Pillars of Islam
Pillars of Islam
Pillars of Islam
Book 2, Chapter
There are five key practices that all Muslims are
obligated to fulfil throughout their lifetime.
These practices are referred to as pillars because
they form the foundation of Muslim life.
The five pillars of Islam are Shahada, Salah, Zakat,
Sawm, and Hajj.
2nd pillar
Made obligatory in 2nd
Gift of Isra wal Miraj
Prayer Individual Prayers
Congregational Prayers
These have 27x more reward
than individual ones
Salah means
communication 5 daily namaaz
The 5 daily namaaz can be
•It is compulsory on Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and given in congregation
every sane and Isha
conscious mature Sunnah Friday Prayers
man and woman
Nafl Eid Namaaz
•There are two
types of prayer – Witr Funeral Prayers
Individual and
Congregational. Qasr Taraweeh
clean and pure” (9:108)
“…Turn then your face in the direction of the
Sacred Mosque”
“Prayers indeed have been enjoined on
believers at fixed times”
“Actions are judged by intentions” Prophet
Appropriate Clothings: “
Conditions of Prayer
Qasr: Qaza:
•When it is performed: •When it is performed:
• If a person is able to perform prayer • You need to be travelling a distance of
and remembers that he forgot to do >=48 miles for <=19 days
so (under the circumstances listed •How it is performed:
below) Qaza must be performed • Zuhr, Asr, and Isha are shortened
• A person sleeps through it • Fajr and Maghrib remain the same
• A person forgets to do it • Sunnah and Nafl are unnecessary
• If an accident is taking place • Witr is still compulsory during Ishaa
• During illness •“There is no expiation (for prayer)
except the prayer itself” Prophet
• During unconsciousness Muhammad
Salah: Sajdah Sahv
Qasr, Qaza and Combined
•When it is
• If there is bad
• If you are
• If there is
• In case of
• During Hajj
• If you can not
stay pure for
Friday Prayers
Eid Prayers:
It is Wajib for every male, adult, sane Muslim
They were made compulsory in 1AH
Congregational They can be offered from sunrise to midday
Since it is a special occasion, a bath should
Prayers be taken, new clothes and perfume should
be worn
Funeral Prayers
It is a Farz-e-Kifaya prayer performed when
someone passes away
Fasting (Saum)
People who Must Fast:
•Sane, adult, healthy Muslims
•The old
•The chronically ill
•Those overwhelmed by hunger/thirst so much that they fear
they might contract an illness or die if they continue fasting
•People with hard jobs that require constant attention (such as
The Holy Prophet has emphasized its goodness multiple
times:“Take Sehr as there is blessing in it”
•During Ramadan, one must make special efforts
to be good and abstain from bad deeds
• As the irritance due to hunger makes this much more difficult,
good deeds are 70x more rewarded
Lailatul Qadr
•On this day, Angel Gibrael and other angels
descend to take your prayers and bless you
• Supplications are answered most in this night – it has high
•“Night of Power is better than a thousand
months” (97:3)
Qaza, Fidya, and Kuffara Fasts
Qaza: Kuffara
•To be performed by: •To be performed by:
•To be performed • People who have
• Travellers by: intentionally broken
• Menstruating and • The elderly their fast without
breastfeeding women • The chronically any justified reason
• People overcome by ill • People who have
hunger or thirst to • People who vomited to break
such an extent that have hard jobs
they fear they might
their fasts
which require
contract an illness or constant
die if they continue attention
fasting • Pregnant
Qaza, Fidya, and Kuffara Fasts
Qaza: Kuffara
•How to perform: •How to perform:
•How to
• The number of • As it is a
perform:Througho punishment:
missed fasts are ut Ramadan, you • You either perform
performed in any must feed the 60 consecutive fasts
month other than poor twice a day in any month other
Ramadan than Ramadan
• They are performed •The donated food • You feed 60 people
between the 2nd must be 2.25kg of everyday
day of Eid ul Fitr and that food which • You give money
the next Ramadan you eat equivalent to
Sadqatul Fitr for 60
Dates for Voluntary and
Forbidden Days for Fasting