Introduction To The BBC Micro - Bit
Introduction To The BBC Micro - Bit
Introduction To The BBC Micro - Bit
BBC Micro:Bit
CAS Manchester Workshop
September 2017
Jamie Edmondson
CAS Master Teacher
[email protected]
Minecraft Creeper
Activity 1: Smiley Face
Challenge: Can you make the dice pick from 12 numbers? Can you run it
based on a different input command?
Input Commands
Activity 5: Game of
Task: Make a simple game for
a peer to play whereby they
have a 50/50 chance of
winning depending on which
button they press.
Challenge: Can you make your Micro:Bit say something like ‘Maybe’ or ‘Ask again’ if the answer is 2. To get
this working, you’ll also need to change your code to choose a random number between 0 and 2! Tip: You
can right-click on a block to duplicate the block and its contents.
Activity 10:
Making a compass
Jamie Edmondson
CAS Master Teacher
[email protected]