1) Intro To Python

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CS114 - Fundamental of Programming

Lecture 1: Introduction

Dr. Nazia Perwaiz

[email protected]

• Why programming for ChE Students?
• Why Python?
• Course Outline

• Setting up Google Collab

• Printing
• Arithmetic with Python
• Variables and variable typing

Why Programming course?

Why Programming for ChE Students?
Why Programming for ChE Students?
Why Programming for ChE Students?
Why Programming for ChE Students?
Why Programming for ChE Students?
Python library ChemPlot for clustering the chemical space and selecting specific clusters
Produced Water Chemistry and Isotope Analysis with Python and Pandas
12 https://hatarilabs.com/ih-en/produced-water-chemistry-and-isotope-analysis-with-python-and-pandas-tutorial
Taking the leap between analytical chemistry and artificial intelligence
13 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003267021002294#undfig1
Python for Chemical Engineering Applications
Python used for chemical engineering tasks:

1. Process simulation: Pyomo is a Python library for modeling and

solving mathematical optimization problems. It can be used to model
and optimize chemical processes, such as distillation columns and

2. Data analysis: Pandas is a popular Python library for data analysis.

It can be used to manipulate and analyze large sets of data, such as
process data from sensors or experiments.

Python for Chemical Engineering Applications
3. Visualization: Matplotlib is a Python library for creating
visualizations. It can be used to create plots and charts of process
variables, such as temperature and flow rate, to aid in understanding
and analyzing data.

4. Kinetic model: Cantera is a Python library that can be used to create

and simulate kinetic models of chemical reactions. It can be used to
model combustion reactions, atmospheric chemistry and more.

5. Equation solving: Scipy has an optimize module that can be used to

solve equations, it can be used to solve systems of non-linear
equations, which is a common task in chemical engineering.

No Worries…

Course Objectives

• Developing comprehensive knowledge about the

fundamental principles, concepts and constructs of
modern computer programming.

• Developing competencies for the design, coding and

debugging of computer programs.
Course Learning Outcomes

• To understand the syntax and semantics of different

programming constructs

• To understand basic algorithms for identifying and solving

real-world problems

• To develop computer programs to implement these


• To use the latest IDEs and other supplementary tools to aid

implementation and code management
Grading Breakdown

Theory - 75%

• 30% Mid
• 10% Quizzes
• 10% Assignments
• 50% Final Exam

Labs - 25 %

• 70% Lab Tasks

• 30% Project

Text Book: 1. Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3, 4th Edition, David
Amos, Fletcher Heisler, and Joanna Jablonski

Reference 1. A Practical Introduction to Python Programming, Brian Heinold

Books: 2. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, John V.
Guttag, The MIT Press
3. Practical Programming, An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python
3, 2nd Edition, Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo
Lesson Plan
Week Lecture Topic (Tentative)
01 Introduction, Programming Fundamentals, Introduction to Python
02 Variables, expressions, and data types
03 Operators (Arithmetic & Logical)
04 Algorithms, pseudo code, and flow charts
05 Decision making
06 Loops
07 Loops
08 Functions
09 Mid Semester Exam
10 Functions
11 Arrays
12 Strings
13 Lists
14 Searching, sorting
15 Lists’ applications
16 Creating graphical user interfaces (GUI)
17 Project Demos/ Presentations
18 End Semester Exam



High-level Language
Low-level Language





High-level Language: Designed to be used and understood by humans

Low-level Language: Computer hardware can only understand a very low level
language known as machine language

Compilers: convert programs written in a high-level language into the machine

language of some computer.

Syntax: Every structure in programming language has a precise form.

Semantic: Every structure in programming language has a precise meaning

Using Google Colab
• Colab is an interactive editor for Python in the cloud

• To get started, open Google Colab in Chrome

• Sign in using your personal Google account
• Click ‘New Notebook’ or, if this is not an option, ‘File > New Notebook’

• Top right hand corner should look like this

• If not, click ‘connect’

Using Google Colab
• We run code in Google Colab by typing it in a code ‘cell’ and clicking the
play button

• Try the example above. We’ll explain what we wrote in one moment.

• Bonus: You can also run the contents of a cell using `ctrl+enter`
• Printing allows Python to talk to us. In the last example we used
printing to make Python say “Hello World”
• We can make Python say anything by writing a sentence, wrapped in
double quotes, and passing it as the input to print(…)

• The print function can also be used to perform arithmetic. Just replace
the input to of the print() with the expression you want to evaluate
• Note, in this case, we don’t need quotes. They were only to let Python
know that the input to print(…) was text
• You can print multiple things (which will be automatically separated by
spaces) by passing more than one input to print(…)
• We separate each input using a comma

• As we can see above, Python is happy to combine both text (using

double quotes) and arithmetic (no need for double quotes here
Printing Practice
• Print your name using the print() command
• Print your three favourite colours by passing them as three separate
inputs to print() (remember: separate each input with a comma)

• Calculate 26, multiplied by 66, add 13

• Calculate 6804 divided by 162 (hint: use / for division)
• Calculate 2 to the power of 8 (hint: use **)

• What happens if you put a mathematical expression in double quotes

when you are printing it?
• Print(“66+33”)
• Output ?
Printing Practice Solutions

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