Answer For Revenue Tutorial
Answer For Revenue Tutorial
Answer For Revenue Tutorial
Question 1:Solution:
The percentage of completion
=-------------------------- x 100%
= 45%
Estimated profit RM’000
Total contract price (Revenue) 150,000
Less estimated total cost (63,000+70,000) (133,000)
Estimated profit 17,000
Rose Enterprise Bhd.
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December x1
Revenue (RM150mil x 45%) 67,500
Costs (RM133mil x 45%) (59,850)
Profit 7,650
Rose Enterprise Bhd.
Statement of financial position (extract) as at 31 December x1
Current asset
Contract asset (Note 1) 9,900
Trade receivables (60,750-60,000) 750
Amount invoiced Amount received
Note 1
Costs incurred to date 63,000
Profit recognised 7,650
Amount invoiced (60,750)
Contract asset 9,900
22 C Co
Maryhill bypass
1. Estimated profit RM’000
Total contract price 9,000
Less estimated total cost (1,400+5,600) (7,000)
Estimated profit 2,000
2. Percentage complete
2. Percentage complete
Current liabilities
Contract liability 578 600
Costs incurred to date 1,400 2,900
Recognised profit/(loss) 622 (100)
2,022 2,800
Amount invoiced (2,600) (3,400)
(578) (600)
Question 3
According to IAS 24 Related Party Disclosure, a
customer with whom an entity transacts a significant
volume of business is not a related party. Therefore
XC is not a related party of CT and the negotiated
discount does not need to be disclosed.
A person is related to an entity if that person has
significant influence over the entity. A person is related
to an entity if that person is a member of key
management personnel of the entity.