Suplemento Cordero
Suplemento Cordero
Suplemento Cordero
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
This paper represents a review work on the different animal and plant sources of protein supplements for
growing calves, comparative nutrient degradabilities and difference in growth and reproductive performances of
calves fed with those protein supplements. Animal origin protein sources include meat and bone meal, blood
meal, poultry by-product meal (poultry meal) and feather meal. These are all concentrated sources of protein and
amino acids and some are also good sources of vitamins and essential minerals. There are many possible sources
of plant protein for livestock rations. These include oilseeds, by-products of food production, arable and forage
legumes. Animal origin protein supplements in general have better composition and balance of amino acids
compared with plant origin proteins. Higher level of rumen undegradable intake protein fractions of animal
sourced proteins has been demonstrated. The overall intake, digestibility and performance of calves fed either
animal origin or plant origin protein supplements are comparable.
Keywords: Animal protein, plant protein; intake; digestibility, performance
1. Introduction
Proteins are required by the calf to maintain biological processes on a daily basis, as well as repairing tissues and
forming blood. Proteins are also an integral part of growth, such as the laying down of muscle. Most protein
synthesis takes place in other body tissues such as the liver and gut wall, which are actively concerned with
processing nutrients to meet the requirements of the body. These metabolic functions include such things as
synthesis of enzymes and hormones; cell division and cell repair, and so require a continuous supply of different
types of protein and energy. The building blocks of all proteins are amino acids.
There are more than 20 specific amino acids needed by livestock. Feed protein is broken down by
digestion into its individual amino acids, which the calf absorbs and then resynthesises for its maintenance and
growth. The precise needs for specific amino acids are well known in non-ruminants such as pigs and poultry but
there is little information available on the amino acid requirements of calves and adult ruminants. Because the
milk-fed calf depends entirely on its diet to supply them, the amino acid composition of whole milk would
probably match its specific requirements. To optimize production, growing calves are often supplemented with
undegradable intake protein (UIP) to meet their metabolizable protein requirements. Using supplements with
increased UIP protein values has previously been shown to increase gains in growing cattle (Wilson et al., 1999).
The use of various protein sources offers the chance to consider the effects of digestible protein, rumen
undegradable protein, metabolizable protein, or amino acids on growth. Metabolizable protein is a function of
the rumen undegradability of the protein, the protein’s digestion, and also how well the rumen degraded protein
fraction is captured as microbial protein.
The objectives of this paper were to review
The different animal and plant sources of protein supplements for growing calves
The comparative nutrient degradabilities of animal and plant origin protein supplements and
The difference in growth and reproductive performances of calves fed with animal and plant origin
protein supplements.
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
by burning off the organic content of bone. Bone meal is a good source of both calcium (30%) and phosphorus
(13%). Other minerals found in bone are also found in bone meal. It has the advantage of being available and can
be produced by the local farmer.
Table 2. Suitability of animal proteins to supply a portion of the protein in feeds for various animal species
Specie Meat & Bone Blood Feather Poultry
Chickens Yes Yes Yes Yes
Turkeys Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cattle No Yes Yes Yes
Fish Yes Yes Yes Yes
Shrimp Yes ? Yes Yes
Dogs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
processed (undercooked) soya bean meal(Yin et al., 2011). There are different types of soya bean meal products
used for animal feeding and these include solvent extracted, mechanically extracted, extruded, full fat, soya
protein isolate, soya protein concentrate, soya oligosaccharides and fermented soya among others. The idea
behind the various type of treatment applied to soya bean seed is to neutralise the effect of anti-nutrients present
in these seeds and to improve the palatability, flavour and digestibility of soya bean meal products for animal
consumption and utilization.
Sunflower meal- also called sunflower oilcake, is a biologically and economically useful protein source for
cattle. It is the product obtained by grinding flakes after most of the oil has been removed by either solvent or
mechanical extraction processes. In general, ruminants can utilise sunflower meal with its higher fibre levels
more effectively than other species. Sunflower oilcake constitutes the fourth largest source of supplemental
protein for livestock feeding after soybean meal, cottonseed meal, and canola meal. The nutritive value of
sunflower oilcake depends on the oil extraction process and efficiency, variety of sunflower and the proportion
of the hulls removed during processing. SFM is characterized contains Variable protein (23 to 39% CP) and
fiber (11 to 29% crude fiber or 12 to 22% ADF) content. SFM has High degradability of protein into rumen
(approximately 78%) (Todorov et al., 2007). Amino acid content of SFM is characterized with relatively high
content of sulphur containing amino acids methionine and cystine, but low content of lysine. Sunflower meal is
the by-product of the oil extraction process. Oil is the majority value of sunflower seed and meal is considered a
by-product. Sunflower meal is an excellent livestock feed, especially for ruminants. Most ruminants need
supplemental protein at some stage of production. Sunflower meal is very useful in many cattle rations. Nitrogen
required by rumen microbes can be provided in the form of rumen- degradable protein from sunflower meal.
Sunflower meal is more ruminally degradable (74% of crude protein) than soybean meal (66%) or canola meal
(68%) (NRC, 1996). Sunflower meal is entirely adequate as the sole source of supplemental protein in dairy
rations. Milk production was similar when partially dehulled (Schingoethe et al., 1977) or fully dehulled (Parks
et al., 1981) sunflower meal replaced soybean meal in dairy cow rations. Cows fed an extruded blend of
sunflower and soybean meal had a more desirable amino acid balance than cows fed soybean meal, indicating
that a blend of sunflower and soybean proteins may be better than either protein source alone for high producing
cows. Sunflower meal is also well utilized in young calves and growing heifers (Park et al., 1980). Weight gains
and feed consumption were similar for calves and heifers fed sunflower meal or soybean meal. Digestion trials
indicated that protein digestibility was the same for both meal rations (79 percent) but energy digestibility was
slightly less for sunflower meal rations (73 percent vs.78 percent for soybean meal) because of the low
digestibility of sunflower hulls (Nishino et al.,1980). Sunflower meal was equivalent to soybean meal for
growing heifers. The 31 percent protein sunflower meal was as suitable as urea when fed to steers at up to 20
percent of the ration and as suitable as cottonseed meal when fed at 11 percent of the growing finishing ration
(Richardson and Anderson, 1981). Feeding sunflower meal at 22 percent of the ration resulted in increased dry
matter and crude protein digestibility and higher nitrogen retention
Rapeseed meal (RSM)- Canola meal, or rapeseed meal, is a by-product of the oil extraction of canola. The meal
is produced by the solvent extraction process along with the oil. The processing method will influence the
nutrient availability, the anti-nutritional factors (toxins) and thus the nutritive value of the meal. Solvent
extracted canola meal is processed at lower temperatures to produce a high quality meal with low levels of the
anti-nutritional factors. Canola meal can also be produced by the less common techniques of cold pressing and
expeller extraction. There are some differences in the processes, which affect the nutritive value of the resulting
meal. Cold pressed meal may contain higher levels of toxins, which will limit its inclusion into feeds
Seeds of rape, canola type, contain approximately 40% oil and 22% CP. Remaining after extraction of
oil RSM contain between 32 and 40% CP depending on variety of rape, growing condition and processing the
seeds (Yildiz and Todorov, 2014). Remaining oil in RSM varied from 2 to 4%, and crude fiber varied from 11 to
14%. RSM contains significant quantity of crude fiber (9.5%), ADF (20.8%) and NDF (30.1%) (Anonymous,
2011). Increasing the ruminal turnover rate from 2 to 5% and 10 %/hour reduced effective degradability from
79.3 to 65.2% and 56.9% respectively (Sadeghi and Shawrang, 2006). According data summarized by NRC
(2001) rumen degradability of CP is 73% at low DM intake and 64% at 4 kg DM intake/100 kg body weight.
Canola meal optimizes the amount of absorbable amino acids for lactating dairy cows by providing adequate
amounts of rumen-degradable protein (RDP) that stimulates microbial protein production in the rumen.
Microbial protein is a high-quality protein that accounts for as much as 60% of a dairy cow’s metabolizable
protein requirements for milk synthesis. The high rumen protein degradability of canola meal efficiently
provides ammonia, amino acids and peptides, which are essential growth factors for rumen bacteria that can be
readily incorporated into microbial protein (Brito et al., 2007).
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
2.3. Effect of Animal Origin Protein Supplements on Intake and Nutrient Degradability
Alam et al. (2012) reported that addition of fish meal in the concentrate portion of heifers diet results in an
increase of total dry matter intake. 5%, 7.5% and 10% fish meal addition to the diet results in 7.7, 7.5, and 8.5
kg/day DMI. The same report showed that there is a tendency to increase digestibility when increase the fish
meal contents. 53.7, 57 and 56.7 % crude protein digestibility were reported respectively for the same amount of
fish meal additions. Klemesrud et al. (1998) reported daily DMI( % BW) of 2.08 and 2.08 for feather meal and
poultry by product meals respectively in calves. In a study to evaluate the ruminal escape protein value and post
ruminal digestibility of fish meal (FM) vs two high-bypass protein blends in an 88% concentrate finishing diet
where, blend 1 (B-1) contained 5% fish meal, 25% meat and bone meal, 20% blood meal, and 50% hydrolyzed
feather meal and blend 2 (B-2) contained 55% meat and bone meal, 25% blood meal, 10% fishmeal, and 10%
feather meal. Ruminal indigestible intake protein values averaged 52, 69, and 71%, for FM, B-1 and B-2,
respectively while post ruminal protein digestibilities of FM, B-1, and B-2 were 95.7, 77.6, and 87.0%,
respectively. Typically 60–70% of the protein in fishmeal escapes degredation in the rumen and hence it is an
excellent source of DUP. Gibb et al. (1992) reported that the true N digestibility of feather meal (FM) and meat
and bone meal (MBM) as 89.8% and 96.7% respectively.
Addition of fishmeal increased the digestibility of DM from a mean of 0·708 to 0·744, digestibility
of gross energy from 0·646 to 0·694 and that of N from 0·422 to 0·592 but had no significant effect on the
digestibility of cellulose (0·766 vs 0·788 for treatments without and with fishmeal respectively (Thomas et al.,
1980). The crude protein effective degradability of poultry by-product meal is lower than that of soybean meal
(Kamalak et al., 2005) and rapeseed meal (Mustafa et al., 2000) with a ratio of 0.7-0.8, and higher than that of
meat and bone meal (Klemesrud et al., 1997). Milk production is a livestock enterprise in which small-scale
farmers can successfully engage in order to improve their livelihoods (Hemme et al., 2005). There is
considerable evidence that specific nutrients, level of feeding, and body condition may influence fertilization of
ova or ease of conception (Cole and Cupps, 1977).
2.4. Effect of Animal origin protein supplements on Growth and Reproductive Performances
supplementation of fish meal (FM) with rice straw based diet can be the best options for feeding crossbred
heifers to obtain better performances in terms of dry matter intake, digestibility, daily weight gain and
reproductive performance especially estrus. The daily weight gain (g/d) of calves in a 90 days of experimental
period was reported as 251.8, 225.9, 262.9 and 440.7 for a fish meal addition of 0%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%
respectively in the diet (Alam et al., 2012). Isabelle et al. (1990) also observed that live-weight gain of heifers,
were significantly higher at the higher plane of feeding through FM with straw based diet. Another study
conducted by Rocha et al. (1995) showed that bulls assigned to fed FM had higher total weight gain. A linear
effect of FM on average daily gain in steers fed grass silage supplemented with FM up to 6.4% of dietary DM
concluded by Veira et al. (1994). Klemesrud et al. (1998) reported daily daily body weight gain(kg) of of 0.44
and 0 .43 for feather meal and poultry by product meals respectively in calves. Fishmeal substantially increased
growth rate of calves fed with silage by 0.49 and 0.3 kg per day (Veira et al., 1998). In Holstein calves,
supplementation with poultry by-product meal at 10 % results in higher growth performance and economic
efficiency (Heuzé et al., 2011). Study were conducted to measure the performance of calves to three
displacement levels of the imported feed ingredients, soyabean meal (SBM) and maize, with the locally available
by-product feeds poultry by-product meal (PBPM) and broken rice, respectively. In the first experiment, calves
on the PBPM diets up to 50 kg liveweight did not achieve the levels of growth obtained by those on the all SBM
diets. At 0, 33 and 66 percents of crude protein displacement levels of SBM and PBPM pre weaning gains were
98 g/d, 44 g/d, and -20 g/d, respectively. This trend continued post-weaning with gains of 500 g/d, 381 g/d and
340 g/d for the respective diets. In the 50 to 100 kg live weight range, utilization of PBPM by calves improved,
and gains of 805 g/d, 766 g/d and 798 g/d were obtained, respectively. In the second experiment, calves
performed similarly on diets when broken rice displaced 0, 50, or 100 percent of the digestible energy
contributed by maize in the concentrate formulation. Preweaning gains averaged 124 g/d, 120 g/d and 157 g/d
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
for the respective diets. Post-weaning gains of 440 g/d, 461 g/d and 440 g/d were later almost doubled to 870
g/d, 822 g/d, and 883 g/d for the respective diets of calves in the 50 to 100 kg live weight range (Surujbally,
Addition of 10% and 5% fish meal results in 100% occurrence of estrus in heifers fed straw based
concentrate (Alam et al., 2012). Staples et al. (1998b) reviewed several studies in which included FM in the diet
of dairy cows. Burke et al. (1997) observed that every 0.5-unit increase in BCS at 58 day postpartum for cows
synchronized twice, the rate of estrus detection increased more. Although cows with greater DMI have lower
progesterone concentration, improving energy status by enhancing DMI increases peripheral concentrations of
progesterone (Britt, 1994), which benefits reproduction. Conception rate at first service and pregnancy rate were
56.15, 75 and 76.92, 87.5%, respectively for 34 and 75 g/kg DM supplementation of poultry by product meals in
dairy heifers (Yazdi et al., 2009).
2.6. Effect of plant origin protein supplements on Growth and Reproductive Performances
In a study to see growth and reproductive performance of calve with dietary treatments of cotton seed meal
(CSM) plus maize gluten feed (MGF) as a control, Soyabean meal (SBM) and maize gluten meal (MGM),
revealed that average daily weight gain as 1.09, 1.15 and 1.12 respectively for CSM+MGF, SBM and MGM(EL-
Ganiny et al., 2010). In a 183 days supplementation of cotton seed cake and sunflower meals to Friesian calves
resulted in a body weight (kg) gain of 0.849 ± 0.056, and 0.914 ± 0.027, while feed efficiency averaged 2.72 ±
0.172, and 2.53 ± 0.0.072, respectively Consumption of the CSM supplement averaged 0.43kg per head per day
by nursing calves (Kunkle et al., 1991). Average daily gain (kg) and feed efficiencies (kg feed dry matter/kg
gain) for calves fed rapeseed, sunflower, or soybean meals were .58, .64, .65, and 3.10, 2.96, 3.08(Stake et al.,
1973). Feeding calf starters with 0, 10 or 20% rapeseed meal did not result in a significantly different average
daily gain. Growth rate during 20 weeks averaged 0.80, 0.76 and 0.77 kg per day, respectively (Fiems et al.,
1984). The growth performance of 18 Holstein and 20 Jersey heifer calves fed calf starter meals containing
either cottonseed meal (CSOCM) or soybean meal (SBOCM) was compared. The diets were isonutritious in
terms of crude protein and energy, and were fed from two weeks of age until two or three months of age to
Holstein or Jersey calves respectively. Average daily gain of Jersey and Holstein heifer calves was 0.435±0.02
and 0.635±0.03 kg/day respectively (Bangani et al., 2000). Weaned calves have been shown to perform very
effectively when canola meal is used as the protein supplement. Claypool et al. (1985) found that 45-day-old
Holstein calves gained at rates of 0.6-0.9 kg per day when offered a canola meal-based starter ration during a
seven-week pre-weaning and eight-week post-weaning period, respectively (Hill et al., 1991). The usual
performance response observed with canola meal supplementation can often be attributed to the extra protein
rather than the source of protein. Koenig and Beauchemin (2005) examined the efficacy of canola meal in corn-
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
based feedlot rations. Canola meal resulted in similar weight gain as the iso-nitrogenous control (1.48kg/d vs
1.40kg/d, respectively). However, canola meal supplementation of the low protein diet increased weight gain
from 1.29-1.48kg/d as would be expected.
Age at maturity for cotton seed cake and sunflower meal supplemented caves on averaged were 376.33
± 16.83 and 333.67 ± 4.84 days, respectively (Ahmad et al., 2004). Dietary treatments of cotton seed meal
(CSM) plus maize gluten feed (MGF) as a control, Soyabean meal (SBM) and maize gluten meal (MGM),
resulted in a Testicular volume (cm3) of 208.05, 238.71 and 253.12 respectively (EL-Ganiny et al., 2010).
Similarly, the average semen-ejaculate volume produced was 4.14, 4.25 and 4.10 (ml).
Table 4. Differences in apparent nutrient digestibility coefficient (%) of animal and plant origin protein
supplements DM CP Fat Energy sources
Animal origin
Fish meal 67.77 88.84 80.36 95.46 Salim et al., 2004
Blood meal 56.85 71.90 75.30 59.55 Hussain et al., 2011
Meat meal 42.35 79.92 67.40 61.55 Hussain et al., 2011
Feather meal 5 5 .7 71.3 - - Blasi et al.,1991
Plant origin
Sunflower 38.18 71.46 82.37 Hussain et al., 2011
SBM 70.51 92.81 95.36 90.63 Zhou et al., 2004
Rapeseed meal 58.52 88.97 93.71 83.07 Zhou et al., 2004
2.7. Differences in Ruminal Escape Protein Components Animal and Plant Origin supplements
Escape protein is protein that is not degraded in the rumen and thus escapes to the small intestine, were it can be
digested. Protein concentrates of plant origin, such as cottonseed meal and soybean meal, generally contain 55 to
70 percent ruminally degradable protein and 30 to 45 percent escape protein (Mathis, 1997). In situ ruminal
escape N of 25.2, 55.3, 86.7, and 98.9% for SBM, PBM, CGM, and BM, respectively were reported (Bohnert et
al., 1998). Different studies have indicated that 82 to 92% of BM N (Titgemeyer et al., 1989) and 46 to 57% of
CGM N (Stern et al., 1983) escape degradation in the rumen. Ruminal escape of PBM and SBM N was 40.6 and
13.7%, respectively (Bohnert et al., 1998). Similarly Klemesrud et al. (1998) also reported escape protein of
FTH and PBM as 66.8% and 43.6% respectively. Feather meal protein is about 70 percent rumen
undegradeable, but has a poor balance of amino acids (Guthrie and Joe 1991).
Table 5. Differences Rumen degradability and undegradability fractions of plant and animal origin protein
Supplements CP%DM DIP UIP(%CP) SolP NPN (%SolP) ADFIP(%CP)
(%CP) (%CP)
Plant protein supplements
Canola meal 40.9 67.9 32.2 32.4 65 6.4
Soybean meal 52.9 80 20 33 27 1
Soypass 52.6 34 66 6.8 50 1
Brewer’s grains 29.2 34.1 65.9 4 75 12
Corn gluten meal 66.3 41 59 4 75 2
Animal protein supplements
Blood meal 93.8 25 75 5 0 1
Feather meal 85.8 30 70 9 89 32
Fishmeal 67.9 40 60 21 0 1
Meat and bone 50 47 53 16.1 93.8 4.9
3. Summary
Protein from plant materials makes up the largest portion of the typical feedlot diet, and the quality of this
protein will vary with the source. Another source of protein utilized by the ruminant is from animal sources.
Typically, animal source proteins have high bypass characteristics. The oilseed crops such as soybeans, canola,
sunflowers, safflowers and flax are processed to extract oil for food and occasionally for industrial purposes.
The residual meals are excellent sources of supplemental proteins. Animal source materials, which potentially
might be available for feeding, include blood meal and feather meal, fish meal, poultry by product meal etc.
Typically, these materials are too expensive to be used in practical diets. Ruminant meal and bone meal are
prohibited from being fed to ruminants. Failure to meet protein requirements during the early growing phase may
lead to marked reductions in overall ADG and gain efficiency, increased carcass fatness, reduced yield grade.
Advances in Life Science and Technology
ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online)
Vol.35, 2015
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