Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
An overview on Energy sources (15EE563)
A. Biomass Energy: Biomass Production, Energy Plantation,
Biomass Gasification, Theory of Gasification, Gasifier and Their
Classifications, Chemistry of Reaction Process in Gasification, Updraft,
Downdraft and Cross-draft Gasifier, Fluidized Bed Gasification, Use of
Biomass Gasifier, Gasifier Biomass Feed Characteristics, Applications
of Biomass Gasifier, Cooling and Cleaning of Gasifier.
B. Biogas Energy: Introduction, Biogas and its Composition,
Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas Production, Benefits of Biogas, Factors
Affecting the Selection of a Particular Model of a Biogas Plant, Biogas
Plant Feeds and their Characteristics.
C. Tidal Energy: Introduction, Tidal Energy Resource, Tidal Energy
Availability, Tidal Power Generation in India, Leading Country in Tidal
Power Plant Installation, Energy Availability in Tides, Tidal Power
Basin, Turbines for Tidal Power, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Tidal Power, Problems Faced in Exploiting Tidal Energy.
Biomass to Energy
Biodiesel is made
through a chemical
change, reacting oil
or fat with alcohol.
Energy in Biomass
C + O2 CO2 + Heat
Temperature rises until the balance is reached between heat supplied and heat loss
4. Reduction Zone: Hot gases passes through the reduction
zone after combustion zone. As there is no oxygen in this zone
inflammable CO2 gas react with carbon in the fuel and forms
flammable CO gas. Reaction is endothermic,
C + O2 CO2 + Heat
The traces of water vapour are mixed with carbon to give CO and
C + H2O+ Heat CO + H2
If still more water vapours are there then flammable gasses react
with CO and form as CO2 and H2. The reaction is Exothermic.
CO + H2O - Heat CO2 + H2
Conversion efficiency is around 75%.
Updraft Gasifier:
The Oldest and simplest type of
Gasifier is the counter current or
updraft Gasifier.
The air intake is at the bottom
and gas leaves at the top.
The reactive agent (generally
steam) is injected at the bottom
of the reactor and ascends to the
The Fuel is introduced at the top
and descends to bottom.
Applications are
1. Packaged boilers
2. Thermal Fluid Heaters
3. Aluminium melting/annealing
4. All kind of fryer roaster
Downdraft Gasifier:
Here air is introduced at or above
the oxidation zone and the producer
gas is taken at the bottom.
Fuel and gas move in same
Biomass is fed at top
It require 5 or 6 minutes to start the
process and as the temperature is
high, tars and oils are cracked
Applications are
1. Continuous baking
ovens(bread, biscuits, etc)
2. Batch type baking
3. Dryers & curing (tea, coffee)
4. Boilers
5. Thermal fluid heaters
Cross-draft Gasifier:
Here the ash bin, fire and
reduction zone are separated
Design characteristics makes
fuel usage should have less
ash production
Higher temperature operation
makes production of CO , CH4,
H2 when charcoal is used as
Cross draft operates in dry
fuel and dry air blast.
Biomass is fed from top in
regular intervals of time and
converted through a series of
processes into producer gas
Fluidized Bed Gasifiers:
It is used to convert prepared wastes
into clean fuel gas that can be used to
fire various type of industrial
The bed is made of inert materials (such
as sand, ash or charcoal) and its is
Fuel is introduced when temperature has
reached appropriate level.
The bed material transfers heat to the
fuel and blows the reactive agent
through distributor plate at controlled
Here drying, pyrolysis, gasification
occurs simultaneously.
The fuel particles are introduced at the
bottom of the reactor, very quickly
mixed with bed material,,
instantaneously heated up to bed
So Pyrolysed very quickly, further
Advantages and Benefits of Fluidized
Bed Gasifiers:
1. Reduced cost of boiler or dryer operation by using wood rather than gas or
2. Reduced cost for additional steaming capacity when compared to new boilers.
3. Reduced dependency on external fuel sources for propane, natural gas, oil.
1. High Overall efficiency
2. Fuel Flexibility
3. Highly Reliable
4. Low purchase and installation costs
5. Flexible operations
6. Low emissions.
Use of Biomass Gasifier:
The out put of biomass Gasifier can be used for variety of thermal application
It can be also used as Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines to obtain mechanical power
Fuel should be cleaned before using it in any engines.
India is one of the leading country in production of biomass gasification.
Obtaining the Liquid fuel from biomass is Tougher.
C6H12O6 3CO2+3CH4
The remaining Indigestible Material cannot be used by Microbes and any
dead bacterial remains constitute the Digestate ( Good Manure)
Biogas Production:
Construction Parts of Biogas Plants:
It is a Brick and Cement Structure having following five sections
1. Mixing Tank
2. Digester Tank
3. Dome or Gas Holder
4. Inlet Chamber
5. Outlet Chamber
Mixing Tank: It is first part located above the ground level in which water
and cow dung are mixed together in equal proportions (1:1) to form Slurry
that is fed into inlet chamber.
Digester Tank: It is deep underground structure and divided into two
chambers by a partition wall in between. The digester is also called
Fermentation tank. It is of cylindrical structure, made up of bricks, sand and
cement over a solid foundation. It has two pipes : (i) Inlet Pipe- It’s the Inlet
chamber for putting slurry in digester tank, (ii) Outlet Pipe- The Overflow
chamber for removal spent slurry from digester tank.
Dome or Gas Holder: The hemispherical top portion of the digester is
called Dome. It has fixed height in which all gas generated within digester
are collected. The gas collected in the dome exerts pressure on the slurry in
the digester. Dome can either be fixed or floating, made of inverted steel
drum resting on the digester above the ground surface. The dome moves up
and down due to gas pressure.
Inlet Chamber: The cow dung slurry is supplied to the digester via Inlet
chamber. It has Bell Mouth sort of shape and is made of Bricks and cement,
sand. The outlet wall is made inclined so that slurry flows easily into the
Outlet Chamber: The digested slurry from the biogas plant is removed
through outlet chamber.
Gas Outlet Pipe and Valve: The gas holder has a outlet at top which
can be connected to gas stoves for many applications(cooking, electricity
generation). Flow of gas can be controlled by valve.
Foundation: It is made of Cement, sand and Bricks. The Foundation should
be waterproof so that there is no Percolation (Percolation is the process of
a liquid slowly passing through a filter ) and Leakage of Water.
Working Of Biogas Plant.
Types of Biogas Plant:
Fixed Dome Type:
It consists of following parts : (i) Mixing Tank (ii) Inlet Chamber (iii) Digester
Advantages :
The costs of fixed dome biogas plant is low as compared to floating type.
It is simple in construction as no moving parts
It is made of bricks, concrete and cements and long life of the plant
Construction saves the space and protect from the physical damage.
Temperature fluctuation may occur during day and night.
Porosity and cracks in plant walls
Maintenance is difficult.
Floating Type:
Very Efficient
Simple maintenance
Disadvantages: 1. Expensive 2. Steel drum may rust 3. Requires
regular maintenance
Different Models of Biogas Plants:
Fixed Dome Biogas Plants:
1. Chinese Fixed Dome Type
2. Janata Model
3. Deenbandhu Model
Floating Dome Plants:
1. KVIC ( Khadi and Village Industries Commission)
2. Pragathi Model
3. Ganesh Model
4. Arati Bogas model
5. BORDA model.
Benefits of Biogas Plant
1.Production of energy ( heat, light and electricity)
2.Transformation of Organic wastes into high quality
organic fertilizer
3.Health Benefits of biogas and the improvement of
Hygienic Conditions ( Reduction of Pathogens, Worm
eggs, flies)
4.Reduction of workload, mainly for women in firewood
collection and cooking
5.Environmental Advantages through protection of
forests, soil, water, and air
6.Global environmental benefits of biogas technology
Factors affecting the selection of a
particular model of a Biogas Plant:
2.Simplicity In Design
4.Suitability for use with available raw inputs
5.Inputs and Outputs use frequency
Biogas plant Feeds and Their
Different Organic Material have Different Biochemical Characteristics, and Gas
production also varies.
Carbon to Nitrogen(C/N) Ratio:
The Relationship between amount of carbon to nitrogen present in organic
materials ranging from 20 to 30 is considered as optimum fro anaerobic
For very low C/N ratio, nitrogen liberated and accumulated in the form of
Ammonia (NH4) which will increase the pH value of the content. A pH values
higher than 8.5 will make Digestate as Toxic on Methanogenesis.
1. Clean fuel of higher calorific value and convenient ignition temperature
2. No Residue, smoke, and dust produced
3. Non – Polluting, significant health benefits
4. Economical Benefits of biogas and high quality manure
5. Provides nutrient rich (N and P) manure for plants.
1. Initial Cost of installation of the plant is high.
2. Inadequacy of organic raw materials and its continuous supply
3. Social acceptability
4. Maintenance and repair of bio gas plants.
1. It is used as a domestic fuel
2. It is used as a fuel for motive power
3. It is used for electricity generation.
Kanoria Chemicals Ltd.
Ankleshwar, Gujarat
Brihan Maharashtra Sugar Syndicate Ltd.
Akluj ,Maharashtra
Module 4(C)
Tidal Energy
Tides are periodic rise and falls of large bodies of water.
Gravity is major force that creates the Tide.
Spring tides occurs when earth, moon and sun are in
Line and are strongest.
Neap tides occur in quarter moon(when sun and earth
moon are at right angles) and are weaker.
Energy present in ocean are divided as
1. Tidal Energy
2. Wave Energy
3. Ocean Thermal Energy
What is a Tide ?
Tides are the rising and falling of Earth's ocean
surface caused by the tidal forces of the Moon and
the Sun acting on the oceans.
Tides Tidal power utilizes the twice-daily variation in
sea level caused primarily by the gravitational
effect of the Moon and, to a lesser extent the
Sun on the world's oceans. The Earth's rotation
is also a factor in the production of tides.
The interaction of the Moon and the Earth
results in the oceans bulging out towards the
Moon (Lunar Tide). The sun’s gravitational field
pulls as well (Solar Tide)
As the Sun and Moon are not in fixed positions
in the celestial sphere, but change position
with respect to each other, their influence on
the tidal range (difference between low and
high tide) is also effected.
If the Moon and the Sun are in the same plane
as the Earth, the tidal range is the
superposition of the range due to the lunar
and solar tides. This results in the maximum
tidal range (spring tides). If they are at RIGHT
ANGLES to each other, lower tidal differences
are experienced resulting in neap tides.
Tidal Energy Resources:
Tides are caused due to gravitational pull of the
moon and also the sun( very low pull)
The rise of sea water is called High Tide
The fall of sea water is called Low Tide
Tide dams are built near to the sea shores
The water mass moved by the moon’s gravitational
pull when moon is very close to ocean and results in
Tide Cycle.
The tide starts receding as the moon continues its
travel further over the land, away from ocean,
reducing its gravitational influence on the ocean
waters results in Ebb Cycle.
Tidal Barrage
• Utilize potential energy
• Tidal barrages are typically dams built across an estuary or bay.
• consist of turbines, sluice gates, embankments, and ship locks.
What is the Tidal force ?