Aquaculture 2 08102024 060408pm

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Dr. Sa i ma Ma j eed

Seni o r As s i s t a nt Pro f es s o r
Extensive Fish
Extensive fi sh farming
involves low-density
stocking of fi sh in natural
or semi-natural
environments, relying on
natural food sources and
minimal human
intervention. This method
mimics natural ecosystems
and emphasizes
Fish Farming
I n t e n s i v e fi s h f a r m i n g i n v o l v e s
h i g h - d e n s i t y fi s h s t o c k i n g i n
c o n t ro l l e d e n v i ro n m e n t s , s u c h a s
tanks, ponds, or cages. This
m e t h o d m a x i m i z e s p ro d u c t i o n
p e r u n i t a re a b y o p t i m i z i n g
f a c t o r s l i ke f e e d i n g , w a t e r
quality, and disease
Aquatic plants

A) Microalgae, capable of
performing photosynthesis, are
important for life on Earth; they
produce approximately half of
the atmospheric oxygen and use
the greenhouse gas carbon
dioxide to grow
Commercial production of
Commercial applications

It is an important source of
The oldest documented use
Microalgae Use in nutrition/ food for fish and
of microalgae was 2000
aquaculture shellfish used as larval stage
years ago.

Microalgae grown as health

foods or food supplements
Consumption creating
for malnutrition carry a
Microalgae used as products like “caviar”, vegan
variety of nutrients and high
Human Nutrition burgers, fake meat, jams,
amounts of protein with
and other food spreads.
possible effects on
metabolic rate
Biofuel production:

Microalgae can be remarkably rich in oils.

To meet the demands of fossil fuels, alternative means of fuels are being
investigated. Biodiesel and bioethanol are renewable biofuels with much
potential that are important in current research,
Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics:

They are anticoagulants, antioxidants, anticancer agents that are being

tested in medical research.

Red microalgae are characterized by pigments that contain natural

colorants used in pharmaceuticals and/or cosmetics.


This method has been used for rice production in India and Iran, using
the nitrogen fixing property to supplement nitrogen content in soils
B) Seaweed
Practice of cultivating and harvesting seaweed.

The largest seaweed-producing countries as of 2022 are China

(58.62%) and Indonesia (28.6%); followed by South Korea (5.09%) and
the Philippines (4.19%). Other notable producers include NorthKorea
(1.6%), Japan (1.15%), Malaysia (0.53%), Zanzibar (Tanzania, 0.5%),
and Chile (0.3%)

Skincare and cosmetics industry specially soap making industry

Edible seaweed, or sea vegetables, are
seaweeds that can be eaten and used for
culinary purposes. They typically contain
high amounts of fiber.

They may belong to one of several groups

of multicellular algae: the red algae,
green algae, and brown algae
Pol y c ul t ure , de ri v e d from t he
G re e k words "pol y " m e a ni ng
"m a ny " a nd "c ul t ure "
m e a ni ng "c ul t i v a ti on, " re fe rs
to the a gri c ul tura l pra c t i c e of
c ul ti v a ti ng m ul t i pl e spec i e s
of pl a nt s or a ni m a l s i n the
sa m e spa c e
Rice-Fish Farming: Raising fish in rice Combining fish, shellfish,
paddies, where fish control pests and
provide fertilizer through their waste. and seaweed where
seaweed absorbs excess
nutrients from fish waste.
•Benefits: Reduces
Shrimp and Oyster Farming: environmental impact,
Combining species that occupy different enhances system
ecological niches to maximize resource
use. efficiency, and diversifies
Aspect Polyculture Monoculture

High Low

Pest Natural pest predators High reliance on

Control present chemical pesticides

Improved through Soil degradation and

Soil Health
diverse root systems nutrient depletion

Polyculture vs. Monoculture

Greater resilience to Vulnerable to pests
environmental stressors and diseases Understanding the diff erences
between polyculture and
Resource Optimized through Potential resource monoculture highlights the
Use complementary species competition
advantages of diversifi ed
Yield highly
Yield More stable due to
dependent on single
Stability diversified production
Aquaponics is a system that
integrates aquaculture (raising fi sh)
with hydroponics (growing plants
without soil).

In aquaponics, fi sh waste provides

nutrients for the plants, and the
plants help clean and fi lter the
water, creating a symbiotic

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