Respiratory System
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
• A to C, Lateral views of
the caudal part of the
primordial pharynx
showing the
diverticulum and
partitioning of the
foregut into the
esophagus and
laryngotracheal tube.
• D to F, Transverse
sections illustrating
formation of the
septum and showing how
it separates the foregut
into the laryngotracheal
tube and esophagus. The
arrows indicate cellular
changes resulting from
• Longitudinal tracheoesophageal folds develop in the
laryngotracheal diverticulum, approach each other, and
fuse to form a partition-the tracheoesophageal septum.
• Sadler, TW (2012). Langmans Medical Embroyology
• Moore K (2014). Clinical Oriented Embryology
PRACTICE MCQ - EXAMPLE 3. The trachea is lined with
1. A young mother brings her recently born infant pseudostratified ciliated columnar
into your office and complains that the infant gags epithelium with goblet cells. This
and chokes after swallowing milk. A physical
examination indicates excessive saliva and mucus
epithelium is derived from
around the mouth and nose, abdominal distention, (A) Neuroectoderm
pneumonitis, and radiographs indicate air in the
infant's stomach. What is the most likely cause? (B) endoderm
(A) Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (C) ectoderm
(B) Tracheoesophageal fistula (D) visceral mesoderm
(C) Congenital lobar emphysema
(E) mesoderm of fourth and sixth
(D) Respiratory distress syndrome pharyngeal arches
(E) Pulmonary hypoplasia
2. Within hours after birth, a baby, whose mother
is diabetic, had a rising respiratory rate and 4. Smooth muscle, connective tissue, and
labored breathing. The baby became cyanotic and cartilage of primary bronchi are derived
died. Postmortem histologic examination revealed from which one of the following sources?
collapsed alveoli lined with eosinophilic material.
What is the diagnosis? (A) Neuroectoderm
(A) Congenital emphysema (B) Endoderm
(B) Respiratory distress syndrome (C) Ectoderm
(C) Cystic fibrosis
(D) Visceral mesoderm
(D) Tracheoesophageal fistula
(E) Pulmonary carcinoma (E) Mesoderm of pharyngeal arches 4 and
7. Collapsed bronchi caused by failure of
5. Components of the blood–air barrier in bronchial cartilage development is indicative
the lung are derived from which of the of which one of the following congenital
following sources? malformations?
(A) Congenital bronchial cysts
(A) Ectoderm only (B) Congenital neonatal emphysema
(B) Visceral mesoderm only (C) Tracheoesophageal fistula
(C) Visceral mesoderm and ectoderm (D) Hyaline membrane disease
(E) Pulmonary hypoplasia
(D) Endoderm and ectoderm
8. Pulmonary hypoplasia is commonly
(E) Visceral mesoderm and endoderm associated with which condition?
6. The respiratory diverticulum initially is (A) Hyaline membrane disease
in open communication with the primitive (B) Diaphragmatic hernia
foregut. Which of the following (C) Tracheoesophageal fistula
embryonic structures is responsible for (D) Congenital bronchial cysts
separating these two structures? (E) Congenital neonatal emphysema
(A) Laryngotracheal groove 9. Development of which one of the
following is the first sign of respiratory
(B) Posterior esophageal folds system development?
(C) Laryngotracheal diverticulum (A) Tracheoesophageal septum
(D) Tracheoesophageal septum (B) Hypobranchial eminence
• A. The respiratory system includes the lungs and a series
of airways that connect the lungs to the external
• B. The respiratory system can be functionally classified
into two major subdivisions: a conducting portion,
consisting of airways that deliver air to the lungs, and a
respiratory portion, consisting of structures within the
lungs in which oxygen in the inspired air is exchanged for
carbon dioxide in the blood.
• C. The components of the respiratory system possess
characteristic lining epithelia, supporting structures,
glands, and other features, which are summarized in the
Table, below.
Comparison of Respiratory System
II. Conducting Portion of the Respiratory System
• This portion of the respiratory system includes the nose,
nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles of decreasing
diameters, including and ending at the terminal bronchioles. These
structures warm, moisten, and filter the air before it reaches the
respiratory components, where gas exchange occurs.
A. Nasal cavity
• The nasal cavity is subdivided by the median nasal septum into right
and left nasal cavities, each leading to the paranasal sinuses, thus
providing a large surface area for filtering, moistening, and warming
the inspired air.
• 1. The nares are the nostrils; their outer portions are lined by thin
skin. They open into the vestibule.
• 2. The vestibule is the first portion of the nasal cavity, where the
epithelial lining becomes nonkeratinized. Posteriorly, the lining
changes to respiratory epithelium (pseudostratified ciliated columnar
epithelium with goblet cells).
• a. The vestibule contains vibrissae (thick, short hairs), which
filter large particles from the inspired air.
• b. It has a richly vascularized lamina propria (many venous
plexuses) and contains seromucous glands.
• c. Each nasal cavity contains bony shelves that originate from
the lateral nasal wall and project into the nasal cavity. These are
the superior, middle, and inferior conchae(turbinate bones).
Their structure and placement within the nasal cavity divide it
into separate regions, thereby introducing turbulence to the air
flow. Since they are covered by respiratory epithelium, their
presence increases the surface area for warming, filtering, and
moistening the inspired air.
• d. Paranasal sinuses are air-filled, hollowed out portions of the
sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary bones. These air
sinuses are lined by a thin respiratory epithelium, but the
function of the paranasal sinuses is not known.
3. Olfactory epithelium
• a. Overview
• (1) The olfactory epithelium is located in the roof of the nasal cavity, on
either side of the nasal septum and on the superior nasal conchae.
• (2) It is a tall, pseudostratified columnar epithelium consisting of olfactory
cells, supporting (sustentacular) cells, and basal cells (stem cells).
• (3) It has a lamina propria that contains many veins and unmyelinated
nerves, and houses Bowman glands.
• b. Olfactory cells are bipolar nerve cells characterized by a bulbous apical
projection (olfactory vesicle) from which several modified cilia extend.
• (1) Olfactory cilia (olfactory hairs)
• (a) are very long, nonmotile cilia that extend over the surface of the
olfactory epithelium. Their proximal third contains a typical 9 2 axoneme
pattern, but their distal two-thirds are composed of nine peripheral singlet
microtubules surrounding a central pair of microtubules.
• (b) act as receptors for odor.
• (2) Supporting (sustentacular) cells
• (a) possess nuclei that are more apically located than
those of the other two cell types. (b) have many
microvilli and a prominent terminal web of filaments.
• (3) Basal cells
• (a) rest on the basal lamina but do not extend to the
• (b) form an incomplete layer of cells.
• (c) are believed to be regenerative for all three cell
• (4) Bowman glands (serous glands) produce a thin,
watery secretion that is released onto the olfactory
epithelial surface via narrow ducts. Odorous substances
dissolved in this watery material are detected by the
B. Nasopharynx
• 1. The nasopharynx, the posterior continuation of the
nasal cavities, becomes continuous with the oropharynx
at the level of the soft palate.
• 2. It is lined by respiratory epithelium, whereas the
oropharynx and laryngopharynx are lined by stratified
squamous nonkeratinized epithelium.
• 3. The lamina propria of the nasopharynx, located
beneath the respiratory epithelium, contains mucous and
serous glands as well as an abundance of lymphoid
tissue known as Waldeyer ring, including the pharyngeal
tonsil. When the pharyngeal tonsil is inflamed, it is called
an adenoid.
• 4. Opening into the right and left lateral walls of the
nasopharynx are the auditory tubes (Eustachian tubes),
C. Larynx
• 1. Overview
• a. The larynx connects the pharynx with the trachea. It functions to
produce sounds and close the air passage during swallowing.
• b. The wall of the larynx is supported by hyaline cartilages (thyroid,
cricoid, and lower part of arytenoids) and elastic cartilages (epiglottis,
corniculate, and tips of arytenoids). c. The laryngeal wall also possesses
skeletal muscle, connective tissue, and glands.
• 2. The vocal cords
• It consist of skeletal muscle (the vocalis muscle), the vocal ligament
(formed by a band of elastic fibers), and a covering of stratified squamous
nonkeratinized epithelium.
• a. Contraction of the laryngeal muscles changes the size of the opening
between the vocal cords, which affects the pitch of the sounds caused by
air passing through the larynx.
• b. Inferior to the vocal cords, the lining epithelium changes to respiratory
epithelium, which lines air passages down through the trachea and
intrapulmonary bronchi.
3. Vestibular folds (false vocal cords)
• It lies superior to the vocal cords.
• a. These folds of loose connective tissue contain glands,
lymphoid aggregations, and fat cells.
• b. They are covered by stratified squamous
nonkeratinized epithelium.
D. Trachea and Extrapulmonary (primary)
• 1. Overview
• The trachea, the largest conducting section of the
respiratory system, bifurcates into the right and left
primary bronchi, each of which enters the hilum of the
lung on its side.
• a. The walls of these structures are supported by C-
shaped hyaline cartilages (C-rings), whose open ends
face posteriorly.
• Smooth muscle (trachealis muscle in the trachea)
extends between the open ends of these cartilages.
• b. Dense fibroelastic connective tissue is located
between adjacent C-rings, permitting elongation of the
2. Mucosa
• a. The respiratory epithelium in the trachea possesses
the following cell types.
• (1) Ciliated cells
• (a) have long, actively motile cilia that beat toward the
• (b) move inhaled particulate matter trapped in mucus
toward the oropharynx, thus protecting the delicate
lung tissue from damage.
• (c) also possess microvilli.
• (2) Mature goblet cells are goblet shaped and are
filled with large secretory granules, containing
mucinogen droplets, which are secreted onto the
epithelial surface to trap inhaled particles.
(3) Small granule-mucous cells (brush cells)
• (a) contain varying numbers of small mucous granules.
• (b) are sometimes called brush cells because of their many uniform
• (c) actively divide and often replace recently desquamated cells.
• (d) may represent goblet cells after they have secreted their
(4) Diffuse neuroendocrine cells
• (a) are also known as small granule cells, amine precursor uptake
and decarboxylation (APUD cells), or enteroendocrine cells.
• (b) contain many small granules concentrated in their basal
• (c) synthesize different polypeptide hormones and serotonin, which
often exert a local effect on nearby cells and structures (paracrine
regulation). The peptide hormones may also enter the bloodstream
and have an endocrine effect on distant cells and structures.
• (5) Basal cells
• (a) are short cells that rest on the basal lamina, but do
not extend to the lumen; thus, this epithelium is
• (b) are stem cells that are able to divide and replace the
other cell types.
• b. The basement membrane is a very thick layer
underlying the epithelium.
• c. The lamina propria is a thin layer of connective tissue
that lies beneath the basement membrane. It contains
longitudinal elastic fibers separating the lamina propria
from the submucosa.
• 3. The submucosa is a connective tissue layer
containing many seromucous glands.
• E. Intrapulmonary bronchi (secondary bronchi)
• 1. Intrapulmonary bronchi arise from subdivisions of the
primary bronchi upon entering the hilum of the lung. It
is at this level that the cartilaginous rings of the bronchi
are replaced with plates of irregularly shaped hyaline
• 2. They divide many times and give rise to lobar and
segmental bronchi.
• 3. They are lined by respiratory epithelium.
• 4. Spiraling smooth muscle bundles separate the lamina
propria from the submucosa, which contains
seromucous glands
• F. Primary and terminal bronchioles lack glands in
their submucosa. Their walls contain smooth muscle
rather than cartilage plates (Figure 15.2).
• 1. Primary bronchioles
• a. Primary bronchioles have a diameter of 1 mm or less.
• b. They are lined by epithelium that varies from ciliated
columnar with goblet cells in the larger airways to
ciliated cuboidal with Clara cells in the smaller
• c. They divide to form several terminal bronchioles after
entering the pulmonary lobules.
• 2. Terminal bronchioles
• a. Terminal bronchioles are the most distal part of the
conducting portion of the respiratory system
• b. They have a diameter of less than 0.5 mm.
• c. They are lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium
that contains mostly club cells (formerly known as
Clara cells), some ciliated cells, and no goblet cells. d.
Function. Club cells have the following functions:
• (1) Club cells divide, and some of them differentiate
to form ciliated and nonciliated cells.
• (2) They secrete a surfactant-like material that reduces
alveolar surface tension, preventing the collapse of
alveoli. They also produce club cell secretory protein
whose function is assumed to be the protection of the
respiratory epithelium.
• (3) They metabolize airborne toxins, a process that is
carried out by cytochrome P450 enzymes in their
abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER).
Clinical Considerations: Asthma
• 1. Asthma is marked by widespread constriction of smooth muscle
in the bronchioles, causing a decrease in their diameter.
• 2. It is associated with extremely difficult expiration of air,
accumulation of mucus in the passageways, and infiltration of
inflammatory cells.
• 3. It is often treated with drugs, such as albuterol, that act to relax
the bronchiolar smooth muscle cells and dilate the passageways
and/or with corticosteroids, which are anti-inflammatory.
• 4. Recent studies have demonstrated that there are taste receptors
on the smooth muscle cells of bronchioles of the lungs that respond
to bitter tastes, and when stimulated by a bitter tastant, they cause
bronchiolar smooth muscles to relax and the bronchioles to open to
90% of their normal volume.
• Current work is proceeding to develop aerosolized substances that
can be used to stimulate these receptors
Respiratory Portion of the Respiratory System
• This portion of the respiratory system includes the
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs,
and alveoli, all in the lung.