Company Law Provision On Dividend Payment
Company Law Provision On Dividend Payment
Company Law Provision On Dividend Payment
• The company can declare the dividend out of surplus reserve in case of
insufficient current year’s profit subject to the following conditions:
• Rate of Dividend: The dividend rate shall not exceed the average of the
declared dividend of three immediately preceding years.
• Withdrawal amount: The total amount of withdrawal from
accumulated reserve shall not exceed 1/10th of the paid-up share
capital and free reserves as per the latest audited financial statement.
• Utilization of money withdrawn: Such withdrawn money from
accumulated reserve shall be first used to set off the previous year’s loss
before declaring a dividend for the current year.
• Balance: Balance of surplus reserve after withdrawal shall not fall below
15% of its paid-up share capital as per its latest financial statement.
Circumstances under which dividend is not required to be paid