T3 (Developmental Tasks)
T3 (Developmental Tasks)
T3 (Developmental Tasks)
Crim 3 -Human
• Aproaches of Human development
Behavior &
Prepared by:
- It constitutes the infancy stage of life. The infant’s basic needs being
met by the parents his interaction leading to trust or mistrust.
Characteristics of infant:
Trust vs. Mistrust
change from plump baby to learner more muscular toddler
Begins to walk and talk upto 3 - 4 words as sentence
Famous for negative behavior saying “NO!” to everything temper
Great imitators
Need intense care
3. Early Childhood ( 2 or 3 - 6 yrs )
Learning to take food, walk and talk
Learning to control the elimination of body wastes
Learning sex differences and learns clothing styles
Getting ready to read
Learning to distinguish right and wrong and learning to develop a
conscience. They Develop Fears (dogs, cats, etc..)
4. Late Childhood ( 6 - 12 yrs )
-refers to the period of human growth that occurs between childhood and
• traumatic life stage for child and parent
• Puberty occurs
serves as guidelines that enable individuals to know what society expects them at any given
such tasks motivate individuals to do what their respective social groups expect them to do at
certain ages during their lives.
show individuals what lie ahead and the corresponding expectations of what they need to do
when they reach their next stage of development.
Developmental Tasks during Each Stage of the Lifespan (Gines, et al, 1998) :
• Achieving new and more mature relations with peers from both sexes
• Achieving masculine or feminine social roles
• Accepting one’s physique and using one’s body effectively
• Dessiring, accepting, and achieving socially responsible behaviors
• Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults
• Preparing for an economic career
• Preparing for marriage and family life
• Acquiring a set of valuess and an ethical system as a quide to one’s behavior
• Acquiring beliefs and a set of ideologies
4. Early Adulthood
• Getting started in an occupation
• Selecting a partner
• Learning to live with a marriage partner
• Starting a family
• Rearing children
• Managing a home
• Taking on civic responsibilities
• Finding a social group with whom one shares the same interests
5. Middle Age
• Achieving adult civic and social responsibilities
• Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults
• Developing aduslt leisure-time activities
• Relating one’s self to one’s spouse as a person
• Accepting and adjusting to physiological changes of middle age
• Reaching and maintaining a satisfactoru performance in one’s occupation and career
• Adjusting to aging parents
6. Old age
• A high level of
• Opportunities to learn the Intelligence
developmetnal tasks and receiving
guidance in mastering them
1. Equity- it is the idea that every person has the right to an education and health care,
that there must be fairness for all.
2. Sustainability- it encompasses the view that every person has the right to earn a living
that can sustain him or her, while everyone also has the right to access to goods more
evenly distributed among populations.
3. Production- it is the idea that people need more efficient social programs to be
introduced by their governments.
4. Empowerment- it is the view that people who are powerless, such as women, need to
be given power.
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