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Mufti Dekamo (B Pharm, MSc)
2015, Sem 2
Natural Products
compounds which are isolated from natural sources like
plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and lichens.

the end product of organism metabolism (metabolites)

Primary metabolites:-essential for the plants growth and is
involved in directly normal growth, development, and

Secondary metabolites:-not directly involved in those processes

and usually has a function but is not that important for the
organism survival.
Chemistry of Natural Products 2
No nutritional or structural function.
Functional roles may include:
 color (identification)
 scent (attraction or repulsion)
 sexual attraction
 social communication
 defense (e.g., plant toxins and antibiotics)

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Why do we study Natural Products?

 Source of the most complex and fascinating chemical

 Represent biological diversity.
 Are expressions of the genome.
 Represent natural biological activity, whether as single
compounds or as complex mixtures.

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 Are part of the natural wealth of the country, and can be
an important source of livelihood, from agriculture and
food, pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals industry.

 Can be an effective bridge from tradition to modern

scientific developments, including genetics, molecular
biology, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical science.

Chemistry of Natural Products 5

The market for natural products is HUGE
• Pharmaceuticals
• Traditional herbal medicines
• Beverages: tea (e.g., green, Chinese), herbal teas, coffee
• Food supplements and health products
• Herbs and spices, food flavor ingredients
• Perfumes and scents
• Essential oils, others …

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Herbal Medicine Regulation in the World

WHO recognizes the important and historical role of herbal

medicine in health.

Herbal medicine is a major form of treatment for more than 70% of

the world's population.

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 The Guidelines for the Assessment of Herbal Medicines
states that a substance’s historical use is a valid way to
document safety and efficacy in the absence of
scientific evidence to the contrary.
• Appropriate use
• Quality control methods
• Recommended labeling

Chemistry of Natural Products 9

 EU follows the "doctrine of reasonable certainty” and is
generally consistent with WHO.

 France: traditional medicines can be sold with labeling

based on traditional use

 Germany considers active ingredient of herbal product

and standardization (Commission E).

Chemistry of Natural Products 10

 England generally follows the rule of prior use

 USA: herbal products can be marketed only as food

 Herbal products can make no specific health claims
without FDA approval.

 India: Ayurvedic medicine

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Asia: use of patent herbal remedies composed of dried and
powdered whole herbs or herb extracts, also in tablet form

China: wide-spread use of traditional herbals

Japan: Kampo medicine is derived from Chinese medicine

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The changing landscape of herbal medicine, food
and wellness

Traditional Medicine “is a comprehensive term used to

refer both to TM systems and to various forms of indigenous

Chemistry of Natural Products 13

In countries where:
• the dominant health care system is based on
allopathic medicine, or
• where TM has not been incorporated into the
national health care system,
TM is often termed “complementary”, “alternative” or
“non-conventional” medicine.”
eg, US FDA: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Chemistry of Natural Products 14

Chemistry Natural Products is key to
•Herbal Medicine

•Dietary Supplement


•Functional Food

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Herbal Medicine: Makes therapeutic claim;
 crude herbal materials,

 preparations and finished products, that contain

as active ingredients,
 parts of plants or combinations thereof.

In Europe, also called “phytotherapy”.

Chemistry of Natural Products 16
Dietary Supplement: A product that is intended to
supplement the diet and that bears or contains one or more of
the following dietary ingredients:
• a vitamin,

• mineral,

• herb or other botanical material,

• an amino acid,

a dietary substance to supplement the diet by increasing the

total daily intake.
Chemistry of Natural Products 17
Nutriceutical: Dietary supplements administered in large
dosages in order to obtain pharmacological effects.

Deliver a concentrated form of a presumed bioactive agent

from food, presented in a non-food matrix, in dosages that
exceed those that can be obtained in normal food.

Chemistry of Natural Products 18

•Functional Food: A food that is consumed as part of a
normal diet and which is claimed to have health-promoting
or disease-preventing properties beyond the basic function
of supplying nutrients.
 Examples include probiotics (fermented foods with
live cultures), prebiotics (e.g., inulin).

Chemistry of Natural Products 19

The study of natural products is multidisciplinary

Biology   Chemistry

Taxonomy . Botany Organic synthesis

Agriculture . Pharmacology . Pharmaceutical Science . Organic analytical chemistry

Entomology . Microbiology . Biotechnology/Molecular Biology . Biochemistry

Genomics . Proteomics


Chemistry of Natural Products 20

Natural products and Ecology
Attractants Toxins
Allelopathy Plants Insects Pheromones
Communication Communication

Symbiosis Symbiosis

Antifungals Chemotaxis
Fungi Bacteria Communication
Communication Antibacterials

Chemistry of Natural Products 21

Techniques used in natural products chemistry
1800 1850 1900 1950 1975 2000

Type of research undertaken:

Isolation, characterization
Pharmacognosy & Pharmacology
Organic synthesis
Chromatography Spectroscopy
Biogenetic studies
Biochemistry; Enzymology
Molecular Biology

Techniques used:
basic physico-chemical measurements
TLC column chrom GC HPLC / Electrophoresis
X-ray UV-vis IR MS / NMR
Enzymes Computational methods
Tissue culture
Mol Bio / Biotech
Combinatorial chem

Chemistry of Natural Products 22

Modern directions in natural products chemistry:

• Genomics of bacteria and plants

• Novel and efficient synthetic methods

• Genetic engineering of bacteria and plants

• Enzyme synthesis

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•Computational methods and modeling

• High efficiency chromatography

• Spectroscopic methods

• High-throughput screening

• Synergism

• Biotransformation

Chemistry of Natural Products 24

The development of methods in organic chemistry is
linked to developments in natural products chemistry:

• Development of techniques in organic chemistry
• Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement in monoterpenes

early 1900s
• The early work on alicyclic chemistry was done on

Chemistry of Natural Products 25


Steric control of chemical reactions, e.g., borneol, steroids

Studies by UV-visible spectroscopy (e.g., Vitamin A )

Development of NMR (2-D NMR, NOE)

1980 ~ present

Recent synthetic methodologies

Enzyme-mediated synthesis, cell culture, genetics and


Chemistry of Natural Products 26

The role of the study of natural products today
• Nature still holds many secrets which we can learn from:
chemical structure, biosynthesis, the role and relationship
of plants to other organisms.
• The study of natural products merges science with
• For countries which harbor rich biodiversity, the study of
natural products is an important way of developing one’s
natural resources.
• Natural products should use the new developments, e.g.,
molecular biology, computational science.

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Issues and challenges in Natural Products today
1. Loss of biodiversity
2. Intellectual Property Rights
• Patent protection (pharma companies)
• Biopiracy (source countries)
3. Western drugs:
a. High cost of drug development
b. New drug leads and targets
4. Herbal products:
a. Regulation
b. Improvement in quality
c. Elucidation of mechanism of action

Chemistry of Natural Products 28

Research areas in natural products today
1. Structural elucidation
2. Metabolonomics
3. Synergy and biotransformation
4. Biosynthesis
5. Biological activity
a. Ecological
b. Pharmaceutical properties / drug discovery
c. Healthcare and cosmetic products
6. Molecular biology and Biotechnology
7. Quantitative natural products chemistry

Chemistry of Natural Products 29

CNP is at the intersection of many fields:

Ecological Biochemistry

Pharmaceutical Science

Products Combinatorial
Chemistry Chemistry

Chemical synthesis

Molecular Biology Microbiology

Chemistry of Natural Products 30

Major classes of organic natural products

 Peptides and proteins  Steroids

(basically consist of  Terpenes (Terpenoids)
amino acids)
 Carteins (Carotenoids)
 Fats and oils
 Anthocyanines
 Nucleotides (purines)
 Alkaloids
 Vitamins

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Chemistry of Natural Products 32
latest available edition of the following books

1.Finer, I, L., “Organic chemistry”, vol 2, Pearson Education Ltd,


2.Hesse, M, “Alkaloid chemistry”, John Wille and Sons, New York.

3.Shoppe, C, W., “Chemistry of the steroids”, Butter worth, London.

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