002.01 Sketching Technique

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Career &

Sketching Concepts Ed u c atio n

Explain the concepts related to
Purpose of a Sketch

 Quickly & easily get an

idea on paper
 Design sketches
 Freehand technical
 Technical illustrations
Design Sketch
Rough sketches used to quickly capture an idea.
Freehand Technical Sketch
Multiview or pictorial sketches.
Typically will include dimensions.
Technical Illustration
Includes more detail, structure, and restrictions.
Objective is to create a realistic sketch.
Sketching Materials
 Paper
 Pencil
 Soft lead
 Optional
 Eraser
 Grid/Graph

Sketching Technique

 Proportion
 Clarity

 Sketching Aids
Sketching Lines

 Vertical/Horizontal lines
 Solid: Long straight lines
 Dashed: Series of short
straight lines
Sketching Circles & Arcs
 Begin by lightly constructing
a square
Sketching Angles
 Begin with 90°


Subdivide once Subdivide twice

Sketching Assignment

 Sketch (Freehand) the following

Basic Techniques we have covered:

1. Go to the Drafting I Spring 2019-20 OneNote

2. Go to Content Library
3. Go to Sketching Tab
4. Complete Sketching Assignment #1
Sketching Technique

These sketches use

basic Rectangular
Prisms to create the
images of the phone.
Just by changing the
direction of the
rectangle you can
change the view you
are seeing. Start with a
basic solid shape and
then add the details a
step at a time.
Sketching Technique
These sketches use basic
Cylindrical forms to create the
images. Keeping a center axis is
very important to the outcome of
the sketch. If the axis is not
vertical the object will appear to be
leaning. Start with a basic solid
shape and then add the details a
step at a time.
Sketching Examples

When sketching objects, use basic

techniques to sketch construction (LIGHT)
lines to help develop the shape of the
object; then darken in the object.
Sketching Assignment #2

 Sketch (Freehand) the following Basic Objects:

 Bottle
 Chair
 Kettle
 Phone

1. Go to the Drafting I Spring 2019-20 OneNote

2. Go to Content Library
3. Go to Sketching Tab
4. Sketching – Example Objects

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