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Your Answers:
Watch It!
1. Prokaryotic cells

Go to this link and watch the video:

Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic Cells - YouTube.mp4

“Ricochet Science – Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells”

2. Before nucelus
The URL is case-sensitive.

Then answer these questions:

1. According to the video, which types of cells came first?

2. What does the prefix prokary- mean?

3. A Nucleus and a
mitochondria 3. List 2 characteristics that a eukaryotic cell has that a prokaryotic cell does
not have.

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Read Part 1. Jot down notes
and drawings that will help INPUT Read It!
you remember the meanings STATION
of these words. You can use
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells – Part 1
the sketch/scribble button on
the toolbar. The basic unit of all life is the cell. Prokaryotic cells do not have a
There are two main ways cells are membrane bound nucleus or other
DNA categorized and it depends on if the membrane-bound organelles. In
cell stores its genetic material, called prokaryotic cells, the DNA is found
DNA, within a structure called a loose within the cytoplasm. Prokaryotic
nucleus. cells are found in single-celled
organisms, such as bacteria. Organisms
Human blue print The nucleus is a membrane-bound
made up of a prokaryotic cell are called
Nucleus organelle that contains the DNA in
prokaryotes. They were the first type of
certain types of cells. Organelles are
organisms to evolve and are still the
specialized structures found in the
most common organisms today.
cytoplasm of cells that have a specific
chromosomes function (or job). There are two basic
types of cells, depending on whether
Organelle the cell has a nucleus or not:
Cell prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic

Continue to Part 2 © Kesler Science, LLC

Read Part 2. Jot down notes
and drawings that will help INPUT Read It!
you remember the meanings STATION
of these words. You can use
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells – Part 2
the sketch/scribble button on
the toolbar.
Eukaryotic cells are cells that To differentiate between a prokaryote
contain a membrane-bound nucleus. and a eukaryote, you should look for
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic cells are usually larger and the nucleus. If a nucleus is present,
more complex than prokaryotic cells. you are looking at eukaryotic cells.
A eukaryote is an organism with
eukaryotic cells. Multicellular
organisms from fungi to people,
contain eukaryotic cells.
Bacteria and archaea
Eukaryotic Eukaryotic cells also contain other
organelles besides the nucleus. The
mitochondria is an organelle that
provides energy to the cell and
vacuoles store water and nutrients.
Eukaryotic cells carry out more
functions than prokaryotic cells can
due to the organelles. Ribosomes are
Animals/organisms, fungi
organelles that make protein and are
the only organelles in prokaryotic
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Your Answers:
INPUT Read It!
1. C Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells –
2. A 1. Which are characteristics of a 3. Which are characteristics of a
prokaryotic cell? eukaryotic cell?
A. Single cellular, has nucleus A. Single cellular, has nucleus

3. B B. Multicellular, has nucleus B. Multicellular, has nucleus

C. Single cellular, no nucleus C. Single cellular, no nucleus
D. Multicellular, no nucleus D. Multicellular, no nucleus

2. What would be the best title for this

A. The Difference Between
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
B. All About the Nucleus
C. Eukaryotic Cells and Evolution
D. Similarities of Prokaryotic and
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Explore It!

Slide will be
used to
answer A
questions on
slides 8-10

Go back to Part 1 Bacteria Cell STATION
Go back to Part 2 © Kesler Science, LLC
Explore It!

Slide will be
used to
questions on
slides 8-10

Animal Cell Plant Cell

Go back to Part 1 STATION
Go back to Part 3 © Kesler Science, LLC
Your Answers:
Explore It! Part 1
1. Different shape in
Look at the two diagrams:
general (compared to
both plant and animal • bacteria
cell) • plant & animal cells
No Membrane bonded 1. Describe at least 3 differences between the
nucleus (compared to bacteria and the other 2 cells.
eukaryotic cell)

Bacteria cell less Cells can be classified into either prokaryotic or

complex, much more eukaryotic cells.
The bacteria is an example of a prokaryotic cell.
Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that are
more primitive than eukaryotic cells. The DNA in
Go to Bacteria Cell prokaryotes is not stored in a nucleus. There is
or no nucleus. INPUT
Go to Plant/Animal Ce
Go to Part 2 © Kesler Science, LLC
Your Answers:
Explore It! Part 2
2. The dna is roaming freely
inside the bacteria, so Look at Label A on the bacteria. It is pointing to the
not organized, it seems DNA.
to be spread around.
2. Describe how the DNA is stored in this
prokaryotic cell. Is it organized? Can it be found
in one small area?
Plant and animal cells are examples of eukaryotic
Eukaryotes are either single or multi-cellular and are
much more complex cells. They have organelles
which each perform a job in the cell.
Eukaryotes have a nucleus which contains the
genetic code, or DNA, for the cell.
Go to Bacteria Cell STATION
Go to Part 3
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Your Answers:
Explore It! Part 3
3. Many organelle, in which
are membrane bonded, Look at Label B on the plant and animal cell. It is
spread out, organized, no
cell wall
pointing to the DNA.

3. Describe how the DNA is stored in these

eukaryotic cells.
1. Eukaryotic cells have 4. With your new knowledge, explain 2 differences
more organelles
than prokaryotic
between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

2. Eukaryotic cells are

plants and animals
while prokaryotic is
cells bacteria.
Go to Plant/Animal Cell STATION
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Your Answers:
Research Part 1
1. Answer here
• Go to “Cells Alive – Eukaryotic Organelles”
• Explore both the plant and animal cell organelles
by clicking Start the Animation.
Answer here 1. Write down which two organelles animal cells
don’t have.
2. Write down one organelle a plant cell does not


Go to Part 2 © Kesler Science, LLC

Your Answers:
Research Part 2
3. Answer here
• Go to “Cells Alive – Bacterial Cell”
• Explore the organelles in the cell by clicking
Start the Animation.
3. What is the function of a genophore?

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Place the
characteristics OUTPUT
STATION Organize
in the Venn
diagram. It!
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Only Both Only

Oldest cell Evolved from

type prokaryotes
Have plasma
Single- membrane Contain
Celled nucleus
Have DNA
Small and Larger and
simple more complex
Cytoplasm Contains
Lack Nucleus
Have organelles
Lack Ribosomes
Single or

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• Draw a quick
sketch of a
STATION Illustrate
prokaryotic cell It!
and a
eukaryotic cell.
• Sketch and
label the DNA
in each of your

See the next

page for help on
inserting pictures
into the page.

Go to Image Help
STATION Illustrate
There are several ways to get images into these

1. Draw on your own paper. Take a picture and upload

that picture to this device, OR,

2. Draw with an app. Open Google Draw, Paint, or any

other graphics app. Draw your image, then either take a
screenshot or picture of your image.

For either option, go to the “Insert” menu on the upper left

corner and choose “Pictures.”

Is your work saved? Select “This Device” and browse to the folder where you
Go Back to Illustrate saved the picture. Click on the file name and click “Insert.”
Go Back to Lab Room
Write It! Question 1
How are 1. Both cells own a cell membrane, cytoplasm, Dna, ribosomes.
prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells


Go to Question 2 © Kesler Science, LLC

Write It! Question 2
Describe the 2. The nucleus is a membrane bound organelle that contains
nucleus in a DNA
eukaryotic cell.


Go to Question 3 © Kesler Science, LLC

Write It! Question 3
Provide an 3. e.Coli is a prokaryotic, a bird is a eukaryotic
organism that is
prokaryotic and
one that is

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Your Answers:
Assess It! Part 1
1. A
1. Which organism is made up of one prokaryotic cell?

2. D
A. bacteria
B. flower
3. B C. bear
D. Cactus
2. Which is true about the nucleus in a prokaryotic cell?
A. It makes ribosomes
B. It is unorganized
C. It contains the DNA
D. There is no nucleus in a prokaryote
3. What do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have in common?
A. Both are always single cell organisms
B. Both contain DNA OUTPUT
C. Both have a nucleus STATION

D. Both are complex cells

Go to Part 2 © Kesler Science, LLC
Your Answers:
Assess It! Part 2
4. prokaryotic
Use the vocabulary words from “Read It” to complete the
5. eukaryotic following sentences.

6. DNA There are two types of cells, with similarities and

differences. The single-cell type is the (4)_____ cell. The
7. nucleus other type is the (5)_____ cell, found in multi-celled
organisms. Both contain genetic information called
8. organelle (6)_____. Single-celled organisms do not contain a
(7)_____, a membrane-bound (8)_____.

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STATION Challenge It!
All other stations must be completed before you
begin this station. Choose one or more of the
activities below.

Click on the
word to go to
the page for
that activity.



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STATION Challenge It!
Prokaryotes reproduce
using binary fission.
Insert a link or a picture of your work here.
Some bacteria can
double as quickly as
every 20 minutes! There are several ways to get images into these pages.

If a colony of 10 cells 1.e Calculate on your own paper. Take a picture and upload that
doubles every 20 picture to this device, OR,
minutes, how many
cells are in the colony Once your picture is saved, go to the “Insert” menu in the upper
after 10 hours? left corner and choose “Pictures.”
Use a piece of paper to
show your work. 2. Complete your math on a Google Doc and link your document
Attach your math here.
Select “This Device” and browse to the folder where you saved
Is your work saved? the picture. Click on the file name and click “Insert.”

Go Back to Challeng
© Kesler Science, LLC
STATION Challenge It!
Select at least 10
vocabulary words
Insert a picture of your flashcards here.
from this lab. Use
index cards to
There are several ways to get images into these pages.
create flashcards
of the vocabulary 1. Draw on your own paper. Take a picture and upload that
terms and picture to this device, OR,
2. Draw with Google Draw, Paint, or any other graphics app.
Draw your image, then take a screenshot or a photo of your

Once your picture is saved, go to the “Insert” menu in the upper

left corner and choose “Pictures.”

Is your work saved? Select “This Device” and browse to the folder where you saved
the picture. Click on the file name and click “Insert.”
Go Back to Challeng
© Kesler Science, LLC
STATION Challenge It!
Create a comic strip
with at least four Insert a picture of your comic strip here.
panels that
illustrates the There are several ways to get images into these pages.
similarities and
differences between 1. Draw on your own paper. Take a picture and upload that
prokaryotic and picture to this device, OR,
eukaryotic cells.
You must use all the 2. Draw with Google Draw, Paint, or any other graphics app.
vocabulary from Draw your image, then take a screenshot or a photo of your
“Read It” and at image.
least one illustration
per panel. Once your picture is saved, go to the “Insert” menu in the upper
left corner and choose “Pictures.”

Is your work saved? Select “This Device” and browse to the folder where you saved
the picture. Click on the file name and click “Insert.”
Go Back to Challeng
© Kesler Science, LLC
STATION Challenge It!
Select either a
prokaryotic cell Insert a picture of your cell here.
or a eukaryotic
cell. There are several ways to get images into these pages:
Find a creative 1. Draw on your own paper. Take a picture and upload that
way to make a picture to this device, OR,
model of the 2. Construct your model. Take a picture and upload that picture
cell, either on to this device, OR,
paper or as a 3D
3. Create a digital model using Google doc or similar and upload
model. it to this device.

Once your picture is saved, go to the “Insert” menu in the upper

left corner and choose “Pictures.”
Is your work saved?
Select “This Device” and browse to the folder where you saved
Go Back to Challeng
es the picture. Click on the file name and click “Insert.”
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