Human Flourishing in Science and Technology

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Human Flourishing in Science

and Technology
M a r i a n e D. D u y o, R N , L P T
• A state where people experience positive
emotions, positive psychological functioning
and positive social functioning, most of the
time, “living within an optimal range of
human functioning.”
Human Flourishing
• An eff ort to achieve self-
actualization and fulfi llment
within the context of a larger
community of individuals, each
with the right to pursue his or
her own such eff orts.

• Involves the rational use of one’s

individual human potentialities,
including talents, abilities, and
virtues in the pursuit of his
freely and rationally chosen
values and goals.
What is
What is happiness?


• Positive or pleasant • Happiness is a cocktail of

emotions raging from emotions we experience
contentment to intense when we do something
joy good or positive
• Happiness is the
experience of a fl ood of
hormones released in the
brain as a reward for
behavior that prolongs
Views of happiness / Ideology


• Greek word for “Good”
• The presence of
and “Spirit”
happiness indicates the
absence of pain, they • “Good Spirited” – Aristotle

believe that the purpose • Happiness is the pursuit of

of life is to maximize becoming a better person.
happiness which
minimizes pain
From Nichomachean Ethics:
• Human fl ourishing arises as a result of diff erent
components such as:
Technology as a way of Revealing

 German philosopher and a seminal

thinker in the Continental tradition of

 Widely acknowledge to the most

original and important philosophers
of the 20 t h century

 “The question of technology ”

Technology as a way of revealing by
Martin Heidegger

 Human person is both the bearer and benefi ciary of Science and

 Bearer – a person or thing that carries and hold something

 Benefi ciary – a person who derives advantage from


 Human fl ourishes and fi nds meaning in the world that he /she


 Human may unconsciously acquire, consume or destroy what the

world has to off er
Technology as a way of revealing by Martin

 The progress of Science and Technology is similar to the

progress of human civilization

 As man fl ourishes, so does Science and Technology

According to Martin Heidegger:
 We must undertake refl ective and meditative thinking

 Refl ective thinking – involves a wide range of thinking skills

leading toward desirable outcomes and focuses on the process of
making judgements about what has happened

 Meditative thinking – kind of thinking that thinks the truth of

being, that belongs to being and listens to it

• Allowing nature to reveal itself to us without forcing it

 in order to appreciate the benefi ts that humans get from science and
technology, we must examine not only their utility but their greater impact
on humanity as a whole

• He strongly opposes the view that technology is “a means to an end “

or a “human activity”

• These two essence of technology, which he calls:

1. instrumental – means to an end

2. anthropological – technology is a human activity

*Both are correct. However, neither touches on the true essence

of technology
Heidegger’s analysis of technology in The Question
Concerning Technology consists of three main ‘claims’:

• (1) technology is “not an instrument”, it is a way of understanding the


• (2) technology is “not a human activity ”, but develops beyond human

control; and

• (3) technology is “the highest danger ”, risking us to only see the world
through technological thinking.
Heidegger’s View on Technology: Technology as a way of revealing

• truth can only be pursued through the correct ways – simply what is correct
leads to what is true

• in his sense, he envisioned technology as a way of revealing – a mode of

bringing for th

• Bringing for th can be understood through the ancient Greek philosophical


POIESIS – which refers to the act of bringing something out of concealment

• the truth is understood through another ancient Greek concept of ALETHEIA –

translated as unclosedness, unconcelledness, disclosure or the TRUTH

* Technology is a form of POIESIS – a way of revealing what conceals aletheia

• In philosophy, Techne resembles
the term episteme that refers to
the human ability to make and

• Techne also encompasses

knowledge and understanding

• In ART, it refers to tangible and

intangible aspects of life

• the Greek understood techne in

the way that it encompasses not
only craft, but other acts of the
mind and poetry
Technology as POIESIS:
Does modern technology brings forth or challenge forth?
• revealing of modern technology is not a bringing forth, but a challenging

• modern technology challenges nature by extracting something from it and

transforming, storing and distributing it. It makes people think how to do
things faster, more eff ectively and with less eff ort

• challenging forth reduces objects as standing reserve or something to be

despose of by those who can enframe them – humans

• this is evident in the way people exploit natural resources with every little
concern for the ecological consequences that come with it
Enframing as Modern Technology’s Way of Revealing
• Heidegger distinguished the way of revealing of modern technology by considering it
as a process of ENFRAMING

- Enframing , according to Heidegger, is akin to 2 ways:

1. Calculative thinking – humans desire to put an order to nature to better understand

and control it

2. Meditative thinking – Humans allowed nature to reveal itself to them without the
use of force or violence

ENFRAMING – is a way of ordering nature to better manipulate it. Enframing happens

because of how humans desire for security, even it pulls all of nature as a standard
reser ve and an instrument of technology, to be exploited in the ordering of nature.
The Dangers of Technology
• lie on how humans let themselves be consumed by it, the responsibility of
humans is to recognize how do you become instruments of technology.

• According to PAULO COELHO – “It is boastful for humans to think that nature
needs to be saved, whereas mother nature would remain even if human cease
to exist.”

• As a mere tenant on earth, people must not allow themselves to be

consumed by technology lest they lose the essence of who they are as
human beings. In this sense, humans are in danger of becoming merely
part of the standing reserve or, alternatively, we fi nd themselves in nature.

• Recognizing technology requires critical and refl ective thinking on its use
ART as a Saving Power

• Heidegger proposed Art as the saving power and the way out of

“And Art was simply called techne, it was a single, manifold


 Art encourages humans to think less from calculative standpoint

where nature is viewed as an ordered system. Instead, it inspires
meditative thinking where nature is seen as art and that without
any force and violence.
Questions for Refl ection:

1. In your daily experience of technology, what

else is revealed to you aside from it’s function?

2. Why should technology be questioned?

3. Do you agree with Heidegger’s view on the

essence of technology? Why or why not?
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Questions for reflection:
1. What is Scientism?

2. How is science comparable to magic?

3. Why is science more dangerous than magic?

4. What is the presented essence of modernity and

its consequences?

5. What do we need for science to be good?

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