain proper knee position while running.
At a standing position (or lying) kick your butt with your left heel, and then with your right.
Strengthening your back and shoulders helps you maintain balance as you run
Lie on your stomach with arms at your sides, palms facing the ground. Squeeze your shoulder
blades together and raise your arms three inches off the ground. Rotate your thumbs toward
the ceiling as you move your arms into a T, then a Y position. Slowly return to start
Squats are excellent for building muscle, gaining strength, improving function,
increasing flexibility and boosting metabolic rate.
Bend through your knees until your hips come lower than parallel. Once your hip joint is lower
than your knee joint you Squat up again.
- Run fewer and fewer, and finally walk.
- Lying, do abdominal breathing.
- Stretching
Hip flexor stretch hold for 15 seconds
Step your left leg forward, keeping both feet pointing straight ahead. Keeping your back leg
straight and avoiding sticking your buttock out and arching your back, slowly bend your front
leg and push your right buttock forward until you feel a stretch across the front of your right
hip joint. Repeat with the other leg.
Thigh stretch hold for 15 seconds
Grab the top of your left foot behind you and gently pull your heel towards your left buttock to
stretch the front of the thigh, keeping the knees touching. Avoid leaning forwards or to the
side. Repeat with the other leg.
Tip: place a hand on a wall or bench for balance
Hamstring stretch hold for 15 seconds
Stand with your right leg just in front of the other and your hands on your hips. Keeping your
right leg straight and toes pointing up, bend your left leg. Bend towards your right leg, keeping
your back straight.
ITB (iliotibial band) stretch hold for 15 seconds
To stretch your right ITB, cross your right leg behind your left leg. Keeping both feet on the
ground, lean to your left side and push you right hip outwards. Dont bend forwards or stick
your buttocks out. You should feel the stretch along your outer right thigh and hip.
Calf stretch hold for 15 seconds
Step your right leg forward. Bend your front leg and keep your back leg straight. Both feet
should point forwards. Push your left heel into the ground, keeping your left leg straight. You
should feel the stretch at the back of your left leg, below the knee. Repeat with the opposite
Lower back stretch hold for 15 seconds
Lie on your back with both feet flat. Pull your right knee to your chest until you feel a stretch in
your lower back. Hold for up to 15 seconds and repeat with the left leg. Then pull both knees
to your chest and hold for up to 15 seconds.
Buttock stretch hold for 15 seconds
Lie on your back with your knees bent and both feet flat on the floor. Cross your right leg over
your left thigh. Grasp the back of your left thigh with both hands and pull the left leg toward
your chest. Repeat with the opposite leg.