GN 1.2 - Classify Cells

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U1 Cell Structure NOTES Name: Juan Castellanos

L1.2 Classify Cells

1. Cell = Basic unit of structure and function for life.
2. Every cell in your body shares the characteristics of all living things.
3. Cells come in a great variety of shapes and sizes.
4. Eukaryotic cells have the following 4 characteristics:

A. Surrounded by a “Plasma membrane” = barrier between inside the cell and the
outside environment.
B. Contain "Organelles” = structure in the cell that helps it perform its function.
C. Contain “Cytoplasm” = fluid mixture of water, salts, and enzymes that
supports organelles
D. Contain “DNA” molecule that contains instructions for making new cells

5. Based on the organization of their structure, eukaryotic cells can be classified

into two groups:
Characteristics Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Presence of Nucleus No Yes
Presence of membrane- No Yes
bound organelles
Structure & Location of Circular, in the cytoplasm Linear, in the nucleus
Size Usually small (1-10 Usually larger (10-100
micrometers) micrometers)
Example(s) of Organisms Bacteria, Archaea Plants, Animals, Fungi,
Diagram The prokaryotic cell The eukaryotic cell
diagram shows a simple diagram shows a more
cell that lacks a nucleus complex cell that has a
and membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-
organelles. The DNA in a bound organelles such as
prokaryotic cell is circular mitochondria, endoplasmic
and located in the reticulum, and Golgi
cytoplasm. The cell is apparatus. The DNA in a
relatively small and has a eukaryotic cell is linear and
simple structure. Examples located in the nucleus. The
of prokaryotic organisms cell is generally larger and
include bacteria and more complex in structure
archaea. than a prokaryotic cell.
Examples of eukaryotic
organisms include plants,
animals, fungi, and


Discuss the opening analogy of an one-room apartment and a mansion as it
relates to cells.

- Which best represents each type of cell?

- How does this analogy apply to cell structure?

The opening analogy of an one-room apartment and a mansion can be applied to

cells in the following way:
The eukaryotic cell can be compared to a mansion because it is a larger and more
complex structure with many different compartments (organelles) that perform
specific functions. The mansion can be thought of as having many different
rooms, each with a specific purpose, just as the eukaryotic cell has many different
organelles, each with a specific role.
The prokaryotic cell can be compared to a one-room apartment because it is a
simpler and smaller structure with fewer compartments (no membrane-bound
organelles). The one-room apartment can be thought of as having a single space
that serves multiple functions, just as the prokaryotic cell has a single cytoplasmic
space where most of its functions occur.

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