Esr00550 Cold Field Bending Revb
Esr00550 Cold Field Bending Revb
Esr00550 Cold Field Bending Revb
The Purpose of this Method Statement is to define the specific tasks to be performed
by Overseas AST LLC during cold field bending operations on the Installation of 24-
Inch Pipeline ESR00550-Refinery Expansion Pipeline Works.
This procedure is intended to provide a detailed description of shop cold bending
operations of 24” pipes which is passing through DWC corridor under the EPCL
The scope of this MReEthFoINsERSYtaEtXePmANeSnIOt Nis–
vEidWeOaRKdon the Installation of 24-Inch
Se(tEaSiRle0d05d50e-sNcIr3/ ip36ti7o)np
Pipeline ESR00550-Refinery
or oej f cct.old field
Expansion Pipeline Works. and to ensure that the work is performed in a safe,
professional and controlled manner by competent trained staff.
add PFI ES-24 - Pipe Bending Methods, Tolerances,
3.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Process and Material Requirements
1. Induction
Prior to commencing work all personnel shall have attended the Project HSE Induction
Course conducted by the over Seas HSE Department.
2. PPE
All personnel involved in cold field bending activities shall comply with the Project
requirements for PPE. Where appropriate, training shall be given in the use of PPE.
The PPE requirements on site during cold field bending activities shall be:
Personnel shall sign for items of PPE issued to them and the Supervisor shall ensure
daily that his crew is using the required PPE and that damaged or defective PPE is
replaced or repaired.
The Bending Supervisor shall inspect all equipment for damage and/or deficiencies
prior to the commencement of work each day and surveillance shall be maintained on
equipment to check if the equipment has sustained any damage during the course of
the working day. Defective items, that affect the safe operation of the piece of
equipment, shall be immediately taken out of service until repaired or replaced. Other
deficiencies shall be rectified as soon as possible.
Plant operators shall complete a Daily Plant & Equipment Checklist for the item of
plant they operate and shall report all deficiencies to the Supervisor who will arrange
the Plant Department to rectify the deficiencies.
4. Risk Assessment
Prior to the commencement of cold field bending activities, a risk assessment shall be
conducted jointly by the Construction Department and the HSE Department to ensure
that all hazards and risks are identified and the required mitigation measures are in
place, and remain fully implemented during operations.
5. Toolbox Talks
Prior to the commencement of cold field bending activities, the Supervisor with
support from the AST HSE Advisor shall conduct a pre-start toolbox talk with all the
crew present. The Supervisor shall explain the method of cold field bending, focusing
on the hazards and risks involved in the activity and the mitigation measures that shall
be taken as detailed in the Risk Assessment.
Regular Toolbox talks shall be conducted in order to prevent complacency within the
crew. Toolbox talks shall be documented and the records maintained by the HSE
Should any new personnel join the bending crew during the duration of cold field
bending activities the Supervisor conduct a Pre-start toolbox talk for the new person/s
prior to the person/s starting work.
6. Environment
Dust control measures shall be implemented on sections of the ROW where dust will
be generated by the movement of trucks and equipment along the ROW.
The bending crew shall collect up all rubbish generated by bending activities and
dispose of rubbish in an approved waste disposal location.
Please Keep it short
1. Safety Training
All personnel involved in cold field bending activities shall have received the
appropriate training applicable to their job designation.
Further training will be given as required and when the need additional training is
identified during the risk assessment process.
2. Trade Training
All personnel involved in cold field bending activities shall be assessed for
competency and if they have the required trade skills and experience required by their
job function.
Competency assessment shall be made by verbally testing the person, checking trade
certificates (where applicable), and field evaluation (where applicable).
1. Construction Manager
2. Crew Supervisor
3. QC Inspector
The S.W.L. of all lifting equipment will be marked clearly on the equipment. All lifting
equipment should be securely stored and clearly identified and tagged to show
limitations of use and the date re-certification is required.
Cranes and sidebooms shall be of suitable capacity to handle the pipes and shall be
operated by approved personnel.
All bending machines shall be equipped with the necessary bending shoes to match
the external pipe diameter.
Bending shoes shall be covered with suitable material to avoid damage to the pipe
external 3LPE coating.
2. General
Changes of the vertical and horizontal alignment of the pipeline, made necessary
by the actual condition and contour of the ground, shall be provided for, where
possible, by cold field bends.
specified in ANSI/ASME B31.4. use parameters based
Minimum cold field bend radius shall be equivalent to 18 times pipe diameters as
on ASME B31.3
Induction bends shall be provided where bends of smaller radius are required or
where such bends are specifically shown in approved alignment drawings.
A bending procedure shall be performed to establish the minimum bend radius that
can be achieved on the wall thickness pipe using the AST bending machine and
Flattening and
of a minimum i renceTbeahte
bend, the diameters t wea ny c ro s s
menaximum and
minimum diameters
l onominal
section, shall not exceed 8% of c a tioutside
o n s along the length of theshall
pipe be checked
prior at predetermined
to bending. On
completion of diameters shall be rechecked at the same points. The
pressure. for internal pressure and 3b%enfodr
Removal of metal shall not be used to achieve between the maximum and minimum diameters of the completed
these ernathl e bend shall not exceed 2.5% of the nominal diameter.
The completed bend shall be visually inspected and shall have a gauging
plate of 95% of the nominal internal diameter pulled through the pipe, to
ensure the pipe inside diameter is within the specification.
The bend data for each procedure bend shall be documented and shall form the
criteria for all the cold field bending to be performed on the Project.
The radius of the cold bend shall be not less than 18 times the nominal pipe
The longitudinal axis of the pipe shall not be deflected more that 1.5 degrees, in a
length along the pipe axis, equal to the pipe diameter.
ESR005500ad992d796314e9ea530d8f23bda6786.ESR00550- Cold Field Bending-revB_169E2D6 Date: 12-Feb-
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Rev. A
All completed bends shall be tested for ovality with a gauging plate consisting of
two aluminium discs rigidly connected at a distance of 750mm apart and having a
diameter not less than 95 % of the pipeline nominal internal diameter.
The pipe end caps shall be reinstalled after the bending is completed.
The bend type (Sag bend, over bend, side bend or combination bend) and the
bend angle shall be clearly written on the outside of the pipe, using indelible
The Bending Foreman shall systematically measure the length of each pipe and mark
the centreline of the pipe for subsequent slinging, transfer the pipe data (pipe number,
heat number and pipe length) to the end of the pipe, if not already done.
The degree of bends required shall be determined in the field by the Surveyor from
stripped ground levels, special crossing/ pipeline profile drawings.
The Surveyor will record the length, pipe number, heat number and angle required of
each strung pipe to be bent on the bending schedule.
Coating damage Pipes shall be visually inspected for coating and pipe damage/defects prior to
should be
referred to AST bending. Bending machine elements (shoes and dies) shall be checked to ensure
they are clean and free from any material that could damage the pipe, external
coating and internal lining.
The pipe shall be lifted, using a specialised belt and positioned on the stiff back end of
bending machine.
Hydraulically controlled mandrels are fitted internally at the bend location and are
used to prevent buckling of the pipe during bending procedure.
One end of pipe is lowered on to the roller and the pipe is moved halfway into the
machine then the mandrel will be loaded and set to the desired bend position.
The cable hook is then attached to the stiffback end of the pipe.
The winch cable is slowly tensioned until the pipe is properly located for the first
bending operation and the stiffback is then raised.
The pin-up shoe is raised until the pipe touches the lowest point of the curvature of
the die.
The distance from the front of the die to the top of the pipe and the distance from the
rear of the die to the top of the pipe should be equal.
The bending gauge is marked at this setting as the reference starting point for each
increment of the bend for the size of pipe.
The pipe is marked with its centre point (length) and the pipe is lowered on to the
roller using the sideboom & lifting belt and the winch cable is unwound for
"freewheeling". The stiffback is then raised up to reference mark on the bending
gauge scale.
Then the pipe shoe is raised to the bending limit of the pipe or until the hydraulic
pressure gauge reads maximum at pressure.
The bending cycle is then repeated until the required degree of bend is achieved.
The step length shall be marked on the pipe and the required pull per step length shall
be made and measured by bending machine’s measuring rod.
After pipe is bent, but while still in the machine, the total amount of bend is measured
by using a clinometer or electronic true bend device.
Cold bending of ferritic materials shall be done at a temperature below the transformation range.
If lubrication or cooling liquids used, it must be compactable to use over 3LPE coating.
The Bending Foreman shall complete a Bending Report for all cold field bends and
the report shall be submitted to the AST QC Department at the end of each day’s
work. The AST QC Inspector shall verify the recorded data.