Chapter 6 - FINAL Relevant Policy and Legal Frameworks

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Addis Ababa University

College of Education and Behavioral Studies

Department of Special Needs Education

Addis Ababa University
Chapter 6
Relevant Policy and
Legal Frameworks
6.1. Components of Policy and legal frameworks
Discrimination against persons with disabilities has a long history
and persons with disabilities are regularly excluded from
participation in society and denied their human rights.
Discrimination against the disabled can take many forms, ranging
from limited educational opportunities to more subtle forms, such as
segregation and isolation due to attitudinal, environmental and
institutional barriers.
The effects of discrimination are most clearly appeared in the
sphere of economic, social and cultural rights which is manifested
in the areas of housing, employment, transport, cultural life and
access to public services.
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of 1948
Article (1), “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity
and rights.”
However, this is far from being a reality for persons with disability throughout
the world that resulted in disability movement and struggle by DPOs for the
promotion of the human rights of their members with disabilities.
The disability movement undertaken as of the second half of 20 century forced
member countries of the UN to enact disability-mainstreamed policy and legal
frameworks at the international and domestic levels.
These policy and legal instruments recognized the economic, social, political
and human rights of PWDs in terms of their specific/special needs.
The formulation of legal frameworks regarding persons with
disabilities suggests some measures that governments should take in
order to ensure that persons with disabilities become equal citizens.

The rules also act as an international instrument and as a mechanism

of control to guarantee the effective application of the stated rights.

However, strong commitment and proactive action is required from

the governments for the effective implementation and practicality of
those disability mainstreamed and disability specific policy and legal
6.2. International legal frameworks in relation to inclusiveness

• In addition to the general policy and legal frameworks developed at

international and domestic levels for the promotion of basic rights of
citizens, the following international instruments included provisions
regarding PWDs.
 The Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989;
 1990 The World Declaration on Education for All, Jomtien;
 The UN Sustainable Development Goal of 2016.
Alongside with these general legal frameworks, the following policy and
programmatic documents are also disability-specific instruments developed by
the UN giving recognition for the rights and special needs of PWDs:
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with
Disability of 1993;
UNESCO Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action of 1994;
The UN Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities of 2006.
6.3. Domestic policy and legal frameworks in relation to inclusiveness
If we talk about Ethiopia’s legal and policy documents, we find no disability
related instrument until 1971 of the imperial order to provide for the
establishment of the rehabilitation agency.
Hence, it is possible to speak confidently that ‘disability was not a matter of
law and policy before 1991.
Ethiopia has signed most of the international conventions and declarations to
protect and respect the rights of persons with disabilities.
Ethiopia developed disability specific and disability-mainstreamed
policy and legal frameworks based on those international instruments
stated above.
These are:
The 1994 Education and Training Policy;
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia-
Education Sector Development Program (ESDP) II, III, IV and
The 2008 National TVET Policy;
A proclamation No 568/2008 to provide for the right to
employment of persons with Disabilities;
- The Ethiopian Building Proclamation No. 624/2009;
The Revised Special Needs/Inclusive Education Program Strategy of 2012;
National Plan of Action of Persons with Disabilities (2012-2021);
The Construction Policy of 2014;
The Social Protection Policy of 2014;
The Civil Servant Proclamation No.1064/2017;
The Revised Higher Institutions Proclamation No. 1152/2019;
Labor Proclamation- No. 1156/2019.
1.Which international human right instrument brought a turning point in the
history of disability movement? Why?
2.Do you believe that the FRDE Constitution of 1995 promotes the issue of
disability from human right perspective? Why? (Please refer Article 41 (5)
of the Constitution).
3.What are the major shortcomings of the government in treating the issue of
disability at policy and implementation levels?

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