Chemical Aspect of Document Examination - Group 6

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Floria, Jorge Steven R.
Graven, Nestlie A.


An original or official written or

printed-paper furnishing
information or used as a proof of
something. ls any object that
contains handwritten or
typewritten markings whose
source or authenticity is in doubt.
In forensic science, questioned document examination (QDE) is the
examination of documents potentially disputed in a court of law. Its
primary purpose is to provide evidence about a suspicious or
questionable document using scientific processes and methods. Evidence
might include;
1. Alterations,
2. The chain of possession/custody
3. Damage to the document, forgery, origin, authenticity, or other questions
that come up when a document is challenged in court
Almost any type of document may become disputed in an investigation or
litigation. For example;
1. A questioned document may be a sheet of paper bearing handwriting or
mechanically-produced text such as a ransom note, a forged cheque, or a
business contract.
2. It may be material not normally thought of as a "document"; FDEs
define the word "document" very broadly, as any material bearing marks,
signs, or symbols intended to convey a message or meaning to someone.
This includes, for example, graffiti on a wall.
1. Handwriting (cursive / printing) and signatures
2. Typewriters photocopiers, laser printers, ink-jet printers, fax machines
3. Chequewriters, rubber stamps, price markers, label makers
4. Printing processes
5. Ink, pencil and paper
6. Alterations, additions, erasures, obliterations
7. Indentation detection and/or decipherment
8. Sequence determination
9. Physical matching
1. An examiner should follow appropriate case examination protocols
carefully and evaluate all possible propositions,
2. An examiner should be properly trained and their training should
include adequate testing of their abilities,
3. The formal case examination procedure should incorporate some
form of secondary review (ideally, independent in nature) and
4. Every examiner should make every effort to demonstrate and
maintain their competency through professional certification and ongoing
proficiency testing.
The examination of handwriting to assess potential authorship proceeds
from the above principle of identification by applying it to a comparison of
samples of handwritten material. Generally known as ACE-V, there are
three stages in the process of examination.
1. Analysis or Discriminating Element Determination - The unknown
item and the known items must, by analysis, examination, or study, be
reduced to a matter of their discriminating elements. These are the habits of
behaviour or of performance (i.e., features or characteristics and, in other
disciplines, the properties) that serve to differentiate between products or
people which may be directly observable, measurable, or otherwise
perceptible aspects of the item.
2. Comparison - The discriminating elements of the unknown, observed
or determined through analysis, examination, or study, must be compared
with those known, observed, or recorded of the standard item(s).
3. Evaluation - Similarities or dissimilarities in discriminating elements
will each have a certain value for discrimination purposes, determined by
their cause, independence, or likelihood of occurrence. The weight or
significance of the similarity or difference of each element must then be
considered and the explanation(s) for them proposed.
Examination of paper is essential for authenticating documents and
uncovering forgeries.

1. Preliminary test for paper - This test deals with the appearance of the
document and the following are observed:
a. Folds and creases
b. Odor
c. Impression caused by transmitted light
d. Presence of discoloration in daylight and under UV light
Watermark - it is a distinctive mark or design placed in the paper at the
time of its manufacture, by a roll usually covered with wire cloth known as
dandy roll which serves as a means whereby the paper can be identified as
the product of a particular manufacturer.

Wiremark- marks produced on the paper by the flexible wire soldered to

the surface of the dandy roll that carries the watermark.
2. Physical test causing no perceptible change - A test applied on paper
without changing or altering the original appearance of the document.

3. Physical test causing a perceptible change - This is done only if

sufficient samples are available and if proper authorization from the court
is acquired.

4. Chemical test - This test determines the fiber composition, the loading
material and sizing material used in the paper.
Analysis of writing inks on questioned documents is difficult due to the
limited amount of ink available for analysis. Nondestructive methods of
analysis are performed prior to chemical analysis.
Typical nondestructive methods include microscopic examination using
white light as well as other wavelengths of light ranging from ultraviolet to
These tests can reveal significant similarities or differences between
questioned ink samples. Identification or characterization of inks requires
extensive chemical analysis.

Thin layer chromatography (TLC). This technique separates the

components of the ink whereby comparisons can be made between to
questioned samples.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). It is an advanced
technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture.
It is used to detect and quantify illicit drugs, poisons, and their metabolites
in biological samples, aiding in drug and toxicology investigations.
Dating of the Ink - No definite procedure can be given for this
determination except when the color is black, because on the observation
that within a few hours, the color of ink writings becomes darker because
the dye contain therein is influenced by the light of the room, oxygen of
the air, acidity or alkalinity of the paper.

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