Multivariate Calculus Lecture#01

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Multivariate calculus Lecture#01

Muhammad Junaid Khattak

M.Phil. (Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad)

M.Sc. (Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad)
(Mulitivarite Calculus Lecture # 01)
Email : [email protected]

Cell # 0347-8970099

Domains and Ranges of Functions of Several 1/88

In studying real world phenomenon, a quantity being
investigated usually depends on two or more independent
variables. So we need to extend the basic ideas of the calculus of
functions of a single variable to functions of several variables.
Although the calculus rules remain essentially the same, the
calculus is even richer.

The studies of probability, statistics, fluid dynamics, and

electricity, to mention only a few, all lead in natural ways to
functions of more than one variable.

We shall extend the ideas of single-variable differential calculus

to functions of several variables. Their derivatives are more
varied and interesting because of the different ways the
variables can interact. The applications of these derivatives
are also more varied than for single-variable calculus.

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Many functions depend on more than one independent variable.
The function V = πr 2h calculates the volume of a right
circular cylinder from its radius and height. The function

f (x, y ) = x 2 + y 2

calculates the height of the paraboloid z = x 2 + y 2 above the

P(x, y ) from the two coordinates of P.

The temperature T of a point on Earth’s surface depends on its

latitude x and longitude y , expressed by writing T = f (x, y ). In
this lecture, we define functions of more than one independent
variable and discuss ways to graph them.

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Functions of n Independent
Definition 1.
A function defines a relationship between input(s) and output(s).
Suppose D is a set of n-tuples of real numbers (x1, x2, . . . , xn). A
real-valued function f on D is a rule that assigns a unique
(single) real number
w = f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )
to each element in D. The set D is the function’s domain.
The set of w-values taken on by f is the function’s range. The
symbol w is the dependent variable of f , and f is said to be a
function of the n independent variable x1 to xn. We also call the xj’s
the function’s input variables and call w the function’s output

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Functions of Two Independent
If f is a function of two independent variables, we usually call
the independent variables x and y and picture the domain of f
as a region in the xy -plane. If f is a function of three
independent variables, we call the variables x, y, and z and
picture the domain as a region in space.

As usual, we evaluate functions defined by formulas by

substituting the values of the independent variables in the
formula and calculating the corresponding value of the
dependent variable.

An arrow diagram for the function z = f (x,

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Functions of Two Independent
If f is a function of two variables with domain D, then the
graph of f is the set of all points (x, y, z ) in R2 such that z = f
(x, y ) and (x, y ) is in D.

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Domains and
In defining a function of more than one variable, we follow the
usual practice of excluding inputs that lead to complex numbers or
division by zero. If
f (x, y ) =√ y − x2
then y cannot be less
than x 2 .
If 1
f (x, y )
then xy cannot be zero.
The domain of a function is assumed to be the largest set for
which the defining rule generates real numbers, unless the domain
is otherwise specified explicitly. The range consists of the set of
output values for the dependent variable.

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Example : Functions of Two
Functio Domai Rang
n n e
z = √y − 2
y ≥x2 [0,∞)
z = xy xy =/0 (−∞, 0) ∪ (0,
z = sin Entire ∞) [-1,1]

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Domain of f (x , y ) = 9−x2

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Example : Functions of Three
Functio Domai Rang
n n e
w = √ x2 + y + 2 Entire space [0,∞)
w = x 2+y1 2 (x, y, z ) /= (0, (0, ∞)
2 +z 0, 0)

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Interior Point and Interior of a
Regions in the plane can have interior points just like intervals
on the real line.
Definition 2.
A point (x0, y0) in a region (set) R in the xy-plane is an interior
point of R if it is the center of a disk of positive radius that lies
entirely in R. The interior points of a region, as a set, make up the
interior of the region. An interior point is necessarily a point of R.

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Boundary Point and Boundary of a
Regions in the plane can have boundary points just like
intervals on the real line.
Definition 3.
A point (x0, y0) is a boundary point of R if every disk centered at (x0,
y0) contains points that lie outside of R as well as points that lie in R.
(The boundary point itself need not belong to R.) The region’s boundary
points make up its boundary. A boundary point of R need not belong
to R.

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Open and Closed
Definition 4.
A region is open if it consists entirely of interior points. A region is
if it contains all its boundary points.

As with a half-open interval of real numbers [a, b), some regions

in the plane are neither open nor closed. If you start with the
open disk and add to it some of but not all its boundary points,
the resulting set is neither open nor closed. The boundary
points that are there keep the set from being open. The
absence of the remaining boundary points keeps the set from
being closed.

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Interior Points and Boundary Points of the
Unit Disk

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Bounded and Unbounded Regions in the
Definition 5.
A region in the plane is bounded if it lies inside a disk of fixed radius.
A region is unbounded if it is not bounded.

Examples of bounded sets in the plane include line segments,

triangles, interiors of triangles, rectangles, circles, and disks.

Examples of unbounded sets in the plane include lines,

coordinate axes, the graphs of functions defined on infinite
intervals, quadrants, half-planes, and the plane itself.

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The domain of
f (x, y ) = √y − 2
consists of the shaded region and its bounding
parabola y = x 2 .

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Graphs, Level Curves, and Contours of Functions
of Two Variables
There are two standard ways to picture the values of a function f
(x, y ). One is to draw and label curves in the domain on which f
has a constant value. The other is to sketch the surface z = f
(x, y ) in space.

Definition 6 (Level Curve, Graph, Surface).

The set of points in the plane where a function f (x, y ) has a
constant value
f (x, y ) = c
is called a level curve of f .
The set of all points (x, y, f (x, y )) in space, for (x, y ) in the domain of
f , is called the graph of f . The graph of f is also called the surface
z = f (x, y ).

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Showing level curves being lifted up to graphs of

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The graph and selected level curves of the


f (x, y ) = 100 − x 2 −
y 2.

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The curve in space in which the plane z = c cuts a surface z
= f (x, y ) is made up of the points that represent the
function value f (x, y ) = c.

It is called the contour curve f (x, y ) = c to distinguish it from

the level curve f (x, y ) = c in the domain of f .

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Level and Contour
The figure shows the contour curve f (x, y )
= 75 on the surface

z = 100 − x 2 − y 2

defined by the function

f (x, y ) = 100 − x 2 − y 2 .

The contour curve lies directly above the


x 2 + y 2 = 25,

which is the level curve

f (x, y ) = 75

in the function’s domain.

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The graph of the function f (x, y ) = 6 − 3x
− 2y.

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The graph of the f (x, y ) = (x 2 + 3y 2)e−x
−y 2 .

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The graph of the f (x, y ) = sin x +
sin y.

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The graph of the f (x, y ) =xysin x
sin y

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In the plane, the points where a function of two independent
variables has a constant value f (x, y ) = c make a curve in the
function’s domain.

In space, the points where a function of three independent

variables has a constant value f (x, y, z ) = c make a surface in
the function’s domain.

Definition 7.
The set of points (x, y, z ) in space where a function of three
independent variables has a constant value f (x, y, z ) = c is called a
level surface of f .

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Since the graphs of functions of three variables consist of
(x, y, z, f (x, y, z )) lying in a four-dimensional space, we cannot
sketch them effectively in our three-dimensional frame of
reference. We can see how the function behaves, however, by
looking at its three-dimensional level surfaces.

The level surfaces of f (x, y, z ) = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 are
concentric spheres.

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Interior Points for Space
The definitions of interior, boundary, open, closed, bounded,
and unbounded for regions in space are similar to those for
regions in the plane. To accommodate the extra dimension, we
use solid balls of positive radius instead of disks.
Definition 8.
A point (x0, y0, z0) in a region R in space is an interior point of R if it
is the center of a solid ball that lies entirely in R. The interior of R is
the set of interior points of R.

A region is open if it consists entirely of interior

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Boundary Points for Space
Definition 9.
A point (x0, y0, z0) is a boundary point of R if every sphere centered
at (x0, y0, z0) encloses points that lie outside of R as well as points
that lie inside R. The boundary of R is the set of boundary points of

A region is closed if it contains its entire


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Functions of more than three independent
Functions of more than three independent variables are also

For example, the temperature on a surface in space may

depend not only on the location of the point P(x, y, z ) on
the surface, but also on time t when it is visited, so we
would write T = f (x, y, z, t).

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Modeling Temperature Beneath Earth’s
Example 10.
The temperature beneath the Earth’s surface is a function of the depth
x beneath the surface and the time t of the year. If we measure x in
feet and t as the number of days elapsed from the expected date of the
yearly highest surface temperature, we can model the variation in
temperature with the function

w = cos(1.7 × 10− 2 t − 0.2x )e− 0.2x

(The temperature at 0 ft is scaled to vary from +1 to −1, so that the

variation at x feet can be interpreted as a fraction of the variation at
the surface.)

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Domain, Range, and Level
In the following exercises,

(a) find the function’s domain, (e) determine if the domain is an

(b) find the function’s range, open region, a closed region,
(c) describe the function’s level or neither, and
(d) find the boundary of the (f) decide if the domain is
function’s domain, bounded or
√ 3. f (x, y ) = ln(x 2 +
1. f (x, y ) = y − x
y 2)
2. f (x, y ) = 16−
√ 1x 2 − y
4. f (x, y ) = y
tan− 1

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Solution for (1.) in
(a) Domain: set of all (x, y ) so that y − x ≥ 0 ⇒ y ≥ x
(b) Range: z ≥ 0
(c) level curves are straight lines of the form y − x = c
where c ≥ 0

(d) boundary is y − x = 0 ⇒ y = x , a straight line
(e) closed
(f) unbounded

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Solution for (2.) in
(a) Domain: all (x, y ) satisfying x 2 + y
2 < 16
(b) Range: z 4

(c) level curves1 are circles centered at the origin with
radii r < 4
(d) boundary is the circle x 2 + y 2 = 16
(e) open
(f) bounded

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Solution for (3.) in
(a) Domain: (x, y ) /= (0, 0)
(b) Range: all real numbers
(c) level curves are circles with center (0, 0) and
radii r > 0
(d) boundary is the single point (0, 0)
(e) open
(f) unbounded

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