INTRONotes-310 W024

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Tourism – concepts and definitions

o There is increasing concern for increased

sustainability in the practices of tourism and tourists

Sustainable tourism is the inclusive ‘’label’’/notion, aiming

to blend the principles of sustainable development with
tourism. The aim is to harmonize a variety of economic,
socio-cultural and ecological concerns.

Sustainable Tourism means that everyone involved in tourism, like locals, businesses,
and visitors, work together to understand and manage the impacts tourism has on the
environment and communities. They make sure that tourism benefits everyone,
protects nature, and promotes responsible travel habits
Tourism – concepts and definitions
Having the highest degree of ‘’visibility’’, associating
sustainability to the practice of tourism is
o Ecotourism, e.g. responsible travel and visitation to
relatively undisturbed natural areas … to enjoy and
appreciate nature - it is understood that ecotourism promotes
conservation, has overall low visitor impact, and provides for
beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations

o A point is made that ecotourism is a ‘’form’’ of

sustainable tourism … while all types of tourist activities,
operations and projects should ideally integrate the
sustainability principle
MORE RECENTLY, and aiming at sustainability
objectives there is consideration for the notion of
‘’circular economy’’
 efforts should be promoted and made to apply its broad
principles in the realm of tourism
 this can be attained for intance by optimization and better
management of inputs and energy flows, (improved) waste
management, and reduction of operation costs
 Circular Economy: This is a fancy term for a way of doing things where we try to
use resources wisely and minimize waste. Instead of using things up and throwing
them away, we try to reuse them or make sure they don't go to waste.
 Applying Circular Economy to Tourism: We want to use the ideas of the circular
economy to make tourism more sustainable. That means making sure we don't
waste things and we use resources efficiently when people are traveling and staying
in hotels or resorts.
 How to do it: We can do things like using less energy, managing trash better so less
of it goes to waste, and finding ways to save money by being smarter about how we
run tourist places.
Tourism – concepts and definitions
o Some vocables associated to more sustainable forms
of tourism include :
• (Broadly = MOST general) Green tourism
• ‘’Fair’’ (‘’equitable’’) tourism … as applying the broad
principles of ‘’fair trade’’
• (Socially) responsible tourism
• No trace
• Ethical tourism
• ‘’Soft’’ tourism
Creating something that doesn't harm the environment and supports its long-term health.
For instance, it could involve designing accommodations, activities, or tour packages
that minimize waste, use renewable resources, and protect local ecosystems.

CRITERIA associated to/used to define responsible tourism (Polovitz

Nickerson et al 2014, 205)

o Minimize negative environmental and economic effects.

o Generate economic benefits for local people.
o Improve working conditions and access to jobs/work.
o Involve locals in decisions – (in canada this will target even more specifically
indigenous groups).
o Contribute to conservation of natural and cultural heritage.
o Encourage meaningful connections to local ‘’dimensions’’ of sustainability
(environmental; cultural; social). >> « providing a more enjoyable experience for
tourists through more meaningful connections with local cultural, social, and
environmental issues »
o Provide access for physically challenged people.
With respect to sustainable tourism, recent observations and critiques
underscore the ambiguity of the notion

o a major issue is with the idea that a ‘’sustainable’’ (tourism) product can be offered while
requiring a long-distance travel (most likely airline flight … a recognized major source of GHGs)
o it is increasingly surmised that ‘’sustainable tourism’’ in many instances is more a
‘’marketing tool’’ … that its sustainability is in many instances ‘’doubtful’’
... Its efficiency is inversely proportional to its success

 Long-distance travel and sustainability:

When we talk about sustainable tourism, it means traveling in a way that doesn't harm the environment or local
communities. However, a problem arises when people have to travel long distances to reach their destination, especially
by airplane. Air travel releases a lot of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which contribute to climate change.

 Sustainable tourism as a marketing tool:

Some people are starting to think that the idea of "sustainable tourism" is more about making places sound good to
travelers rather than actually being sustainable. In other words, it's used as a selling point to attract tourists, but the reality
might not match the promise.

 Efficiency and success:

There's a suggestion that the more successful a sustainable tourism initiative is at attracting tourists, the less efficient it
becomes. This is because as more people visit a place, it can put strain on resources and the environment, making it
harder to maintain sustainability.

In simpler terms, sustainable tourism is supposed to be about traveling in a way that's good for the environment and local
communities. However, when people have to travel far, it can cause problems. Also, some places might say they're
sustainable just to attract tourists, without actually being good for the environment. And as more tourists come, it can be
harder to keep things sustainable.
Pros of tourism
• can help sustain regional cultures
• can provide incentives for environmental protection
• can provide incentives for heritage (historical) preservation
Cons of Tourism
• can debase (indigenous) cultures
• can bring unsightly development, pollution, environmental degradation

+ often controlled externally (not by local industry)

AND highly sensitive to market fluctuations … world
events, trends …

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