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Dr. Snehal Bansod

Agriculture remains a key sector in rural areas and

continues to have great potential for reducing poverty
and hunger in the rural sector. In recent years use of
suitable technology has contributed to a steady growth
in agriculture produce. However high food production is
not always associated with higher nutrient content of
food. The problem of shrinking arable land resources,
soil degradation, nutrient depletion in soil, tough climatic
conditions all contribute to the low nutritional content of
food. Multidimensional programs are therefore needed
to turn around this situation. Towards this end it is
Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and very little
essential to draw cross-sect oral strategies and
implement action plan through a multi-agency network
Good source of carotene and also rich in iron
that cover use of improved plant varieties, transgenic
content and minerals
crops, superior livestock, integrated soil health
As the only green food rich in Gamma leolenic acid
improvement program and efficient use of ground water.
(GLA) essential fatty acid
The Government of India, in order to ensure food and
Its overall nutritional qualities make it commercially very
nutritional security for the masses has formulated the
important. The UN World Food Conference in 1974
National Nutritional Policy in 1993.
declared spirulina as the best food for tomorrow. It is
Popular use of neutraceuticals and functional foods can
natures richest and most complete source of total
supplement these efforts and will go a long way in solving
organic nutrition. Today it is an essential component of
diet related chronic diseases and malnutrition problems.
the diet of space travelers and favorite health food of
Spirulina finds worldwide use as protein supplement in
sportsmen. Scientific studies have confirmed spirulina
diets of malnourished children and as a medicine in
as a safe, non-addictive food with no side effects.
therapeutic preparations. It will be worthwhile if rural
Pharmaceutical applications include its use as
educated youth are trained to take-up such projects that
hypocholesterolemic, improved arteriosclerosis index,
can be implemented at village level and may well
hypothyroidism and hypoglycemic. It is also effective in
contribute in solving the local nutritional requirement.
preventing obesity, pancreatitis, hepatitis, constipation,
Spirulina is known to be an age-old health food and it
nutritional anemia, nutritional blindness and cancer. GLA
has been a part of the diets of the ancients in Mexico
has a wide therapeutic usage the deficiency of which is
and in Africa. Spirulina, a simple Cyanobacterium (blue
associated with alcoholism, manic depression,
green algae) grows naturally in fresh water and is fast
symptoms of aging etc. Therefore Spirulina is gaining
gaining popularity for its following properties:
importance as a source of potential pharmaceuticals
Higher protein supplement in comparison to any
and several scientific studies have shown it to have the
other food.
ability to inhibit viral replication and strengthen the
Richest vegetarian source of vitamin B12
immune system, these results have generated

excitement among the researchers. Details for setting-up a Spirulina unit
Other uses of Spirulina find wide demand as natural
Multiplication and utilization of spirulina is easy requiring
source of colorant, in the cosmetic and food processing
less energy inputs and infrastructure. This makes it a
industry. Phycocyanin from spirulina is the popular
suitable small-scale enterprise that can be easily picked
coloring agent along with a broad spectrum of
up by rural educated entrepreneurs for generating
xanthophylls phytopigments. Based on the grade used
additional income. The activity can also be popularized
and the technology adopted for its cultivation it finds
among self-help groups or as cooperatives.
various applications. Spirulina is favored in the feed
Raw Material: Selected strains (algal culture) and
industry (poultry, cattle, aquaculture, sericulture) as a
nutrients, Sodium bi-Carbonate, Magnesium Sulphate,
protein supplement.
Super phosphate, Sodium Chloride, N, P, K and trace
World demand of Spirulina elements.
Nutrient Mix: Each algae sp. has its own specific needs,
The total production of spirulina powder in India is
which are carefully standardized.
estimated at approximately 300 tonnes and the major
Plant and Machinery: Raceways ponds, agitation
producers are Dabur group and EID Parry ltd. There is
system, Carbon dioxide supply system, Nutrient doser,
a good demand in the domestic as well as international
harvester, spray dryer, packaging system, colloid mill
market for both human consumption and also for
and walk in cooler.
therapeutic preparations. The world demand for
Other equipment: Storage bins with lid, Trolleys,
spirulina is estimated at 5000 tonnes per annum and
Balance, handling vessels for raw material handling.
total supply is to the extent of about 2000 tonnes per
annum. The world wide sales of spirulina is growing at Project Cost (base-estimate for a model project)
an astronomical rate of 30 % per year. The US leads S. Particulars Total
world production followed by Thailand, India and China. No. (Rs.)
More countries are planning production for its use as a
1 Land & Land development
valuable source of protein.
(13500 m2) 9,38,000.00
The nutritional value of spirulina is compared with an
egg in the following Table: 2 Building and civil works
(100 m2) 60,04,000.00
Nutrients SPIRULINA EGG 3 Miscellaneous fixed assets 1,01,98,000.00
(10 gm) (One) 4 Plant and machinery 7,70,000.00
5 Preoperative expenses 17,75,000.00
Protein 6.6 g 6.6 g
6 Total Fixed Capital 1,96,85,000.00
Vitamin A 14000 IU 1050 IU 7 Working capital margin 4,98,000.00
8 Total Project cost 2,01,83,000.00
Riboflavin 0.40 mg 0.19 mg
9 Total working capital
Thiamine 0.55 mg 0.095 mg required at 10 % turnover 11,25,000.00

Vitamin B 12 2.3 g 0.28 g MEANS OF FINANCE

Iron 5.8 mg 1.6 mg 10 Promoters contribution 67,50,000.00

11 Term loan 1,34,33,000.00

Production capacity developed at these centres. CFTRI has the expertise to
provide technical assistance and guidance for
Economic Capacity : 50 Kg/day
implementation of the project.
Working capacity : 3 shifts/day
References :
(300 working
Boyd, M. R. et al Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.
41:1521-1530, 1997
Installed capacity : 15 tonnes/annum
Gustafson, K. R., Caredellina, J.H.II., Fuller, R. W.,
Optimum capacity utilization : 70%
Wieshlow, O. S., Kiser, R. F., Sneder, K. M., Patterson,
Spirulina Cultivation G. M. L. and Boyd, M. R. J. Natl.Canc. Inst. 81, 1989
Farm Digest, April-Sept.98, 3-5.
Inoculum is prepared in two weeks using glass jars at
Lab scale, which is transferred, in the ponds. This
inoculum is grown for 12 to 15 days and is used to batch
inoculate the ponds. The process requires cultivation in The Fly Puzzle
ponds for 5 days, by supplying optimum standardized
nutrients. Optimal light intensity of 30-35 klux units of
Two Bicyclists start twenty miles apart and
light is provided using specifially designed shades that
head toward each other, each going at a
may be tailor-made to suit an enterprise. Temperature
of 30 C is ideally maintained for the culture with constant
steady rate of 10 m.p.h. At the same time,
agitation of water using paddle rotating at 10-12 rpm for a fly that travels at a steady 15 m.p.h. starts
even dispersal and multiplication of algae filaments. from the front wheel of the southbound
After 5 days the algae is harvested by filtration, bicycle and flies to the front wheel of the
centrifugation or flocculation. Nylon mesh is widely used northbound one, then turns around and flies
for filtration and the washed biomass is dried using to the front wheel of the southbound one
various means such as spray drier, cross-flow drying, again, and continues in this manner till he is
drum drying etc. crushed between the two front wheels.
Finally the product is stored with vacuum sealing and
moisture content is kept below 5%. The product can be Question: What total distance did the fly
marketed in bulk powder, tablet or capsule form. The cover?
degree of stringency in the above procedure and use of
good quality grade chemicals and nutrients give
There are two ways to answer the problem.
qualitative outputs. The method of drying also
One is to calculate the distance the fly
contributes in obtaining food grade quality product. The
covers on each leg of its trips between the
price in the market varies based on the technology and
grade of Spirulina cultivated. Manufacturers have to
two bicycles and finally sum the infinite
take PFA (GoI) clearance prior to marketing. series so obtained. The quick way is to
observe that the bicycles meet exactly an
Technology Centre hour after they start so that the fly had just
The Central Food Technological Research Institute,
an hour for his travels; the answer must
Mysore is the apex food processing research-center of
therefore be 15 miles.
the country and has the expertise on the subject. Some
of the Universities are also intensively working on
(Compiled by Dr. S. Bansod, from the
Spirulina and have the culture collection for commercial
Biography of the mathematical genius-
exploration. Complete package of technology for
spirulina cultivation for new entrepreneurs have been John Nash, A beautiful mind- Sylvia Nasar)

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