Learner Engagement Checklist Growth Engineering
Learner Engagement Checklist Growth Engineering
Learner Engagement Checklist Growth Engineering
Deeply engaged learners are more motivated to try harder and improve themselves. They actively
seek to increase their performance and develop their knowledge and skills. As such, this kind of
engagement is incredibly powerful in personal development.
But whilst online learning can be highly effective, it also means your learners are only one click away
from hundreds of distractions. And we all know those cute cat videos on YouTube can be extremely
Learner engagement is an enormous challenge for L&D professionals and educators alike. With this in
mind, we have created an interactive learner engagement checklist. Work your way through the list to
ensure you have included all ingredients necessary to fuel your engagement engines.
Let’s go!
2. Structure Your eLearning Courses In fact, make sure to include a variety of eLearning
content and media in your courses to cater to
different learner preferences. These include, for
Your course structure matters when it comes to learner
engagement. In fact, a good structure can be the deciding
factor between learning success and complete failure. As Presentations
such, the stakes are high.
Start by conducting a training needs analysis to
understand what your learners need to know. Audio files
And make sure your training goals are reachable. No Live streams
learner will be motivated to work hard for a goal that
feels impossible to achieve.
Use learning games to make your training content
You can do so by ensuring your goals follow the
more fun and engaging. Our game templates can get
SMART formula.
you off to a good start!
Weave narrative into the content itself. When 5. Tailor Your LMS And Learning Courses
learners progress and get access to more
advanced content, they can unlock the next By customising your learning platform and personalising
parts of the story. your content, you can ensure your training is delivered in
the most effective way possible. This will help to keep your
The crucial thing is to make sure that your learners engaged in the process.
narrative properly aligns with your company’s
mission and culture. Your user interface should reflect the nature of
your brand. When it’s attractive to the user, they are
But that’s not all! Take things to the next level by automatically drawn towards desired actions and
encouraging user-generated content (UGC). learning activities.
You can do so by including UGC in your Branding your training programme is a great way to
curriculum and training programme. As we create a seamless learning experience. Ensure your
know, recognition is an excellent way to boost LMS is customised in the following areas:
You can also make it a competition. Why not
reward users whose UGC has received the most Brand colours
‘likes’ or has been rated the highest by other
learners? These rewards can be Badges, XP or Custom imagery and banners
even real-world rewards.
Customised terminology and platform name
Domain name
4. Communicate With Your Learners
Similarly, use consistent colouring on your LMS to
highlight areas with similar themes and functionality.
Simply crafting an online training programme and hoping
for the best is not enough to engage your learners. And make sure each learning level is customised
Instead, you need to be a true advocate for your training to reflect the theme or narrative of your training
programme. programme.
Create a buzz around the launch. Use emails and real- But that’s not enough! Personalising your individual
world posters to make sure everybody knows what’s learners’ training is an excellent way to boost
coming and how excited they should be about it! engagement as it makes learning more relevant and
Share regular communications. This helps you to
weave your training programmes into your company As such, you should personalise each learner’s
culture. experience by:
You need to shine a spotlight on and promote any Choosing the format in which content is
vital training that your learners need to complete. presented or providing a variety of content
Take advantage of your LMS’s social feed and
other popular communication channels your Modifying the level of difficulty.
organisation uses.
Assessing learners’ behaviours and test results
In addition, if you provide a mobile or desktop and providing feedback and additional training
application, send push notifications. interventions where relevant.
Focus on promoting individual courses and your Adjusting the pace of each learner’s programme.
training efforts as a whole.
Gamify your training programme to turn learning into Team-based Leaderboards to encourage healthy
a friendly competition. competition.
Do so by ensuring your learning management system Squad Battles to allow your learners to
(LMS) offers built-in gamification features: demonstrate their mastery as a group.
Use Experience Points (XP) for progress or Surveys to facilitate further feedback from
achievement. learners about their training programme.
Add Badges for learning or activity milestones. And like with your traditional eLearning content, social
learning needs to be varied and fun to be engaging.
Include Leaderboards for peer and team As such, you can use social learning features to host:
One-to-one tutor interactions where
Add Levels learners can unlock as they progress learners can ask questions and clarify their
through a course. understanding.
Set realistic and achievable goals and reward learners Learner presentations that demonstrate their
with Badges when they meet those targets. skills and understanding to their peers and
Offer rewards for learner engagement. While features
like Badges and XP are good, you can take it to the Q&A sessions where learner groups can ask
next level by including real-world rewards! questions to drive easier comprehension and
deeper understanding.
However, make sure your rewards are tied into your
organisational culture and fit in the course’s context. Post-and-comment interchanges that stimulate
discussions and help learners learn from their
You can also reward learners by using Streaks. Streaks peers.
are attached to an action and learners get a reward
for completing said action. This could include, for Provide a platform that enables the production of
example, logging into the platform 10 days in a row. user-generated content. You can do so by introducing
content-specific discussion groups to your LMS.
Gamification is all about making training fun. You can
add to that by adding fun elements throughout your Encourage discussions where learners share opinions,
platform. observations and experiences in both structured and
unstructured conversations.
You can relate these to public holidays and
create, for example, Easter eggs or treasure You can encourage discussions by instructing
hunts. your Admins to like and respond to any
comments learners add to their Social Feed and
7. Take Inspiration from Social Media Enable your learners to share any achievements or
certifications earned through your learning system to
Social learning is a powerful way to reduce learner isolation their social media profiles.
and engage your learners emotionally. After all, we learn
and retain information better if the learning occurs within a This helps your learners to gain recognition
social context. throughout their professional network, which is
a source of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Social learning features help you to create an engaged
online learning community. Make sure to include the
following on your platform:
Wrapping Up!
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