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•Basics of IoT
•Embedded systems

• Sensors and Actuators

• Microcontrollers and Applications

• Networks, Protocols and MANETs

What is IoT?
 Stands for Internet of Things
 Cannot be fitted in a single definition
 Simplest explanation :- Internet-of-Things
means connection of the simplest things to the
•The term , “Internet of Things”, is used to mean a variety of ideas,
depending on the motivation and background of the speaker.

•Smart connectivity with existing networks and context-aware

computation using network resources is an indispensable part of IoT.

•However, for the Internet of Things vision to successfully emerge, the

computing paradigm will need to go beyond traditional mobile
computing scenarios that use smart phones and portables, and evolve into
connecting everyday existing objects and embedding intelligence into our

•Network of interconnected objects that not only harvests information

from the environment (sensing) and interacts with the physical world
(actuation/ command/control), but also uses existing Internet standards
to provide services for information transfer, analytics, applications, and
communications .
Smart Refrigerators : A new Sensation
What is a Refrigerator?
An electronic item used to cool and store the daily eatables.

It had many problems like :-

Forst in the freezer
Foul smelling, decayed eatables
Storage limits
Required temp. according to the weather and food stored
& many more

All these problems solved with the arrival of the smarter

version of the refrigerators

Lets see how………

Processor + Sensors + Network Connectivity
+ Smart Phone

= Smart Refrigerators!

It can tell when the water filters are to be refilled, beeps

when the door is left open, notify when over weighted,
Auto set temperature ………….

these are some local intelligence features

with applied network connectivity it can:-

•Order the essentials by itself

•Suggest recipes with the stored ingredients
•Weather Forecast
New Generation Cars
 It had a simple gearing,  The item developed with the
steering, electrical and rarest time, now it has many electrical
had the stereo systems. features like auto locking, fuel
indicators, auto focusing lamps,
switch controlled windows, rear
gear cameras and many better
 They had no rear cameras, cabin
options like refrigerator, ACs
controlled petrol locking system
and air bags are provided.
and auto locking systems.
 The most special and IoT related
attractions are auto focusing
 No GPS, LED headlamps, lamps, Net connected stereos
engine technologies GPS systems and some of the
nothing………. cars are now provided with
better braking systems.

Risks, Security and Privacy??
 All of your data is on the clouds so it is
somehow unsafe and and the chances are
higher of it getting leaked.
 Work becomes impossible if you get
disconnected to the network or internet.
 Commercial sites always have an eye on you.
 Social isolation
 Sometimes, companies knowingly or
unknowingly sell your data which was
expected to be kept safe.
What are Embedded systems?
 Different electronic components like capacitors,
resistors, chips, etc. when connected together on
a single platform to make a useful and
productive circuitry becomes an Embedded
 In case of IoT definition changes a little,

An embedded system is one kind of a computer

system mainly designed to perform several tasks
like to access, process, store and also control the
data in various electronics-based systems.
•Embedded systems are computer based systems that don’t look like

•Embedded systems have their own computational complexity. eg

cameras , video games.

• Sometimes embedded systems don't interact directly with the user,

but they interact with the user through another device. Eg flash drives,
car braking systems.

•the big property of embedded systems and a difference in embedded

system design is that efficiency is really important.

Input Microcontr Output

Sensors ollers Actuators

Embedded System
 The computational part inside the embedded
system is called as the Microcontroller. A
microcontroller is an integrated circuit that
executes a program.
 programs are filled inside the non-volatile
memory of the microcontrollers and it executes
to them to perform tasks.
Microcontroller or Microprocessor?
 Microprocessor is an IC which has  Microcontroller has a CPU, in
only the CPU inside them i.e. only addition with a fixed amount of
the processing powers such as RAM, ROM and other peripherals
Intel’s Pentium 1,2,3,4, core 2 duo, all embedded on a single chip.
i3, i5 etc.
 Microcontrollers are designed to
 They are general purpose that is can perform specific tasks. Specific
be used to perform different tasks at means applications where the
different times. relationship of input and output are
 microprocessor operate above 1GHz
as they perform complex tasks.  the microcontrollers operate from a
few MHz to 30 to 50 MHz,tput is
Hardware and Software
 Hardware and software components interact
with each other to form a perfectly functioning
embedded system.
 For every software instruction executed there
should be some output obtained to get the user
know about the computation going on.
 Software programs are executed inside the
microcontrollers and the resultant is observed
at the hardware components like blinking of
the light, vibrations, etc.
•Open source platoform
for programming.

•Used in Washing
Machines, radio control

•It is an open-source
electronics platform based
on easy-to-use hardware
and software. Arduino
boards are able to read
Arduino Uno : A inputs - light on a sensor,
hardware component a finger on a button, or a
Twitter message - and
turn it into an output -
It works on activating a motor,
ATmega328P(datasheet) turning on an LED,
It has 14 pins power supply, publishing something
USB connection, reset button, online
HDMI port.
Networking and Internet Protocols
 When a set of devices gets connected to each
other to communicate and carry out tasks they
are said to be networked.
 Devices can be connected by
different methods like trans
mission lines, wired, RF
network and even Internet!
Types of Networks

LAN :- Local area Network

PAN:- Personal Area Network
MAN:- Metropolitan Area Network
WAN:- Wide Area Network
Internet Protocol
 a protocol, is a set of rules that enables communication which minimally
constrains the message.
 It adds a little bit of data to the message typically.
 An Internet Protocol, meaning IP or TCP or UDP, provide a naming
 Every component on the Internet has to have an IP address, and so each
host and router gets assigned at least one of these Internet addresses.
 A message packet travels through varies machine and networks before
reaching its destination. It has 2 parts :- Header and the Payload.
 Header contains the info about the packet and payload contains the main
 Internet Protocol(IP) is of 2 types:-
Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)
User datagram Protocol(UDP)
 Stands for Mobile Ad hoc Network aka Wireless ad hoc
 It has a routable networking environment.

 Characteristics of MANETs:-

• Dynamic topologies
• Bandwidth Constrained
• Autonomous Behavior
• Energy constrained operation
• Limited Security
• Less Human Intervention
Mobile Ad hoc Network

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