Week 5 Philo 1
Week 5 Philo 1
Week 5 Philo 1
Key terms to remember:
1. 2. 3.
The ability to surpass limits is called Transcendence, and
it is also one important trait that distinguishes the human
person from another being existence.
> Is a state of experience or
existence above and beyond the
normal or physical level. The term
transcendence derived from the
Latin words “trans” which means to
go beyond and “scandare” which
means to climb.
Transcendence opens the state of thinking and
feeling that there is something more in life than
just physical or material things.
There are some things that seem to be impossible
but people are able to transcends our own limits
through our physical and mental abilities to make
these things possible.
You can use your strengths to transform your
weaknesses and achieve our desires.
Limitations of Man
Having a body, we could
conclude that it limits man
from fulfilling his full
potentials. It is indeed based
on our experience. By
nature, man is limited.
a.Facticity– according to Jean-Paul Sartre, a
French philosopher, it refers to the things in
our lives that are already given ( gender,
color, race,s ocial status, genes, etc,).
> all the facts that we currently have are part
> there are times that people use our facticity
as an excuse for our difficulties an failures.
b. Spatial-Temporal Being – the fact that we
are born and that we exist in a paticular
place and time already sets limitations.
Because of our body, we are limited by
space and time. At times, we care too
engrossed in our past or very anxious
about what will happen to us.
1.Level of temporality – we will not live
forever; limited stay in this world.
1.Level of our being spatial individuals –
we are limited by our bodies to be
present in two or more places at the
same time.
2.Level of understanding – we consider
our spatial-temporal situation as
imposing a limit on us it sets out to be
our preconditions of our understanding.
c. The body as intermediary – body
serves as an intermediary between
as and the physical world.
> It is our body that we can
experience the world as our world
and not the world of others.
As an embodied spirit, In an embodied spirit,
the human person the body is not
Embodied spirit is the
demonstrate self- separated from the
driving force of what
awareness, externality, soul, just as the soul is
we think, do and say.
self-determination, and not separated from the
dignity. body.
1. Answering my
2. Family’s financial
3. Your physical