Human Flourishing in Science and Technology
Human Flourishing in Science and Technology
Human Flourishing in Science and Technology
and Technology
M a r i a n e D. D u y o, R N , L P T
• A state where people experience positive
emotions, positive psychological functioning
and positive social functioning, most of the
time, “living within an optimal range of
human functioning.”
Human Flourishing
• An eff ort to achieve self-
actualization and fulfi llment
within the context of a larger
community of individuals, each
with the right to pursue his or
her own such eff orts.
Human person is both the bearer and benefi ciary of Science and
in order to appreciate the benefi ts that humans get from science and
technology, we must examine not only their utility but their greater impact
on humanity as a whole
• (3) technology is “the highest danger ”, risking us to only see the world
through technological thinking.
Heidegger’s View on Technology: Technology as a way of revealing
• truth can only be pursued through the correct ways – simply what is correct
leads to what is true
• this is evident in the way people exploit natural resources with every little
concern for the ecological consequences that come with it
Enframing as Modern Technology’s Way of Revealing
• Heidegger distinguished the way of revealing of modern technology by considering it
as a process of ENFRAMING
2. Meditative thinking – Humans allowed nature to reveal itself to them without the
use of force or violence
• According to PAULO COELHO – “It is boastful for humans to think that nature
needs to be saved, whereas mother nature would remain even if human cease
to exist.”
• Recognizing technology requires critical and refl ective thinking on its use
ART as a Saving Power
• Heidegger proposed Art as the saving power and the way out of