Lumbar Plexus
Lumbar Plexus
Lumbar Plexus
Dr Irum Javaid
Structural Organization of the Nervous System
Nervous System
Spinal Nerves
• Integral part of peripheral
nervous system
o 8 cervical segments
o 12 thoracic segments
o 5 lumbar segments
o 5 sacral segments
o 1 coccygeal segment
• Formed by a combination of nerve fibres from dorsal and ventral roots of Spinal
• Dorsal/Posterior roots carry afferent sensory axons
• Ventral/Anterior roots carry efferent motor axons
• Roots unite at the intervertebral foramina forming a Single Spinal Nerve
Cross section of the spinal cord showing the formation of
the Spinal Nerve
Spinal nerves leave the vertebral canal via intervertebral
foramina, and divides into two branches:
1. Larger Anterior or ventral ramus
Anterior Ramus
Anterior ramus
Ventral root of
spinal cord
White rami
Spinal nerve
Grey rami
Sympathetic chain of
autonomic nervous
Nerve plexus
• Is a branching network of
intersecting nerves
• Located in the lumbar region, within the substance of the psoas major muscle and anterior to
the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae
• Formed by the Anterior rami (divisions) of the lumbar spinal nerves L1, L2, L3 and L4
• It also receives contributions from thoracic spinal nerve 12
• Anterior rami of L1-L4 divide into
several cords
• Ilioinguinal nerve
• Genitofemoral nerve
• Femoral nerve
• Obturator nerve
Iliohypogastric nerve
• Roots: L1
• Roots: L2, L3
Most nerves of the lumbar plexus leave the pelvis by passing under
the inguinal ligament with the exception of obturator nerve which
exits pelvis through obturator foramen
Femoral nerve