Urea Cycle - Gowtham

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An Overview on the Biosynthesis of UREA

Gowtham Arvind
1st Year MBBS
Biosynthesis of Urea
Urea is the major end product of Nitrogen catabolism in Humans

• Urea synthesis is a cyclic process.

• The major metabolic role of ornithine, citrulline, and argininosuccinate in mammals is
urea synthesis.
• Some reactions of urea synthesis occur in the matrix of the mitochondrion, and other
reactions in the cytosol.
• Urea synthesis is a cyclic process. While ammonium ion, CO2, ATP, and aspartate are
consumed, the ornithine consumed in reaction 2 is regenerated in reaction 5. Thus, there is
no net loss or gain of ornithine, citrulline, argininosuccinate, or arginine.
• The two nitrogen atoms of urea are derived from two different sources, one from ammonia
and the other directly from the alpha amino group of aspartic acid.
Introduction to Urea cycle
What led to the discovery of Urea cycle?

• In 1773, Rouelle isolated urea from urine.

• In 1828, Fredric Wohler obtained urea by boiling an aqueous solution of ammonium
• In 1932, The urea cycle is the first metabolic pathway to be elucidated by Hans
Krebs (1900– 1981) and Kurt Henseleit (1907–1972).
• Hence, the cycle is known as Krebs-Henseleit urea cycle.
• As ornithine is the first member of the reaction, it is also called as Ornithine cycle.
Introduction to Urea Cycle
Why Urea?

• Urea is the major disposal form of amino groups derived from amino acids, and
accounts for about 90% of the nitrogen-containing components of urine.
• One nitrogen of the urea molecule is supplied by free ammonia, and the other nitrogen
by aspartate.
[Note: Glutamate is the immediate precursor of both ammonia (through oxidative deamination by glutamate dehydrogenase) and aspartate nitrogen (through transamination of
oxaloacetate by AST).]

• The carbon and oxygen of urea are derived from CO 2.

• Urea is produced by the liver, and then is transported in the blood to the kidneys for
excretion in the urine.
The first two reactions leading to the synthesis of urea occur
in the mitochondria, whereas the remaining cycle enzymes
are located in the cytosol
STEP 1 : Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I Initiates Urea Biosynthesis

Formation of Carbomyl Phosphate

• Condensation of CO , ammonia, and ATP to form carbamoyl phosphate is catalyzed


by mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-I (CPS-I) (EC

• Synthesis of 1 mol of carbamoyl phosphate requires 2 mol of ATP. (Note: ATP serves as the
phosphoryl donor for formation of the mixed acid anhydride bond of carbamoyl phosphate. The second ATP provides the driving force for
synthesis of the amide bond of carbamoyl phosphate.)

• Phosphorylation of carbamate by the second ATP then forms carbamoyl phosphate.

• Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I Is the Pacemaker Enzyme of the Urea Cycle
CPS-I reaction is the rate-limiting step in urea formation. It is
irreversible and is active only in the presence of N-acetylglutamate,
an allosteric activator that enhances the affinity of the synthetase for
STEP 2: Carbamoyl Phosphate Plus Ornithine Forms Citrulline
Formation of Citrulline

• L-Ornithine transcarbamoylase (EC catalyzes transfer of the carbamoyl group of

carbamoyl phosphate to ornithine as the high-energy phosphate is released as P , forming i

citrulline and orthophosphate.

[Note: Ornithine and citrulline are basic amino acids that participate in the urea cycle, moving across the inner mitochondrial membrane via a cotransporter. They are not incorporated into cellular
proteins because there are no codons for these amino acids]

• Ornithine is regenerated with each turn of the urea cycle, much in the same way that
oxaloacetate is regenerated by the reactions of the citric acid cycle.
• Entry of ornithine into mitochondria and exodus of citrulline from mitochondria therefore
involve mitochondrial inner membrane permeases. Thus, The citrulline leaves the
mitochondria and further reactions are taking place in cytoplasm.
• Citrulline is neither present in blood nor in tissue, it is present in milk.
STEP 3: Citrulline Plus Aspartate Forms Argininosuccinate
Synthesis of Argininosuccinate

• Argininosuccinate synthetase (EC links aspartate and citrulline via the
amino group of aspartate and provides the second nitrogen of urea.
• The reaction requires ATP and involves intermediate formation of citrullyl-AMP.
Subsequent displacement of AMP by aspartate then forms argininosuccinate.
• This is the third and final molecule of ATP consumed in the formation of urea.
• The a-amino group of aspartate provides the second nitrogen that is ultimately
incorporated into urea.
STEP 4: Cleavage of Argininosuccinate Forms Arginine & Fumarate

Formation of Arginine

• Argininosuccinate is cleaved by argininosuccinate lyase to yield arginine and fumarate.

• The arginine formed by this reaction serves as the immediate precursor of urea.
• The enzyme is inhibited by fumarate. But this is avoided by the cytoplasmic localization of the
• The fumarate formed may be funnelled into TCA cycle to be converted to malate and then to
oxaloacetate to be transaminated to aspartate. Thus the urea cycle is linked to TCA cycle
through fumarate.
• The 3rd and 4th steps taken together may be summarised as:
Citrulline + aspartate ® Arginine + fumarate
STEP 5: Cleavage of Arginine Releases Urea & Reforms Ornithine
Formation of Urea

• Hydrolytic cleavage of the guanidino group of arginine, catalyzed by liver arginase (EC, releases urea.
• Only the liver can cleave arginine and, thereby, synthesize urea.
• The other product, ornithine, reenters liver mitochondria and participates in additional
rounds of urea synthesis.
• Thus, ornithine may be considered as a catalyst which enters the reaction and is
• Ornithine and lysine are potent inhibitors of arginase, and compete with arginine.
Fate of Urea

• Urea diffuses from the liver, and is transported in the blood to the kidneys, where it is
filtered and excreted in the urine.
• A portion of the urea diffuses from the blood into the intestine, and is cleaved to CO
2 and NH by bacterial urease.

• This ammonia is partly lost in the feces, and is partly reabsorbed into the blood.
Summary of Urea cycle
Flow of Nitrogen to
form Urea
Role of Ornithine

• Ornithine may be considered as a catalyst which enters the reaction and is

• The major role of ornithine is in urea cycle which enters the cycle and regenerated at
the end of the cycle. None of the atoms of ornithine is incorporated into urea.
• Ornithine only acts as the precursor of arginine and citrulline. It is not used for
protein synthesis.
Role of Ornithine

• Ornithine is used for the synthesis of polyamines after decarboxylation. The enzyme
is ornithine decarboxylase (ODC).

Ornithine ——-ODC-——> Putrescine + CO2

• Putrescine combines with propylamine derived from methionine to form
• Addition of another propylamine will give rise to spermine.
• The propylamine is donated by Ado-Met leaving behind methylthioadenosine,
which can be used to resynthesize methionine.
The overall reaction may be summarized as:
NH + CO + Aspartate ® Urea + Fumarate
3 2
Energetics of Urea cycle
NH + CO + Aspartate ® Urea + Fumarate
3 2

• In the urea cycle 2 ATPs are used in the first reaction.

• Another ATP is converted to AMP and PPi,which is equivalent to 2 ATPs.The urea
cycle consumes 4 high energy phosphate bonds.
• However, fumarate formed in the 4th step may be converted to malate. Malate when
oxidized to oxaloacetate produces 1 NADH equivalent to 2.5 ATP.
• So, net energy expenditure is only 1.5 high energy phosphates. The urea cycle and
TCA cycle are interlinked, and so, it is called as "urea bicycle".
Thank you for your patience!

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