Spatial Model For Energy Consumption of LEED-Certi
Spatial Model For Energy Consumption of LEED-Certi
Spatial Model For Energy Consumption of LEED-Certi
Case Report
Spatial Model for Energy Consumption of
LEED-Certified Buildings
Jonghoon Kim 1 , Soo-Young Moon 2 and Daehee Jang 3, *
1. Introduction
In the United States, buildings account for 20–40% of total energy consumption [1,2].
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. Building operations and maintenance consume nearly 80% of such a large amount of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. energy during their life cycle [3,4]. The bulk of energy used in the U.S. is generated by
This article is an open access article non-renewable sources (e.g., coal, oil, and natural gas). The negative effects of these energy
distributed under the terms and types are partially to blame for global warming, air pollution and energy shortages. To
conditions of the Creative Commons reduce building energy consumption and its associated problems, sustainable development,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// especially sustainability in building construction, is a concern of more and more official and unofficial organizations e.g., government and environmental protection organizations.
A recent study in the realm of LEED certification and its relation to energy consumption
in sustainable buildings is “Energy Performance of LEED-Certified Buildings: A Review of
Case Studies and Related Energy Simulation Studies”. The authors of this study delved into
an extensive analysis, reviewing 50 case studies and 25 energy simulation studies pertaining
to LEED-certified buildings, with the primary aim of assessing their energy performance.
The findings of this research indicate that, on the whole, LEED-certified buildings
tend to exhibit superior energy performance when compared with their non-certified
counterparts. Nevertheless, there remains room for enhancement in this domain. The
study also identified various factors that exert influence over the energy performance of
LEED-certified buildings, including considerations such as building type, location, and
design features [5]. The authors of the study put forth a recommendation for future research
endeavors to concentrate on the development of more precise energy simulation models
and the evaluation of the long-term energy performance of LEED-certified structures.
The conditions governing LEED certification maintain a degree of uniformity: LEED
buildings do not consistently outperform non-LEED buildings and, in certain instances, may
even underperform. A notable concern arises from the implementation of recommended
actions, particularly those selected by users, which sometimes yield negligible effects. This
predicament can lead to the installation of superfluous facilities solely to accrue certification
points. An illustrative example is the provision of extensive bicycle parking facilities or an
abundance of windows in the vicinity of military installations where security considerations
take precedence. In government buildings, there is often a need to streamline or reduce
facilities to optimize space utilization and simplify movement routes [6,7]. Furthermore,
a deficiency exists in the number of standards that are outcome-oriented and provide
substantial returns on investment beyond environmental management. This situation
underscores a potential disconnect between LEED certification and actual energy savings.
In response, the author seeks to uncover and efficiently address these discrepancies in a
more visible manner by identifying problem areas and implementing solutions that bridge
the gap between certification criteria and genuine energy efficiency.
In 1998, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) introduced its building
evaluation system, known as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
LEED swiftly gained traction in the building evaluation market and has since been widely
embraced, including by various agencies such as the U.S. government. Subsequently,
in 2007, Executive Order (EO) 13423 was issued by the U.S. Army, advocating for the
adoption of the “Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings”
initiative [8]. EO13423 places a strong emphasis on reducing the life-cycle costs associated
with the environmental and energy attributes of federally owned building facilities by
implementing the overarching principles outlined in the Energy Policy Act (EPA) of 2005 [9].
Enhancing energy efficiency and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions stand as paramount
priorities within this policy framework. In response to Executive Order 13423 (EO13423),
the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) made revisions to the policy in
2008. These changes mandated LEED Silver certification for all new military construction
projects and significant renovation endeavors undertaken within the United States Navy
and Marine Corps infrastructure.
In 2010 a team from the University of Wisconsin—Madison (UW) compared the energy
consumption of US Navy LEED-certified buildings and a military non-LEED comparable
building, to investigate EO13423’s mandate to meet a thirty percent energy consumption
reduction [10]. Additionally, the study compared the LEED-certified buildings against
the national average from the 2003 Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey
(CBECS). The research findings suggest that achieving the mandated thirty percent savings
in electricity and water consumption, as stipulated by EO13423, cannot be solely ensured
through LEED certification. Furthermore, the data show that energy savings were not
closely related to the number of points received in the “Energy and Atmosphere” category
of the LEED certification process. On the aspect of cost, it was found that, although some of
the buildings had satisfactory results, half would not be considered economically feasible
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 3 of 15
when looking at either the total cost of construction or the costs associated with the LEED
scoring category “Energy and Atmosphere” [11,12].
Most previous research has ignored the spatial distribution information of buildings
in its various energy consumption analyses [13–16]. Using a spatial regression model, it
has been found that the distribution of LEED-certified buildings show a clear shift from an
original concentration in major coastal cities to a more even distribution across the US [17].
Additionally, LEED-accredited professionals, accredited by the USGBC to oversee the cer-
tification process, have shown a similar shift. Another study found that the adoption of
energy-efficient residential heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in a
neighborhood has contagious effects and will spill over into adjacent neighborhoods’ HVAC
adoptions [18]. Spatial distribution-related factors include not only information related to
location, but also refers to the economic situation (e.g., average monthly income) of resi-
dents, weather history records (e.g., temperature), the dominant population (e.g., ethnicity),
average education level, local LEED organizations, and available construction materials.
Energy consumption, in a large sense, is quite connected to the local social network.
This research is an extension of a 2010 U W study [10] and focuses on the influence
of both endogenous variables (e.g., temperature) and exogenous variables (e.g., distance)
on the energy consumption of LEED-certified military buildings. Specifically, this study is
expected to answer the following questions: (1) is there some linear relationship between the
energy consumption of U.S Navy buildings and the aforementioned endogenous variables?
(2) Do the energy consumptions of LEED-certified buildings have any connection with each
other in terms of spatial distribution?
2. Previous Studies
A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to understand further the relation-
ships between energy consumption and factors such as temperature, spatial relationships,
and building function in LEED-certified buildings.
The energy consumption of US Navy buildings with LEED-certified and non-LEED-
certified counterparts. According to EO13423, all government departments must reduce
energy consumption by 30% by 2015 [19]. Additionally, the Department of the Navy has
required that all new buildings constructed for the US Navy and US Marine Corps obtain a
LEED Silver certification issued by the USGBC. To find any possible relationship between
LEED-certified buildings and the reduction of energy consumption, the authors studied
11 LEED-certified buildings of the US Navy and their non-LEED-certified counterparts in
the US Navy. The authors found that 9 of 11 LEED buildings did not achieve a 30% savings
in electricity consumption. In addition, this research concluded that the majority of the USN
LEED-certified buildings showed more electricity consumption than the national average.
The modeled and actual energy performance of 21 LEED-certified buildings were
explored between December 2001 and August 2005. The authors collected utility billing
data from 2003 to 2005 and compared the billed energy consumption with the modeled
energy use. The authors found that 18 out of the total 21 buildings have an energy saving
of 26% compared with the baseline buildings [20]. The authors were also aware of the
limitations of their study and took caution against extending the conclusion too broadly.
The limitations of the study include: (1) sample amount; (2) as-built and as-designed
discrepancies; (3) changing of occupancy patterns and densities.
Another study re-analyzed data supplied by the New Buildings Institute and the
USGBC on measured energy use data from 100 LEED-certified commercial and institutional
buildings [12]. The authors found that, on average, LEED-certified buildings used 18–39%
less energy per floor area than comparable non-LEED buildings. However, 28–35% of LEED
buildings used more energy than comparable non-LEED buildings. Further, the measured
energy performance of LEED buildings had little correlation with the certification level of
the building, or the number of energy credits achieved by the building at design time.
One hundred twenty-one LEED-certified buildings were studied through 2006. The
authors used three different comparison baselines to quantify the energy performance of
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 4 of 15
those LEED-certified buildings [14]. First, an energy use intensity (EUI) comparison of
LEED and national building stock was completed. It was found that the median measured
EUI was 69 kBtu/sf, 24% below the CBECS national average for all of the commercial
building stock. Additionally, statistics show that the median performance of gold and plat-
inum buildings is very close to achieving the interim goals of Architecture 2030. Secondly,
the authors calculated the average Energy Star rating of these LEED buildings and found
that the rating number was 68 (meaning a better energy performance than 68% of similar
buildings) compared with a median rating of 50 for the complete national building stock.
Additionally, nearly half of LEED buildings had Energy Star ratings of at least 75, meeting
the qualification level for an EPA-certified Energy Star building. Thirdly, the authors mod-
eled the energy consumption of those LEED buildings. Results show that nearly half of
them had an energy performance worse than the simulated energy consumption.
The geography was studied based on the distribution of LEED-certified buildings and
professionals [17]. The author found that the number of LEED-certified buildings across
the United States is not distributed evenly across space. Additionally, the author rejected a
previous conclusion that stated that the increases in income, educational attainment, and
percentage of service-sector employment all correlate with more green buildings, criticizing
suggestions that these are only for the rich.
The literature reviewed above focuses on a comparison of the energy consumption of
LEED-certified buildings with that of similar non-LEED-certified buildings. As highlighted
in the literature, LEED-certified buildings generally exhibit energy-saving benefits; however,
a substantial variation in energy consumption among different buildings is evident. This
prompts a natural question: what factors contribute to this variation, and which elements
influence the energy consumption of both LEED and non-LEED-certified buildings?
In this research endeavor, the authors delve into the influence of spatial factors on
the energy consumption of LEED-certified buildings. Specifically, they employ both an
ordinary linear regression model and a spatial lag model to assess the significance of
selected exogenous variables and spatial factors. By scrutinizing the significance values
through techniques like t-tests and spatial tests such as the robust Lagrange multiplier, we
aim to offer valuable insights for future research based on the outcomes of this study.
The author identifies the current trends in LEED certification and determines the
suitability and efficiency of certification points. The points of LEED certification have
been gradually adding and detailing items from V2.2 to the current V4.1. Although this
certification is quite consistent with the ideology of saving energy consumption in LEED-
certified buildings, there is a uniformity in its items and a narrowness in its judgment. Most
of the entries in this table are based on quantitative criteria without analysis [21,22].
After LEED was introduced, the number of certified buildings increased by more than
1000% in the 10 years from 2000, and by 110% in the following 10 years. However, recent
trends show that the registration rate is slowing to less than 5%. This can be seen as a
decrease in overall investment due to the economic downturn since 2019 and following the
pandemic; however, the registration rate is decreasing due to LEED’s registration system,
excessive costs, low efficiency compared with value, registration procedures and time, and
the appropriateness of registered academic subjects [22].
3. Methodology
The research methodology comprises three key components: (1) data collection and
characterization; (2) data analysis, encompassing ordinary linear regression (OLR), spatial
linear regression, and specifications for the LEED energy case study; and (3) presentation
of results and subsequent discussion. Figure 1 provides an overview of the methodology
employed in this project.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 5 of 15
To elaborate further, the initial step involves the utilization of an OLR model to
examine the linear relationships between selected exogenous variables (e.g., temperature)
and the dependent variable. Following this, we employ a spatial lag regression model to
simulate the influence of both endogenous and exogenous variables. The inputs for this
model include: (1) the energy consumption of LEED-certified buildings; (2) the amount of
power plants within a 50 mile radius of each building; (3) the LEED rating level (e.g., Gold,
Silver, Platinum); and (4) the temperature records for each year.
Locations Function Usage Size (ft2)
Certification Level
Naval Station Great Lakes, IL Training and instruction Gold 533.44 58,000
Naval Air Station Oceana, VA Childcare Silver 489.99 29,000
Naval Station, Norfolk, VA Maintenance of aircraft Certified 513.7 40,376
Naval Station, Norfolk, VA Maintenance of aircraft Certified 838.2 28,379
Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, VA Housing Certified 770.8 48,700
Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Administration Silver 737.9 37,800
Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Police and security Silver 559.7 25,000
Naval Vase Ventura County, Port Public works office and Gold 144.9 16,443
Hueneme, C A maintenance shops
Naval Vase Ventura County, Port Research and engineering Silver 1288.5 192,028
Hueneme, C A (includes offices and Labs)
Naval Corps Air Station (MCAS) Golf course clubhouse Gold 487.4 13,437
Miramar, C A
Table 2. LEED ratings and their corresponding numbers in a spatial regression model.
Figure 3. Locations of power plants in a 50-mile radius from each LEED-certified building.
5. Data Analysis
The LEED energy case study was verified precisely using general linear regression and
spatial linear regression analyses for various reasons. In the case of general linear regression,
this statistical technique permits the examination of the relationship between two continu-
ous (quantitative) variables. One variable, denoted as x, serves as the independent variable,
while other variables denoted as y are the dependent variables. Given that the LEED energy
case study involves a continuous dependent variable (energy consumption), the use of
general linear regression is deemed suitable.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 8 of 15
• Spatial linear regression, on the other hand, factors in the spatial location of observa-
tions. In the context of an LEED energy case study, a building’s energy consumption
may be influenced by its geographical location due to factors such as local climate
conditions and building codes. Spatial linear regression assists in capturing these
spatial effects.
• The process of model specification entails the determination of which independent
variables to include or exclude from the regression equation. In the context of an LEED
energy case study, there exists a multitude of potential predictors for a building’s
energy consumption, such as building size, building age, and heating system type.
Model specification techniques aid in identifying the most significant variables.
• Collectively, these methods establish a robust framework for the examination of energy
consumption in LEED-certified buildings. They enable the incorporation of multiple
predictors, account for spatial influences, and offer flexibility in model formulation.
where y is an n × 1 vector of observations on the dependent variable, x is an n × k matrix
of observations on the explanatory variables, with an associated k × 1 regression coefficient
vector β, and ε is a vector of random error terms. In ordinary linear regression (OLR), the
items in ε are independent from each other.
Spatial regression [23] deals with the specification, estimation and diagnostic checking
of regression models that incorporate spatial effects. Spatial dependence is introduced into
the ordinary linear regression (OLR) model in two major ways, one of which is referred
to as spatial lag dependence and the other as spatial error dependence. While the former
pertains to the spatial correlation in the dependent variable, the latter refers to the error
term. In this project, a spatial lag model was used and takes on the form:
y = ρWy + Xβ + ε
where W is an n × n spatial weights matrix that formalizes the network structure of LEED-
certified buildings and ρ is the spatial autoregressive parameter.
After some matrix algebra, this follows as:
y = (I − ρ W)−1Xβ + (I − ρ W)−1ε
H VAC systems represents just one of several factors characterized by spatial distribution.
Building construction materials and architectural styles also share this spatial attribute.
Furthermore, the year in which buildings were constructed exerts an influence on their
energy performance, as the availability of new construction technologies varies across
different time periods.
Nonetheless, quantifying the energy consumption stemming from external loads
(e.g., computers) presents a challenging task. In this regard, it is important to acknowledge
that a weight matrix can only serve as an approximation of the true situation, as the exact
quantification of such factors may remain elusive. For simplicity, the effects of distance
(L) between buildings in the same state, and the function of those buildings e.g., military
training (F), are considered in the weights matrix. The underlying reasons for the authors’
consideration of these two parameters in the weights matrix are:
• Evaluating the influence of buildings on each other is naturally linked to the distance
between them. A shorter distance implies greater similarities between two buildings.
For example, within the same neighborhood, individuals with similar income and
education levels tend to reside together. These factors significantly impact their
preferences for buildings with similar functions. Additionally, local policies play a
direct role in determining the types of buildings adopted within a neighborhood.
• In the context of the U.S. Navy buildings examined in this research, distance also
holds relevance as these structures are typically situated within close proximity to
one another. Furthermore, in terms of energy consumption, people’s habits can exert
an effect. For instance, individuals sharing similar consumption patterns and cultural
traditions tend to exhibit a comparable propensity for energy conservation. All of
these factors can be effectively simplified and evaluated using distance as a scale
of measurement.
• The function of a building plays a pivotal role in the assessment of its energy con-
sumption. Beyond meeting fundamental requirements (e.g., suitability for habitation),
military buildings must also fulfill specific and unique mandates. For instance, a build-
ing dedicated to weapon manufacturing primarily consumes energy in the production
of weapons. Consequently, variations in functional attributes are expected to result in
differing energy consumption patterns.
However, the authors recognized that directly quantifying the impact of such func-
tional properties for each building can be challenging. To circumvent this challenge, the
concept of weights was employed. These weights establish connections between build-
ings with similar functions. For example, two military training facilities with comparable
energy consumption patterns are assigned a weight of 0.5 each when analyzing their
energy consumption.
Shown below is the way in which the weights matrix that was used in this project
was generated.
Example: assuming buildings A, B, C, D are in the same state (e.g., VA). A and B are
used for military training, while C and D are used for administration. The distance between
them are d A B = 50 miles, d A C = 30 miles, d A D = 60 miles, d B C = 70 miles, d B D = 60 miles,
and d C D = 100 miles.
We assume the weight for distance is generated by Equation (4).
0.5 d ≤ 50
wd_Building1,2 = miles dis tan ce_50 (5)
Building1,2 d > 50 miles
0.5 ×
Then, the generated weight for building A and B will be:
w AB = w F_ AB + w D_ AB
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 10 of 15
Figure 7 visualizes collected data and the fitting results using both OLR and OLR
considering spatial effects. This figure partly explains the way in which the spatial weights
can adjust the fitted polyline locally.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 12 of 15
Figure 7. Monthly energy consumption data vs OLR and spatial fitted results.
7. Conclusions
The primary objective of this research was to investigate the multifaceted factors
influencing energy consumption within LEED-certified military buildings. The study
systematically examined both endogenous factors, like temperature, and exogenous factors,
such as proximity to power plants, to discern their impact on energy usage. While the study
did not reveal a strong linear relationship between energy consumption and variables,
such as annual average temperature, the number of power plants within a 50 mile radius,
and the LEED rating, a spatial regression model unveiled noteworthy insights into the
geographical distribution and functional diversity of various LEED buildings, highlighting
their role in shaping energy consumption patterns. This substantiates existing assumptions
in the literature that energy usage varies significantly among buildings located in different
geographical regions and serving distinct purposes.
The utilization of spatial regression in this study stands out as a potent analytical tool,
opening up the potential to unearth intricate correlations between energy consumption
and a diverse array of contributing factors. This research thus contributes significantly to
our understanding of how energy is consumed within LEED-certified military buildings
and sheds light on the interplay between architectural features, geographical context, and
energy efficiency.
The significance of future US LEED-certified buildings for energy managers/utility
directors is underscored by several key points to consider:
• Energy Efficiency: LEED-certified buildings are intentionally designed to surpass
conventional buildings in terms of energy efficiency. This results in reduced energy
consumption for heating, cooling, lighting, and other operational aspects. Lower utility
costs and a diminished carbon footprint are anticipated as a result of these buildings.
• Performance Monitoring: Vigilant and continuous monitoring of the performance of
LEED-certified buildings is imperative to ensure they consistently meet their energy
efficiency objectives. This entails regular assessments of energy consumption and
comparisons with similar non-LEED-certified facilities. Energy managers/utility
directors should adopt a proactive approach to track and analyze these data.
• Climate Strategy: The release of Climate Action 2030 by the U.S. Navy and Marine
Corps sets forth a commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by
Sustainability 2023, 15, 16097 14 of 15
2050. This strategy will inherently influence the design, construction, and operation of
forthcoming LEED-certified buildings.
• Training and Education: Remaining updated on the latest best practices for managing
LEED-certified buildings is essential for energy managers/utility directors. This may
entail participation in training sessions or workshops, reading industry publications,
or engaging in networking opportunities with fellow professionals in the field.
• Stakeholder Engagement: Energy managers/utility directors assume a pivotal role
in engaging with various stakeholders, including building occupants, maintenance
personnel, and senior leadership. They are instrumental in educating these groups
about the advantages of LEED certification and illustrating how each stakeholder can
contribute to a building’s energy efficiency goals.
Although LEED-certified buildings come with a multitude of advantages, it is impera-
tive to emphasize that they demand meticulous and diligent management in order to fully
realize their potential for enhanced energy efficiency and sustainability. Proper oversight
and strategic decision-making are essential to ensure that these buildings continue to up-
hold their commitment to environmentally responsible and energy-efficient operations
over time.
Author Contributions: J.K.: Writing—methodology, validation, and original draft preparation; S.-
Y.M.: resource and data curation; D.J.: Writing—review and editing. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by grant [20230080-001], “A Research of Architectural and Urban
Technology for a Safe, Comfortable and Sustainable Built Environment” from the Ministry of Science
and ICT in South Korea.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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