477306S Article1 Extra PDF
477306S Article1 Extra PDF
477306S Article1 Extra PDF
supply or removal of large quantities of heat. flow is assumed, i. e., no mixing occurs in axial
Thermally neutral reactions involve consider- (flow) direction, but ideal mixing takes place in
ably less technical sophistication. the ra-dial direction. Thus, as in the batch stir-
The concentration and temperature depen- red-tank reactor, all particles experience a well-
dences of a chemical reaction are described by defined residence time. In contrast, the continu-
the reaction rate. In practice most reaction ous stirred-tank reactor has a very broad resi-
systems are complex and include parallel, se- dence-time distribution (! Principles of
quential, and equilibrium reactions. To obtain Chemical Reaction Engineering). The ideal
the highest possible yield of desired product analysis is based on the assumption of a reaction
under these conditions, the temperature and system that is homogeneous as regards the
pressure must be held within certain ranges, phase. Thus transport resistance between phases
the temperature must be controlled along the does not occur.
reaction path, and a definite residence-time The thermally ideal operating states are the
distribution in the reactor must be achieved. isothermal and adiabatic states, i. e., either very
If, in addition, substances or energy have to be intensive heat exchange with the surroundings or
transferred from one phase to another, appro- no exchange at all is assumed.
priate transport conditions have to be imple- In practical operation, the ideal states are
mented. When catalysts are used, catalyst loss achieved only approximately. Examples of typi-
due to aging and poisoning must be considered. cal nonidealities include
These factors impose a complex of require-
ments that must be kept in mind when design- 1. The formation of real flow patterns, such as
ing a reactor. dead zones, short-circuit flows, and channeling
Against the requirements established by the 2. Transport processes in the individual phases,
process, the designer must balance costs of such as axial backmixing
fabrication, consumption of materials, and 3. The formation of concentration and tempera-
operational reliability. In practice, many pos- ture profiles as a result of transport resistances
sibilities are often available for realizing a in and between phases
chemical process, and in such cases the deci- 4. Segregation processes
sion must depend on an assessment of the 5. Incomplete mixing of reactants
overall process as well as commercial con-
straints on the plant. The essential advantages and disadvantages
of the three basic reactor types are discussed in
what follows.
2. Basic Types of Reactors (! Model
Reactors and Their Design Equations) Batch Stirred Tank (! Stirred Tank
A variety of reactor designs are used in industry,
but all of them can be assigned to certain basic Principal Applications:
types or combinations of these. The basic types
1. Liquid-phase reactions
are as follows (see ! Principles of Chemical
2. Liquid – solid reactions
Reaction Engineering, Section 4.2.):
1. Batch stirred-tank reactor
2. Continuous stirred-tank reactor 1. Quick production changeover possible; use
3. Tubular reactor for substances produced on a small scale
2. Process steps upstream or downstream of
Given certain flow and thermal conditions, the reaction can also be performed in the
these types are also referred to as ‘‘ideal’’ re- reactor
actors. With respect to flow conditions the ideal 3. Better process control than in continuous
stirred-tank batch reactor is characterized by operation when solid or highly viscous phases
complete mixing on microscopic and macro- form or are present
scopic scales. In the ideal tubular reactor, plug 4. Well-defined residence time
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 295
Series Connection:
1. Multibed reactors
1. Low operating costs, especially at high 2. Tower reactors, reaction columns
throughputs 3. Cascades of stirred tanks (! Stirred Tank
2. Consistent product quality due to reproduc- Reactors)
ible process control 4. Multiple-hearth reactors (! Metallurgical
3. Wide range of throughput Furnaces)
5. Different reactor types connected in series
Disadvantages: (e.g., stirred tank and tubular reactor)
1. Final conversions lower than in other basic Parallel Connection: Multitubular reactors
reactor types because of complete mixing
Recycle Connection: Loop reactors (!
(i.e., unreacted starting materials can get into
Stirred Tank Reactors)
the product stream)
Complicated reactor designs result, especially
2. High investment costs to implement continu-
when different reactor types are combined in a
ous operation
single apparatus. At the same time, such a combi-
3. Changeover to other products generally com-
nation offers maximum adaptability to the require-
plex and time-consuming because of reaction-
ments of a given reaction process. The designer
specific design
must, of course, examine every case individually to
ensure that the results justify the very high devel-
Tubular Reactor (! Tubular Reactors) opment and investment costs for such special
Principal Applications: reactors. The following survey of real reactors
includes these special types of reactor designs
1. Homogeneous gas-phase reactions only when their utility extends beyond a single
2. Liquid-phase reactions case.
3. Gas- and liquid-phase reactions over solid
catalysts (! Fixed‐Bed Reactors)
4. Gas – liquid reactions
3. Survey of Real Reactors and their
1. Favorable conditions for temperature control The phase relationships in the reaction space are
by heat supply or removal crucial in the design of reactors for catalytic,
296 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
thermal, and polymerization processes and Table 2. Reactors for endothermic gas-phase reactions
accordingly form the top-level classification fea- Reactor type Features Examples of applications
ture for such reactors. Since many different
combinations of phases are possible, the survey Burner very high reaction Sachsse – Bartholome pro-
temperatures attain- cess for acetylene production
is based only on the state of the reactants at the able by partial com- high-pressure gasification for
inlet to the reactor or the beginning of the reac- bustion of reactants synthesis gas production
tion and the phase of the reaction site (catalyst short residence times (Texaco, Shell)
phase, liquid phase with dissolved reactant). Reformer high reaction tem- steam cracking of naphtha
peratures attainable and other hydrocarbons to
Reaction products that form additional phases mainly by radiation ethylene
and inert substances of all types (except for well-defined resi- vinyl chloride production
solvents, as just noted) are ignored. dence times by cleavage of
Reactors used in electrothermal, electro- dichloroethane
chemical, biochemical, photochemical, and of acetic acid to ketene
radiochemical processes are treated separately. of 2-methyl-2-pentene
Reactor types for which no industrial application to isoprene (in presence
is currently known are not listed. of HBr)
of chlorodifluoromethane
to tetrafluoroethylene
Fluidized-bed heat supplied along Lurgi Sandcracker
3.1. Reactors for Gas-Phase Reactions reactor with solids
Moving-bed heat supplied along Langer – Mond process for
reactor with solids production of ultrapure
Homogeneous gas-phase reactions utilized in nickel
industry are generally characterized by large continuous removal
of solid products
Reactor with fixed bed ensures Kureha process for
Table 1. Reactors for exothermic gas-phase reactions fixed bed of heat storage acetylene and ethylene
inerts and intensive production
Reactor mixing production of CS2 from CH4
type Features Examples of applications and sulfur vapor
Regenerative battery operation gas generation from heavy
Burner for high reaction rates combustion of H2S to SO2 furnaces no dilution by heat- crudes
very high reaction (Claus vessel) transfer medium
temperatures explo- carbon black production
sion limits must be (furnace, gas,
taken into thermal carbon black
consideration processes) chlorine –
hydrogen reaction
chlorination of
methanenitration positive or negative enthalpies of reaction and
of propane
high reaction temperatures. To obtain the desired
Tubular well-defined resi- chlorination
reactor dence time (tubes up of methane product spectrum, residence times must usually
to 1000 m long) of propene to allyl be very short. The high reaction temperature can
intermediate injec- chloride be maintained or the requisite heat supplied by
tion possible of butadiene to
burning part of the feed.
pressure drops dichlorobutane
good temperature chlorolysis of chlorinated Tables 1 and 2 and Figures 1 and 2 summarize
control capability hydrocarbons the reactors used for such reactions as well as
Reactor suitable for low re- chlorination of methane their applications.
with action rates
recycle good mixing
cooling inside or
outside reactor 3.2. Reactors for Liquid-Phase
Fluid- nearly isothermal chlorination Reactions
ized-bed conditions of methane
reactor because heat trans- of 1,2-dichloroethane
port is very efficient to tri- and In general, liquid-phase reactions are exother-
intensive mixing perchloroethylene mic. In the case of multiphase systems, intensive
chlorolysis of chlorinated mass and heat transfer must be provided for; this
is possible only in reactors with compulsory
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 297
suitable for slow reactions HIPS*, ABS* (1st stage of each process)
polycondensation to PA 66*
solution polymerization to PVAC*, PAN*, PE*, PP*,
EPM*, EPDM*, SB*, SB – S*, EO – PO*
polycondensation to UF*, MF*, PF* resins
precipitation polymerization to PVC*, PAN*, PE*, PP*,
EPM*, EPDM* suspension polymerization to PVC*, EPS*,
PMMA*, PVAC*, and ion-exchange resins based on PS*,
HIPS*, ABS* (2nd stage)
emulsion polymerization to numerous polymer
production of aromatic nitro compounds
sulfonation of benzene
esterification of PA* and alcohol to diphthalates
many other syntheses of dyes and pharmaceuticals
Stirred tank, continuous suitable for fast reactions with polymerization reactions bulk and solution polymerization to
large negative or positive heat of PS*, PMMA*, HIPS*, and ABS* (1st stage in each case);
reaction approximately complete copolymers with nonazeotropic monomer ratios
mixing conversion generally not
complete mechanical stirring
precipitation polymerization to PAN*, IIR*, PE*, PP*
emulsion polymerization to PVC* and SAN*
of acrylic acid with alcohol
of acetic acid with ethanol
of 1,4-butanediol to tetrahydrofuran
of ethanol to diethyl ether
of benzyl chloride
of fatty acids
of 3,4-dichloro-1-butene to chloroprene
of 1,1,2-trichloroethane to vinylidene chloride
cyclization of glycols to 1,4-dioxane
nitration of aliphatic hydrocarbons
alkylation of isobutane with n-butenes
production of melamine from molten urea (Montecatini)
of cyclohexanone/ol with HNO3 to adipic acid
of mono- to dicarboxylic acids
of allyl alcohol with H2O2 to glycerol
Cascade of stirred tanks suitable for slow reactions adapt- polymerization reactions transesterification of DMT* to
able to needed reaction conditions DGT* polycondensation to PETP* and PBT* solution po-
stage by stage residence-time lymerization to BR*, IR*, UP*, UF*, MF*, PF* resins
distribution close to that of tubular
solution or precipitation polymerization to PE*, PP*,
emulsion polymerization to SBR*, CR*, NBR*
production of hydroxylamine sulfate (Raschig process)
production of cyclohexanone oxime from cyclohexanol and
hydroxylammonium sulfate
nitration of aromatic hydrocarbons
decomposition of ammonium carbamate to urea
production of plasticizers from phthalic anhydride and
production of MDA* in conjunction with downstream tu-
bular reactor
production of methacrylamide from acetocyanohydrin
production of MDI* from MDA* and TDI* from TDA*
300 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
Table 3 (Continued)
Reaction column reaction and separation in a single aldol condensation of n-butyraldehyde to 2-ethylhexenal
equilibrium can be modified by saponification
removing one or more components
from reaction space
of chloropropanol with milk of lime
of fatty acids
of acetic acid with butanol
of phthalic anhydride with alcohols
of amalgam
of ammonium carbamate to urea and water
Multichamber tank virtually identical to cascade of polymerization to LDPE* (ICI)
stirred tanks
requires little space
chamber-by-chamber feed injec- alkylation of isoparaffins with olefins (Kellogg)
tion possible
Tower reactor for continuous processes bulk and solution polymerization of PS*, HIPS*, ABS*,
SAN*, PA 6*
section-by-section temperature
control possible
little backmixing at high viscosity
also in cascade or with upstream
stirred tank
Ring-and-disk reactor narrow residence-time distribution final stage in production of PETP* and PBT*
Extruder for highly viscous media polymerization reactions
production of POM* from trioxane
final stage in production of PA 66*
Fluidized-bed reactor very good heat- and mass-trans- polymerization to HDPE*, LLDPE*, PP*
port conditions
fluid coking of heavy residual oils (Exxon)
melamine production from molten urea
Mixing head with injection mold special design for bringing several production of PUR*
liquid reactants together
Belt reactor with mixing head for fabrication of sheets and films production of PIB*, PMMA*, PUR*, PVAL*
Spinning jet (with coagulating for production of strands viscose spinning
Spray reactor direct heating in hot stream of gas thermal H2SO4 cleavage
production of MgO from MgCl2 (spray calci- nation)
Falling-film reactor gentle temperature control due to sulfation of fatty alcohols
large heat-transfer area
diazotization of aromatic amines
diazo coupling
The following abbreviations are used: ABS ¼ acrylonitrile – butadiene – styrene copolymer; BR ¼ butadiene rubber;
CR ¼ chloroprene rubber; DGT ¼ diglycyl terephthalate; DMT ¼ dimethyl terephthalate; EO – PO ¼ ethylene oxide –propylene oxide
block copolymer; EPDM ¼ ethylene – (propene – diene) copolymer; EPM ¼ ethylene – propene copolymer; EPS ¼ expandable
polystyrene; HDPE ¼ high-density polyethylene; HIPS ¼ high-impact polystyrene; IIR ¼ isobutylene – isoprene rubber (butyl rubber);
IR ¼ isoprene rubber (synthetic); LDPE ¼ low-density polyethylene; LLDPE ¼ linear low-density polyethylene; MA ¼ maleic
anhydride; MDA ¼ 4,40 -diaminodiphenyl methane; MDI ¼ methylene diphenylene isocyanate; MF ¼ melamine – formaldehyde;
NBR ¼ butadiene – acrylonitrile copolymer (nitrile rubber); PA ¼ polyamide; PAN ¼ polyacrylonitrile; PBT ¼ poly(butylene
terephthalate); PE ¼ polyethylene; PE – PP ¼ polyethylene – polypropylene copolymer; PETP ¼ poly(ethylene terephthalate);
PF ¼ phenol – formaldehyde; PIB ¼ polyisobutylene; PMMA ¼ poly(methyl methacrylate); PO ¼ poly(propylene oxide);
POM ¼ polyoxymethylene; PP ¼ polypropylene; PS ¼ polystyrene; PUR ¼ polyurethane; PVAC ¼ poly(vinyl acetate);
PVAL ¼ poly(vinyl alcohol); PVC ¼ poly(vinyl chloride); SAN ¼ styrene – acrylonitrile copolymer; SBR ¼ styrene – butadiene
rubber; SB ¼ styrene –butadiene block copolymer; SB – S ¼ styrene – butadiene – styrene block copolymer; TDA ¼ toluene diamine;
TDI ¼ toluene diisocyanate; UF ¼ urea – formaldehyde; UP ¼ unsaturated polyester.
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 301
reactions. Figure 4 shows special reactor designs Figure 5 illustrates reactor types for gas –
for polymerization reactions. liquid reactions. Important applications are listed
in Table 4.
Gas – liquid reactions include many industrially Heterogeneous catalytic processes play a major
important processes, such as oxidation, alkyl- role in chemical technology, because many key
ation, chlorination, and flue-gas scrubbing. The products and intermediates can be manufactured
prerequisite for an efficient reaction is rapid mass in this way. Fluid reactants react in the presence
transport between gas and liquid. Important cri- of a solid catalyst, the mechanism as a whole
teria for assessment include consisting of the reaction proper and a series of
upstream and downstream transport steps.
1. The interfacial area
2. The mass or volume ratio of gas to liquid
3. The energy required to mix the phases 3.4.1. Reactors for Heterogeneous Gas
Other important factors are temperature con- Reactors with a fixed catalyst bed are distin-
trol, heat removal, and residence time (especially guished from those with moving catalyst.
that of the liquid phase).
Reactor design is dictated largely by the way Fixed-Bed Reactors (! Fixed-Bed Reac-
in which the interface is generated. The following tors) The characteristic features of a reactor
methods are possible: with fixed catalyst are the pressure drop of the
flowing gas in the catalyst bed and the danger of
1. Reactors with continuous liquid-phase and unstable operation points, especially with strong-
fixed gas distribution devices [bubble col- ly exothermic reactions, when flow through the
umns (! Bubble Columns), packed and tray catalyst bed becomes nonuniform. Fixed-bed
reactors (! Reaction Columns)] reactors must be shut down after a certain time
2. Reactors with mechanical gas dispersion onstream to regenerate or replace the catalyst.
(sparged stirred tanks) Fixed-bed reactors can be classified by the
3. Reactors with continuous gas phase and liquid type of temperature control:
dispersing devices (spray reactors, liquid-ring
pumps) 1. Reactors with no special temperature control
4. Thin-film reactors (! Thin-Film Reactors) features (adiabatic operation)
306 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
Table 4 (Continued)
2. Reactor systems with stagewise temperature Reactor systems with stagewise temperature
control (chiefly for equilibrium reactions) control are used primarily for equilibrium reac-
3. Reactors with continuous heat exchange tions. Such a reactor consists of simple adiabatic
along the flow path (polytropic operation) reactor elements connected in series and takes the
form of several units or a system housed in a
Fixed-bed reactors without equipment for common reactor shell. Temperature control is
temperature control are marked by a particularly accomplished by heat transfer between reactor
simple construction and low flow resistance, stages or by the injection of tempered gas or
which makes them suitable for high gas through- vapor streams at points along the flow path.
puts. A summary of these reactors appears in Table 6 and Figure 7 present reactor systems of
Table 5 and Figure 6. this type along with applications.
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 307
Table 7. Fixed-bed catalytic reactors for gas-phase reactions with continuous temperature control
lowing features must be taken into consideration 2. Increased mechanical loads on the catalyst
when using reactors of this type: and reactor materials
3. The favorable conditions for heat and mass
1. The possibility of continuous catalyst re- transport, resulting from rapid movement of
generation solids and small catalyst grain size
310 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
Fixed-bed Reactors (trickle-flow reactors A variety of specialized reactors are available for
and packed bubble columns) are used for liquid- noncatalytic reactions involving solids. The dis-
phase reactions, as well as gas – liquid reac- cussion that follows deals only with the industri-
tions over solid catalysts. The presence of a ally important types.
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 311
3.5.1. Reactors for Noncatalytic high process temperatures; in addition, the struc-
Gas – Solid Reactions ture and geometry of the solid can change during
the reaction.
In general, noncatalytic gas – solid reactions are Reactors for this service can essentially be
characterized by low overall reaction rates and grouped into those for semicontinuous opera-
312 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
tion, that is, with no solids transport (vertical heat transport between gas and solid phases,
shaft kilns and rotary drums), and those for and heat-input capabilities. The first group
continuous operation, that is, with continuous includes moving-bed reactors. Since the gas
solids transport. The second type, in turn, can be has to flow through the bed of solids, mass and
divided into heat transport between the phases is relatively
good. Temperature control can be effected by
1. Reactors with gravity transport of solids simultaneously carrying out exothermic and
2. Reactors with mechanical transport of endothermic reactions in the same reactor.
solids Reactors with mechanical transport of solids
3. Reactors with pneumatic transport of solids include rotary kilns and multiple-hearth furnaces
(! Metallurgical Furnaces, Chap. 1.). Transport
These three groups differ widely with re- of gas and solid phases through the reactor
spect to residence time, conditions of mass and largely occurs separately. Intensive heat and
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 313
Figure 11. Suspended-bed and fluidized-bed reactors for liquid-phase and gas – liquid reactions over solid catalysts
A) Bubble column with suspended catalyst; B) Fluidized-bed reactor; C) Buss loop reactor; D) Sparged stirred tank with
suspended catalyst; E) Cascade of sparged stirred tanks with suspended catalyst
a) Liquid feed components; b) Gaseous feed components; c) Liquid product; d) Catalyst; e) Off-gas; f) Heating agent or coolant;
g) Heat exchanger; h) Pump; i) Reaction mixer with mixing nozzle
3.5.2. Reactors for Noncatalytic Liquid – gas – solid reactions. Long residence times and
Solid Reactions high reaction temperatures are necessary, espe-
cially for reactions between different solids,
Reactors used for noncatalytic liquid – solid re- because of the low transport rates therein. Heat
actions must be designed for the transport and can be supplied by indirect or direct heating or by
mixing of phases, sometimes at high solids con- burning solid fuels.
tents. Batch and semicontinuous designs are Inert gases are employed for heat transport
therefore dominant. Table 12 and Figure 13 and agitation of the solids. Important applica-
present a survey of important reactor types for tions are listed in Table 13.
noncatalytic liquid – solid reactions and sample
3.5.3. Reactors for Noncatalytic A variety of electrical heating schemes are used
Solid-Phase Reactions for some important noncatalytic reactions be-
tween gases and solids when very high reaction
Reactors used for noncatalytic solid-phase reac- temperatures and large quantities of heat are
tions are similar to those used for noncatalytic required. In the simplest case, heating elements
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 315
(rods, strips, etc.) are used for this purpose. A The very high temperatures produced by the
much more efficient method, however, is direct , arc cause ionization in gases and thus activate
electric heating. Options here include arc, resis- the reactants; this feature is utilized in
tance, and induction heating. plasma processes for high-temperature pyrolysis
316 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
Stirred tank batch or semicontinuous operation predominant production of alkali cellulose and nitrocellulose
solids content limited by power of stirring apparatus reduction of nitrobenzene with metals
to aniline or hydrazobenzene
bauxite digestion
production of salicylic acid from dry
sodium phenolate (Kolbe – Schmitt process)
hydrolysis of calcium cyanamide to cyanamide
production of BF3 from B2O3, CaF2, and H2SO4
production of alkylaluminums from
aluminum, olefin, and hydrogen
production of tetraethyllead
Cascade of stirred tanks for low reaction rates and high final conversions apatite digestion
Tank with liquid semicontinuous operation with solids cellulose digestion
recirculation fixed in tank and liquid recirculating
production of ammonium sulfate from ammonium
carbonate and gypsum
Rotary drum for batch operation, high solids content production of cellulose acetate and cellulose ethers
production of AlF3 by wet process
Fluidized-bed reactor Semicontinuous operation water treatment
intensive liquid circulation
Steeping press combination of reaction and liquid separation production of cellulose ether
batch operation
Kneader used for highly viscous media production of nitrocellulose, cellulose ether,
and cellulose acetate
for batch operation production of celluloid from nitrocellulose
production of superphosphate
Screw-conveyor reactor used for highly viscous media digestion of rutile or ilmenite with H2SO4
batch operation
Multiple-hearth reactor continuous operation production of acetylene from carbide
(dry gas generator)
long solids residence time
Rotary kiln direct heating for high reaction temperatures digestion of fluorspar or phosphate with
H2SO4reducing decomposition of H2SO4
in presence of carbon
1. High product purity (no secondary reactions) For these reasons, electrochemical processes
2. Low reaction temperature (except for fused- are used only when no available thermal or
salt electrolysis) catalytic process can accomplish the same pur-
3. Easy control of reaction rate through variation pose, which is especially true in the production of
of electrode voltage chlorine, aluminum, and copper. A survey of
important applications for electrolytic processes
They have the following disadvantages: is given in the following:
Metal refining
. Copper
. Nickel
In addition to these factors, metabolism sion of gas from outside must be prevented;
is important for reactor design. Aerobic gases and solvent vapors resulting from the
processes require an adequate supply of reaction must also be removed from the
oxygen. In anaerobic processes, the admis- reactor.
322 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
Sparged stirred tank various stirring and circulation apparatus production of antibiotics amino acids yeast
suitable for higher viscosities
Reactors with forced circulation
Bubble column very broad residence-time distribution production of yeast
good dispersion properties aerobic wastewater treatment
Jet reactor free jet, jet nozzle, or central tube designs
for low viscosities
high gas velocities, good mass transfer
Submerged-jet reactor very broad residence-time distribution processing of spent sulfite liquor
good mass transfer fermentation of waste substrates
danger of slime settling out
Reactors with natural
Bubble column much backmixing, broad residence-time production of biomass citric acid
for low viscosities
simple construction
Loop reactor for low viscosities
little dispersive action
Sieve-tray tower good mass transfer due to fine bubble
Surface reactors
Trickle-bed reactor low mass-transfer coefficients and negli- production of acetic acid aerobic waste-
gible dispersive action water treatment
Reactor with rotating internals use of paddles, cylinders, etc. suitable for aerobic wastewater treatment
viscous media
Reactors for these processes can be classified cations of these reactor types include fermenta-
as follows: tion processes (e.g., lactic acid fermentation,
alcohol production, mash fermentation).
1. Reactors with dissolved or suspended bioca- The immobilization of enzymes on suitable
talysts (submerged processes) for aerobic or supports enables the use of reactor designs simi-
anaerobic conditions lar to those for heterogeneous catalytic process-
2. Reactors with immobilized biocatalysts for es. If the enzymes are supported on semiperme-
aerobic or anaerobic conditions able membranes, separation and reaction can be
combined in membrane reactors.
Reactors for use in submerged aerobic pro- Reactors with immobilized biocatalysts, to-
cesses have provisions for efficient aeration and gether with their applications, are listed in Ta-
intensive liquid circulation. Aeration is accom- ble 16 and Figure 17.
plished with fixed or moving distributors, noz-
zles, or submerged or rotating jets. Liquid circu-
lation is ensured by various stirring systems or by 3.9. Reactors for Photochemical and
forced or natural convection. Radiochemical Processes
A summary of the most important reactor
types and their applications is given in Table The photochemical and radiochemical princi-
15 and Figure 16. ples are used to a very limited extent in indus-
Reactors for anaerobic conditions do not have try because conditions for economical opera-
aeration equipment. Usually, sealed vessels with tion (e.g., high quantum efficiency) are seldom
or without stirrers are used (fermenters). Appli- met.
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 323
Table 16. Reactors for biochemical processes over immobilized biocatalysts (for aerobic and anaerobic conditions)
3.9.1. Photochemical Reactors (! Photo- evolved and supplemental cooling devices must
chemistry, Chap. 3.) be employed.
A survey of reactor types and their indus-
The rate of a photochemical reaction is deter- trial applications appears in Table 17 and
mined by the concentration of reactants and by Figure 18.
the intensity, quantity, and wavelength of light
supplied. Light in the wavelength range that is
absorbed by the reaction mixture can be formal-
3.9.2. Radiochemical Reactors (! Radia-
ly treated as a reactant. As a consequence,
tion Chemistry)
photochemical reactions exhibit a position de-
pen-dence of the reaction rate, even with com-
Radiochemical reactions are induced by the
plete mixing, because the flux density of light
action of ionizing radiation. In addition to high
quanta decreases with increasing distance from
energy consumption, the extremely complex
the light source. The feasible thickness of the
design of radiation sources and shielding
reaction space, and thus the type and size of
works against the wider use of this reaction
reactor that can be used, depend not only on the
power of the emitter, but also on the optical
The following are known applications:
properties of the reactor material and the reac-
tion medium. Intensive mixing must be ensured,
especially for thick beds. Light can be supplied 1. Production of ethyl bromide (Dow process,
from outside (through the reactor wall) or by Fig. 19)
submerged light sources. When high-power 2. Radiative cross-linking of poly(vinyl chlo-
light sources are used a large amount of heat is ride) and polyethylene
Vol. 31 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications 325
Figure 17. Reactors for biochemical processes over immobilized biocatalysts (for aerobic and anaerobic conditions)
A) Stirred tank with suspended catalyst; B) Fixed-bed reactor; C) Fluidized-bed reactor; D) Membrane reactor
a) Biocatalyst; b) Fermentation medium; c) Product; d) Off-gas; e) Permeate; f) Membrane tube; g) Retentate
Tubular reactor for homogeneous gas- and liquid-phase reactions chlorination of benzene to hexachlorocyclohexane
chlorination of methane to dichloromethane
Bubble column requires favorable optical conditions and low viscosity sulfochlorination of paraffins (cascade)
also used in cascades and with central tube side-chain chlorination of aromatics
production of dodecanethiol from 1-dodecene and H2S
Stirred tank optically induced differences in reaction rate oximation of cyclohexane with nitrosyl chloride
equalized by intensive stirring
production of provitamin D3
Falling-film reactor suitable for poor optical conditions because production of vitamin D2
film is very thin
Belt reactor especially for highly viscous media polymerization to PAN, PAC, PVC, PVAC*
PAN ¼ polyacrylonitrile; PAC ¼ polyacrylate; PVC ¼ poly(vinyl chloride); PVAC ¼ poly(vinyl acetate).
326 Reactor Types and Their Industrial Applications Vol. 31
1 ‘‘Chemische Reaktoren-Ausr€ustungen und ihre Berech-
nung’’, Verfahrenstechnische Berechnungsmethoden, part
5, VEB Deutscher Verlag f€ur Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig
2 H. Gerrens: ‘‘Über die Auswahl von Polymerisationsreak-
toren, ’’ Chem. Ing. Tech. 52 (1980) 477 – 488.
3 K. H. Reichert, W. Geiseler (e ds.): Polymer Reaction
Engineering, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, Ger-
many 1989.
Figure 18. Reactors for photochemical processes 4 W.-D. Deckwer: ‘‘Bioreaktoren, ’’ Chem. Ing. Tech. 60
A) Tubular reactor; B) Bubble column; C) Stirred tank; (1988) 583 – 590.
D) Falling-film reactor; E) Belt reactor 5 K. Sch€ugerl: ‘‘Characteristic Features of Bioreactors’’,
a) Gaseous feed components; b) Liquid feed components;
Bioreaction Engineering, vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons,
c) Product; d) Emitter; e) Coolant; f) Off-gas; g) External
reflector; h) Falling film; i) Belt New York 1990.
6 A. Heger: Technologie der Strahlenchemie von Polymeren,
Carl Hanser Verlag, M€unchen 1990.
Further Reading
3. Production of alkyltin compounds
4. Degradation of polymers A. Cybulski, J. A. Moulijn, A. Stankiewicz: Novel Concepts
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