IRC2023 Brand Guidelines
IRC2023 Brand Guidelines
IRC2023 Brand Guidelines
Guidance on logos, color palette, typography, and other brand features
All International Rescue Committee (IRC) brand assets are proprietary. If you opt to use any logos, designs, and/or other brand
features, you acknowledge your acceptance of our terms of use. For any questions, please contact [email protected].
Our arrow (R) mark and black and yellow color palette are our most
recognizable brand assets. It’s important to consistently use these assets, as
outlined in this Style Guide, because that will help us to build brand awareness.
Yellow and black were originally selected as our primary colors for the impact
they provide when placed next to each other. Together, they impart the urgency
of our mission, helping people affected by humanitarian crises to survive,
recover and rebuild their lives.
The arrow, in addition to visually representing the letter “R,” remains a symbol
of movement, direction, change, and activity, including the agency of our clients,
their ability to take action and make decisions on behalf of themselves, their
families and communities.
For the millions of clients the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has
served over the decades—and will serve in the years to come—our black and
yellow banner stands as a powerful beacon of hope and potential. It leads the
way to safety, self-reliance and renewed life.
We primarily use our logo in black and PRIMARY FOR ONE OVER FULL
yellow. The logo layout (vertical or BACKGROUNDS
horizontal) will depend on the space.
The logo mark is used for favicons, IRC VERTICAL IRC B+W IRC BLACK
social avatars or in combination with LOCK-UP LOGO LOCK-UP
our URL.
The clearspace is equivalent to the thickness of the top stroke of the arrow.
This measuring device should be placed around the logo to ensure proper
clearspace. This is a proportional measure that holds at all sizes. This also
defines how close the logo can get to the edge of a page or piece of paper.
All text in our logo should be legible, so do not use the logo smaller than
noted below.
Do not modify Do not tilt, skew Do not use Do not resize the Do not change Do not put
the proportions or crop the logo. dropshadows. logomark or the the colors of words, imagery
of the logo. word mark. the logo. or textures in the
arrow/R mark.
.svg: used for digital products and websites. These are available in our hex color. This is a
vector-based file, which means the artwork can be scaled to any size without loss of quality.
These files are best for digital websites and apps.
.jpg: are optimized to be small in file size. You can place these in digital files, MS Office
documents, and other applications where you do not need to scale the size. These files can only
be scaled down in size without loss of quality. Scaling them larger than the original size will
result in an undesirably “fuzzy” or pixelated logo.
.gif: also optimzed for very small file sizes and limited color space. They can be used in
digital contexts but also cannot be scaled up.
.tif: used on small-scale print jobs, like advertisements or invitations. These are available
in CMYK color (300dpi) and black and white (600dpi).
The IRC helps people The IRC helps people The IRC helps people
to survive, recover and to survive, recover and to survive, recover and
rebuild their lives. rebuild their lives. rebuild their lives.
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Master font size: 100%
Leading ratio: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40 impact & scale
Heading 1
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
Sentence case, left aligned Clients in focus
Font size: 67%
Leading: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40 The IRC’s reach goes far beyond our own programs. Our
program quality, our experience working in some of the
Akzidenz-Grotesk Light
Sentence case, left aligned toughest places in the world, and our strong network have
Font size: 50%
Leading: 1.4 x font size built credibility for us to share our ideas, and shape the
Tracking: 0
actions of others.
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
All caps, left aligned
Default: 33%
Leading: 1 x font size
Tracking: 0
Default spacing
Space after: Title (Master) font size / 5 (in pts)
· Launch our 3-year GEDI action plan and a fully staffed GEDI team to support implementation
in each region: UK, Germany, Sweden and South Korea.
Akzidenz-Grotesk Light
Sentence case, left aligned · Embed GEDI priorities in our country and regional strategic action plan to drive progress
Font-size: 30% · Expand GEDI learning opportunities for staff and managers
Leading: 1.2 x font size
Left indent: 25% of master
font size
First line left indent: -25% INCLUSIVE, CLIENT-
of master font size CENTERED PROGRAMMING
Bringing together standards on client-
Callout Body centered programming and inclusion of
Akzidenz-Grotesk persons with disabilities, the IRC Syria team
Regular amended their existing channels to be
accessible for persons with disabilities and
available to collect client feedback remotely.
Sentence case, left aligned
Font-size: 30%
Leading: 1.3 x font-size
Default spacing
Space after: Title (Master) font size / 5 (in pts)
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 36 pt/36 pt
Heading 1
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 24 pt/24 pt
Clients in focus
Tracking: -40
The IRC’s reach goes far beyond our own programs. Our
Akzidenz-Grotesk Light
program quality, our experience working in some of the
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 18 pt/25 pt
toughest places in the world, and our strong network have
Tracking: 0 built credibility for us to share our ideas, and shape the
actions of others.
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
All caps, left aligned
Default: 12 pt/12pt
Tracking: 0
Default spacing
Space after: 0.1 in
Akzidenz-Grotesk Light Funding to local partners
Sentence case, left aligned We increased by 50% our funding to local partners compared to FY20, which is a significant
Default: 11pt/14.5 pt first step toward our ambition to maximize the power of people and organizations affected by
Tracking: 0
crises to drive response and recovery.
• Launch our 3-year GEDI action plan and a fully staffed GEDI team to support implementation
Akzidenz-Grotesk Light
Sentence case, left aligned in each region: UK, Germany, Sweden and South Korea.
Default: 11pt/13pt • Embed GEDI priorities in our country and regional strategic action plan to drive progress
Tracking: 0 • Expand GEDI learning opportunities for staff and managers
Left indent: 0.125 in
First line left indent: -0.125
Akzidenz-Grotesk Regular
Sentence case, left aligned Bringing together standards on client-
Default: 11pt/14.5 pt centered programming and inclusion of
Tracking: 0 persons with disabilities, the IRC Syria team
amended their existing channels to be
accessible for persons with disabilities and
available to collect client feedback remotely.
Default spacing
Space after: 0.1 in
Quotation Mark
Akzidenz-Grotesk Super Left
aligned, baseline alignment
Slightly larger than text
Default: 160px
Margin right: 30px
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 80px/112px
Minimum: 60px/84px
Letter spacing: -40 px
Line height: 1.4 x font size
Akzidenz-Grotesk Regular
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 50px/70px
Minimum: 40px /56px
Letter spacing: 0px
Line height: 1.2 to 1.4 x font size
(depending on amount of text)
Akzidenz-Grotesk Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 88 px/88 px
Minimum: 80px/80px
Letter spacing: -40px
Line height: 1 x font size
Akzidenz-Grotesk Regular
Sentence case, left aligned
Default: 44 x/62px
Minimum: 40px/56px
Letter spacing: 0px
Line height: 1.2 to 1.4 x font size
(depending on amount of text)
-1.25). Leading ratio: 1 x font size.
Source Han Sans KR Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Master font size: 100%
영향 및 규모
Leading ratio: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40
Heading 1
Source Han Sans KR Bold
Sentence case, left aligned
Font size: 67%
Leading: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40
IRC 의 범위는 우리 자신의 프로그램을 훨씬 뛰어넘습니다 .
우리의 프로그램 품질 , 세계에서 가장 힘든 곳에서 일한 경
Source Han Sans KR Light
Sentence case, left aligned 험 , 그리고 우리의 강력한 네트워크는 우리가 우리의
Font size: 50%
Leading: 1.4 x font size 아이디어를 공유하고 다른 사람들의 행동을 형성할 수 있는
Tracking: -40
신뢰를 구축했습니다 .
Source Han Sans KR
기증자 스포트라이트
All caps, left aligned
Default: 33%
Leading: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40
Default spacing
Space after: Title (Master) font size / 5 (in pts)
Callout Body
Source Han Sans KR
Sentence case, left aligned
Font-size: 30%
Leading: 1.3 x font-size
Default spacing
Space after: Title (Master) font size / 5 (in pts)
우리 대통령의 환영
Heading 1
Source Han Sans KR Bold
Left aligned
Default: 24pt/24pt
Leading ratio: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40
사람들은 벨로루시에서 폴란드로 국경을 넘으려는 시도에서 밀려난
Source Han Sans KR Light
후 몇 주 동안 방치되었습니다 . 벨로루시에서는 여성과 어린
Left aligned 아이들을 포함한 난민과 이주민들이 얼어붙은 환경에 갇혀
Default: 18pt/25pt
Leading ratio: 1.4 x font size 저체온증 , 굶주림 , 탈진에 시달리고 있습니다 .
Tracking: -40
Source Han Sans KR Bold 벨로루시 위기
Left aligned
Default: 12pt/12pt
Leading ratio: 1 x font size
Tracking: -40
Default spacing
Space after: 0.1 in
Source Han Sans KR Light 현지 파트너에 대한 자금 지원
Left aligned
Default: 11pt/14.5 pt FY20 에 비해 지역 파트너에 대한 자금 지원을 50% 늘렸습니다 . 이는 위기의 영향을 받는 사람과
Tracking: -40 조직이 대응 및 복구를 추진할 수 있는 힘을 최대화하려는 야망을 향한 중요한 첫 번째 단계입니다 .
Source Han Sans KR Light • 영국 , 독일 , 스웨덴 및 한국의 각 지역에서 실행을 지원하기 위해 3 개년 GEDI 실행 계획과 전
Left aligned 직원으로 구성된 GEDI 팀을 시작합니다 .
Default: 11pt/13pt • GEDI 우선 순위를 우리나라 및 지역 전략 실행 계획에 포함시켜 진행 상황을 주도합니다 .
Tracking: -40
• 직원 및 관리자를 위한 GEDI 학습 기회 확대
Left indent: 0.125
First line left
indent: -0.125 in
포괄적인 클라이언트 중심 프로그래밍
Callout Body
Source Han Sans KR Regular 클라이언트 중심 프로그래밍 및 장애인 포함에
Left aligned 대한 표준을 통합하여 IRC 시리아 팀은 장애인이
Default: 11pt/14.5 pt 액세스할 수 있고 원격으로 클라이언트 피드백을
Tracking: -40 수집할 수 있도록 기존 채널을 수정했습니다 .
Default spacing
Space after: 0.1 in
Quotation Mark
Akzidenz-Grotesk Super Left
aligned, baseline alignment
Slightly larger than text
Default: 160px
Margin right: 30px
Source Han Sans KR Bold
Left aligned
Default: 80px/112px
Minimum: 60px/84px
Letter spacing: -40 px
Line height: 1.4 x font
Source Han Sans KR
Left aligned
Default: 50px/70px
Minimum: 40px /56px
Letter spacing: 0px
Line height: 1.2 to 1.4 x font size
(depending on amount of text)
Source Han Sans KR Bold
Left aligned
Default: 88 px/88 px
Minimum: 80px/80px
Letter spacing: -40px
Line height: 1 x font size
Source Han Sans KR
Left aligned
Default: 44 x/62px
Minimum: 40px/56px
Letter spacing: 0px
Line height: 1.2 to 1.4 x font size
(depending on amount of text)