OS Module1 2023

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Module 1 - Introduction to

Operating Systems
 Introduction to OS
 Operating System Structure,
 Operating System Operations
 Operating System Services,
 User and OS interface,
 System Calls and its types,
 System Programs and its types
 Loaders, Linkers
 Overview of OS design and implementation.

Operating Systems
First Generation ( 1945 - 1955 ): Vacuum Tubes and Plugboards

These early computers were designed, built and maintained by a single group of people.
Programming languages were unknown and there were no operating systems so all the
programming was done in machine language. All the problems were simple numerical
By the 1950’s punch cards were introduced and this improved the computer system. Instead
of using plugboards, programs were written on cards and read into the system.

Second Generation ( 1955 - 1965 ): Transistors and Batch Systems

Transistors led to the development of the computer systems that could be manufactured and
sold to paying customers. These machines were known as mainframes and were locked in air-
conditioned computer rooms with staff to operate them.
The Batch System was introduced to reduce the wasted time in the computer.
After the whole batch was done, the input and output tapes were removed and the output tape
was printed.

Third Generation ( 1965 - 1980 ): Integrated Circuits and Multiprogramming

The third generation operating systems also introduced multiprogramming. This meant that
the processor was not idle while a job was completing its I/O operation. Another job was
scheduled on the processor so that its time would not be wasted.
Fourth Generation ( 1980 - Present ): Personal Computers

Personal Computers were easy to create with the development of large-scale

integrated circuits. These were chips containing thousands of transistors on a square
centimeter of silicon. Because of these, microcomputers were much cheaper than
minicomputers and that made it possible for a single individual to own one of them
Introduction to Operating System
 An OS is a large & complex system software designed & created
piece by piece.
 Each of these pieces are designed & created with carefully defined
inputs, outputs & functions
 Generally, now-a-days, all electronic computing systems are having
OS in one or another format.
 Personal computers, mobiles, laptops, automated washing
machines, ovens, aircraft management systems, etc. doesn’t work
without OS
 OS is an essential part of any computer system.
 Similarly, a course on OS is an essential part of any CS education
What Operating Systems do ?
 An OS is a collection of programs that manages the computer’s
 It also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an
intermediary between the user of a computer and the computer
 Purpose of OS is to provide an environment in which, user can execute
the programs in a convenient & efficient manner.
 SO, any OS has 2 goals
 Efficient use of computer system
 User convenience
 But, no OS provides both.
 Efficient use is important, when a computer system is shared by several
users while user convenience is important in personal computers

Operating Systems
What Operating Systems do?
 OS controls the hardware & coordinates its use among
the various application programs for the various users
 An OS is similar to government. Like a government, it
performs no useful function for itself. It simply provides
an environment within which other programs can do
useful work.
 An OS is responsible for coordinating all of the
computers individual components so that they work
together according to a single plan
Computer System Structure

Computer system can be divided into four components:

Hardware – provides basic computing resources
CPU, memory, I/O devices
Operating system
Controls and coordinates use of hardware among various applications and users
Application programs – define the ways in which the system resources are
used to solve the computing problems of the users
Word processors, compilers, web browsers, database systems, video games
People, machines, other computers
Four Components of a Computer System

• A computer system
consists of
• hardware
• system programs
• application

Operating Systems
Two View points
• An OS can be viewed in 2 ways
• User view
• System view
• User view
• Always, user wants their OS in a convenient manner i.e., ease of
• So, user view of the computer depends on the interface used i.e.,
either GUI or Command line.
• Some users may use PC’s. In this type, systems are designed so
that only one user can utilize the resources & mostly for ease of
use where the attention is mainly on performances & not on the
resource utilization.

Operating Systems
User View
• Some users may use terminals connected to mainframe or
minicomputers. Some other users are accessing the same
computer through other terminals
• Here, users at different terminals may exchange information & may share
the resources
• In this case, OS is designed to maximize resource utilization
• In other case, users may sit at workstations connected to networks
of other workstations & servers
• These users have dedicated resources at their end but they also share
resources such as networking & servers. Therefore their OS is designed to
compromise between individual usability & as well as resource utilization
• But some computers have little user view or no user view at all.
For example, embedded computers in home devices & automobiles
may have numeric keypads & may turn indicator lights ON or OFF
to show some status, but they & their OS are designed primarily to
run without user intervention
System View (Computer’s point of view)
• From System view, OS is the program mainly involved with the
hardware. In this context, we can view an OS as a Resource
• Computer resources may be CPU time, memory space, file-storage
space, I/O device & so on.
• In order to solve any problem, a computer system has to use one or
more Computer resources
• OS acts as the manager of these resources. OS must decide how to allocate
these resources to programs & to the users so that it can operate the computer
system efficiently & fairly.
• OS need to control various I/O devices & user programs i.e., OS acts
as a control program to manage the execution of user program to
prevent errors & improper use of the computer
Abstract view of a computer
1. Hardware – provides basic computing resources (CPU, memory, I/O
2. Operating system – controls and coordinates the use of the hardware
among the various application programs for the various users.
3. Applications programs – define the ways in which the system resources
are used to solve the computing problems of the users (compilers,
database systems, video games, business programs).
4. Users (people, machines, other computers).

Operating Systems
Operating System Services
OS provides some services to programs & as well as to users of those
Services provided by an OS differ from one OS to another but there is
some common classes
OS provides some services for the convenience of programmer to
make programming easy.

Operating Systems
Operating System Services
1) User Interface (UI)
 Almost all OS have UI, in order to interact with the computer
 Any OS provides UI in 3 forms
a) Command line interface- uses text commands at the command prompt
b) Batch interface—commands, methods & directives are entered into files &
those files are executed
c) GUI—common in almost all the OS
2) Program execution
• OS must be able to load a program from secondary memory into main
memory and to run it.
• After execution, OS should end that program either normally (successful
case) or abnormally (indicating error)
Operating System Services
3) I/O operations
• Running program may require I/O like file or I/O device.
• For efficiency & protection, users usually cannot control I/O devices directly
• Therefore, OS must provide a means for controlling I/O devices
4) File-system manipulation
• User performs operations on files like, read, write, create, delete ,search by
their names.
• Sometimes, programs includes permission management to allow or deny
access to files or directories based on file ownership
• For all these, OS should provide some efficient features & facility to perform
like system manipulation
Operating System Services
5) Communications
• In some situations, one process needs to exchange information with another process.
• This type of communication may occur between processes that are executing on
same computer or between processes running on different computers in the
• OS achieves this via shared memory or message passing
6) Error detection
• Errors may occur in
• Memory hardware(memory full, power failure, etc)
• I/O devices(parity error on tape, connection failure on network, lack of paper in
printer, etc)
• User program(arithmetic overflow, divide by zero, accessing illegal memory
For each type of errors, OS should take appropriate action to ensure correct &
consistent computing
Operating System Services
All the 6 services provided by OS is for user convenience. Some other services which
provides efficient operation for the system convenience are
7) Resource allocation
• When multiple users log onto the system or when multiple jobs are running ,
resources must be allocated to each of them.
• So, it is responsibility of OS to manage the available resources
8) Accounting
• OS should keep track of which users use how many & what kind of resources.
• This record keeping may be used for accounting(statistics or billing)
• It can also be used to improve the system efficiency
9) Protection & Security
• In multi-process environment, it is possible that, one process may interface with
the other or with OS itself.
• Some users, stores their information in multiuser computer system or networked
computer system, such data should be protected
• External I/O devices must also be protected from invalid access
OS Operations
 Modern OS’s are interrupt driven.
 Always, events are happened/occurred in the form of
interrupt or trap
 A trap(exception) is a software generated interrupt
which occurs either due to
 error (division by zero, invalid memory access)
 Specific request from a user program
 WKT, both hardware & software resources of the computer system
are shared by OS & as well as user programs.
 So care should be taken when any error occurs due to user
Dual mode operation
In order to ensure proper execution of OS, we must be able
to distinguish between execution of OS code & user-defined
There are 2 modes of operation
1) user mode
2) kernel mode
Dual mode operation
 Single bit called mode bit is used to identify mode in
which OS is running
 If mode bit =0 ----- OS is running in kernel mode
 If mode bit =1 ----- OS is running in user mode
 After booting OS, normally user performs some action
i.e., some user process is executing.
whenever user process needs some service, it requests
the OS through some system call.
Then, OS switches from user mode to kernel mode by
making mode bit =0
Then, it executes corresponding system call code
Dual mode operation
 When system starts booting, hardware starts in kernel mode.
Then, OS is loaded & starts user applications in user mode.
 Whenever a trap or interrupt occurs, hardware switches from user
mode to kernel mode by changing the status of mode bit =0
 Thus, whenever OS gains control of the computer, it is in kernel
 System always switches to user mode before passing control to
user program.
 Out of all instructions, in the instruction set, some of them are
designated as privileged instructions. These are executed only in
the kernel mode
 When a user executes some program in user mode, it should not
stuck in an infinite loop.
 Similarly, process should not stuck in kernel mode for long time
 At regular intervals, it should switch the mode. For this purpose,
timer is used
 A timer can be set to interrupt the computer after a specified
 This period may be fixed (1/60 second) or variable(from 1m sec to
1 sec)
 OS sets the counter. Every time, clock ticks, counter is
decremented. When the counter reaches 0, interrupt occurs. Thus,
we can use timer to prevent user program from running too long.
User & Operating System interface
 Main functionality of an OS is to provide an interface for
the user to interact with the computer.
 2 commonly used approaches are
 Command line interface (command interpreter)
 Graphical user interface (GUI)
 Command Line Interface
 Some OS include this command interpreter in the
 Others such as windows XP & unix, treat this
command interpreter as a special program running
when some job is initiated or when user logs in to the
system first time.
Command Line Interface contd…..
 On some systems, there are multiple command
interpreters, user has to chose one among them.
 In such cases, those interpreters are called as shells
 In CLI, user has to enter the commands at the command
 For every task, there will be some commands & user has
to remember all those commands & their formats. So it is
not so user friendly
 ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, etc
Graphical user interface (GUI)
 GUI is more user friendly than CLI
 Here, user just moves the mouse to position its pointer
on images or icons on the screen that represents
programs, files, directories & system functions
 Here, everything is represented in graphical form
 For ex, application programs, commands, disk drives,
files, etc are presented in the form of icons
 Usually, command is given to the computer by clicking
with mouse on the icon
 GUI also provides menus, buttons & other graphical
objects to the user to perform different tasks.
System Calls
• User communicate with the computer through OS. Then, OS has to
communicate with the computer resources. This is done through system calls.
• system calls built on top of OS.
• system calls interact with kernel area of OS
• system calls can also interact with hardware part of system like keyboard, mouse,
printer, CPU, etc.
• system calls are generally available as routines written in C, C++ & most of the
times in assembly language instructions
• “system calls is defined as an interface between OS & a process that allows a
process to invoke OS functions”
• Mostly accessed by programs via a high-level Application Programming
Interface (API) rather than direct system call use
• Three most common APIs are Win32 API for Windows, POSIX API for POSIX-
based systems (including virtually all versions of UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS
X), and Java API for the Java virtual machine (JVM)

Note that the system-call names used throughout this ppt are generic
Handling user application invoking open() system call
Types of System Calls
• Process control
• CreateProcess(), fork()----to create the process
• ExitProcess(), exit()---------to terminate the process
• end, abort--------to halt the process normally & abnormally
• load, execute
• get process attributes, set process attributes
• wait for time
• wait event, signal event
• allocate and free memory
• Dump memory if error
• Debugger for determining bugs, single step execution
• Locks for managing access to shared data between
Types of System Calls
• File management
• create file, delete file
• open, close file
• read, write, reposition
• get and set file attributes
• Device management
• request device, release device
• read, write, reposition
• get device attributes, set device attributes
• logically attach or detach devices
Types of System Calls (Cont.)
• Information maintenance
• get time or date, set time or date
• get system data, set system data
• get and set process, file, or device attributes
• Communications
• create, delete communication connection
• send, receive messages if message passing model to host
name or process name
• From client to server
• Shared-memory model create and gain access to memory
• transfer status information
• attach and detach remote devices
Types of System Calls (Cont.)
• Protection
• Control access to resources
• Get and set permissions
• Allow and deny user access
Examples of Windows and Unix System Calls
System Programs
• 2 types----- application software & system software
• Application software
• It is a computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks
• Runs on the top of system software
• It interacts with system software which in turn interacts & makes physical
hardware functional
• System software
• Designed to operate the computer hardware & to provide a platform for
running application software
• It creates his own environment to run itself & run other application
• Keep running all the times in the computer
• These are also called as system utilities provides a convenient environment
for program development & execution
System Programs & its types
1) File Management
• these programs create, delete, copy, rename, print,
dump, list & generally manipulate files & directories
2) Status information
• Some programs simply ask system for date, time,
amount of disk space, number of users or similar
status information
• Others are more complex, providing detailed
performance, logging & debugging information
• Typically, these programs format & print the output
to the terminal or other output devices or files or
display it in a window of the GUI
System Programs & its types
3) File Modification
• several text editors may be available to create & modify
the content of files stored on disk or other storage
• There may also be special commands to search contents
of files or perform transformations of the text
4) Programming-language support
• some of the essential system software like compilers,
assemblers ,debuggers & interpreters for programming
languages are often provided to the user along with the
System Programs & its types
5) Program loading & execution
• once a program is assembled or compiled, it must be loaded into
memory to be executed.
•System may provide absolute loaders, re-locatable loaders, linkage
editors & overlay loaders
6) Communications
• these system programs provide mechanism for creating virtual
connections among processes, users & computer systems.
•They allow users to send messages to one another’s screens, to
browse web pages, to send e-mail messages, to log-in remotely or
to transfer files from one machine to another
 The Source Program written in assembly language or
high level language will be converted to object program,
which is in the machine language form for execution.
 This conversion either from assembler or from compiler,
contains translated instructions and data values from the
source program, or specifies addresses in primary
memory where these items are to be loaded for
 This contains following 3 processes, and they are,
1) Loading - which allocates memory location and brings
the object program into memory for execution - (Loader)
2)Linking- which combines two or more separate object
programs and supplies the information needed to allow
references between them - (Linker)
3)Relocation - which modifies the object program so
that it can be loaded at an address different from the
location originally specified - (Linking Loader)
Basic Loader function
A loader is a system program that performs the loading
function. It brings object program into memory and starts
its execution.
Types of Loaders
 Absolute Loader
 The object code is loaded to specified locations in the memory.
At the end the loader jumps to the specified address to begin
execution of the loaded program.
The advantage of absolute loader is simple and efficient.
But the disadvantages are, the need for programmer to specify
the actual address, and, difficult to use subroutine libraries.
Types of Loaders
A Simple Bootstrap loader
 When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special
type of absolute loader, called bootstrap loader is
 This bootstrap loads the first program to be run by the
computer -- usually an operating system.
 The bootstrap itself begins at address 0. It loads the OS
starting address 0x80.
 No header record or control information, the object code
is consecutive bytes of memory.
Types of Loaders
Relocatable loaders
 The concept of program relocation is, the execution of the object
program using any part of the available and sufficient memory.
 The object program is loaded into memory wherever there is room
for it.
 The actual starting address of the object program is not known
until load time.
 Relocation provides the efficient sharing of the machine with
larger memory and when several independent programs are to be
run together.
 It also supports the use of subroutine libraries efficiently. Loaders
that allow for program relocation are called relocating loaders or
relative loaders.
Types of Loaders
Direct Linking Loader
 Direct linking loader is a general Relocatable loader and perhaps
the most popular loading scan presently used.
 It has the advantage of allowing the programmer multiple
procedure segments and multiple data segments.
 It has also an advantage that has given to the programmer
complete freedom in referencing data or instructions content in
other segments.
 This provides flexibility of inter segment referencing and accessing
while at the same time allowing independent translation of
Types of loaders
Dynamic Loader
 loader that actually intersect the “calls” and loads the
necessary procedure is called over lay super visor or
simply flipper. This over all scheme is called Dynamic
loading or Load on Call.
 Advantage--no over head is in corrected unless the
procedure to be called or referenced is actually used.
Also the system can be dynamically re – configured.
 The major draw back is occurred due to the fact that we
here postponed most of the binding process until
execution time.
Types of loaders
Relocation Loader
 Another function commonly performed by a loader is
that of program re – location.
 Relocation is simply moving a program from one area to
another in the storage.
 It referred to adjustment of address field and not to
movement of a program.
 The task of relocation is to add some constant value to
each relative address in the segment the part of a loader
which performed relocation is called re – location
 A linker is a program in a system, also known as a link editor and
binder, which combines object modules into a single object file.
 Generally, it is a program that performs the process of linking; it
takes one or multiple object files, which are generated by compiler.
And, then combines these files into an executable files.
 Linking is a process that helps to gather and maintain a different
piece of code into an executable file or single file.
 With the help of a linker, a specific module is also linked into the
system library.
 The primary function of the linker is to take objects from the
assembler as input and create an executable file as output for the
loader, as it helps to break down a large problem into a small
module that simplifies the programming task.
 Usually, computer programs are made up of various modules in
which all being a compiled computer programs and span separate
object files.
 The whole program refers to these different compiled modules
with the help of using symbols.
 These separate files are combined by linker into a single
executable file. The source code is converted into machine code,
and the linking is performed at the last step while compiling the
 Source code -> compiler -> Assembler -> Object code ->
Linker -> Exécutable file -> Loader
 The objects can be collected by linker from a library or runtime
 Most of the linker only consists of files in the output that are
referenced by other libraries or object files, and they do not
include the whole library.
 The process of library linking requires additional modules to be
linked with some referenced modules; thus, it may be an iterative
 Generally, one or more than one system libraries are linked by
default, and libraries are available for different purposes.
Types of linkers
 Static linking is a kind of linking that is performed during the
compilation of a source program in which linking is performed
before the execution of the file or object.
 The linker produces a result at the time of copying all library
routines into the executable image, which is known as static
 It may need more memory storage and disk space. However, when
it runs on the system, it does not need the presence of the library
that makes it more portable.
 It generates a fully linked object file that would be able to load and
run and takes a collection of the Relocatable object file and
command-line argument.
Types of linkers
Two major tasks are performed by the static linker,
1)Symbol resolution: In this, each symbol has a predefined
task, and it associates each symbol exactly with one symbol
definition from which they belong to.
2) Relocation: Its function is to modify symbol references
to the relocated memory location and relocate the code and
data section.
Types of linkers
 Dynamic linking: is performed at the run time, in which
multiple programs can share a single copy of the library.
 It means, each module having the same object can share
information of an object with other modules rather than
linking the same object repeatedly into the library.
 These dynamic link libraries are loaded at the time a
program is executed; then, it performs a final linking.
Types of linkers
 Although it needs less memory space, there are more
chances of error and failure chances.
 In the linking, the needed shared library is held in virtual
memory that helps to save random access memory.
 This linking fix the address at run time; also, it allows the
users to reposition the code in order to smooth running
of code.
 However, it cannot be relocatable all the code.
Types of linkers
There are two benefits of using the dynamic linking
1) the often-used libraries do not need to store in every
single executable file; they only need to store in only one
location that helps to save memory and disk space.
2) In the library function, if a bug is corrected with the help
of replacing the library, all problems using it dynamically,
after restarting them will get benefit from the correction.
Otherwise, programs would have to be re-linked first if they
include this function by static linking.
Operating System Structure
• OS is an huge collection of programs
• So it is very complex to design, to make functioning, to organize, to
manage such a large set of programs
• So, it is better to partition the task into small components rather than
having one monolithic system
• Each of these modules should be well-defined portion of the system
with carefully defined inputs, outputs & functions
• Various ways to structure ones
• Simple structure – MS-DOS
• More complex -- UNIX
• Layered – an abstrcation
• Microkernel -Mach
Simple Structure -- MS-DOS
• MS-DOS – written to
provide the most
functionality in the
least space
• Not divided into
• Although MS-DOS has
some structure, its
interfaces and levels of
functionality are not well
Non Simple Structure -- UNIX
• UNIX – limited by hardware functionality, the
original UNIX operating system had limited
• The UNIX OS consists of two separable parts
• Systems programs
• The kernel
• Consists of everything below the system-call interface and
above the physical hardware
• Provides the file system, CPU scheduling, memory management,
and other operating-system functions; a large number of functions
for one level
Traditional UNIX System Structure
Beyond simple but not fully layered
Layered Approach
• The operating system is divided
into a number of layers (levels),
each built on top of lower
layers. The bottom layer (layer
0), is the hardware; the highest
(layer N) is the user interface.
• With modularity, layers are
selected such that each uses
functions (operations) and
services of only lower-level
Microkernel System Structure
• Moves as much from the kernel into user space
• Mach example of microkernel
• Mac OS X kernel (Darwin) partly based on Mach
• Communication takes place between user modules using
message passing
• Benefits:
• Easier to extend a microkernel
• Easier to port the operating system to new architectures
• More reliable (less code is running in kernel mode)
• More secure
• Detriments:
• Performance overhead of user space to kernel space
Microkernel System Structure
Application File Device user
Program System mode

messages messages

Interprocess memory CPU kernel

Communication managment scheduling


• Many modern operating systems implement
loadable kernel modules
• Uses object-oriented approach
• Each core component is separate
• Each talks to the others over known interfaces
• Each is loadable as needed within the kernel
• Overall, similar to layers but with more flexible
• Linux, Solaris, etc
Solaris Modular Approach
OS Design & Implementation
 Some of the problems/issues/challenges faced by the
designers of OS are
 Setting the goals
 Generality
 Portable
 Backward Compatibility
 Design Goals
 Very first problem in designing an OS is to define goals & its
 Due to the modern technology, there is a rapid growth or
revolutionary in both hardware & software.
 So, what we are using today that will be outdated in the next
decade. So our OS also should change/update
Design Goals contd…..
 Design of OS will be affected by the choice of hardware & the type
of system (batch, time-shared, single user, multi-user, distributed,
real-time or general purpose)
 Requirements of an OS can be divided into 2 basic groups 1) user
goals and 2) system goals
 Always user expects, convenient use of the system, easy to learn,
reliability, safety & fastness
 In the same way, people who are designing, creating, maintaining
& operating the system also expects some of the things from the
OS such as easy to design, easy to implement, easy to maintain,
flexible, reliable, error free and efficiency
Other goals
 OS designers really do not have a good idea of how their
systems will be used, so designers should consider
 Modern OS’s are generally designed to be portable, i.e.,
they have to run on multiple hardware platforms. This is
another major goal while designing an OS
 Final one is the frequent need to be backward
compatibility with some previous OS
Mechanisms & policies
 Mechanisms determines how to do something
 policies determines what will be done
 While designing & implementing an OS, one important
principle is the separation of policy from mechanism
 separation of policy from mechanism is important for
 Policies are likely to change across place or over time
Mechanisms & policies
 Allowing programs to be loaded into the kernel. The
mechanism concerns how they are inserted, how they
are linked, what system calls they can make, what system
calls can be made on them
 The policy is determining who is allowed to load a
programs into the kernel & which programs
 As mechanisms are changing, policies can also change.
 But, when policies are changing no need to change
 But, change in the policies should not affect the
 Once an OS is designed, it must be implemented.
 Traditionally, OS’s have been written in assembly language. Now,
they are most commonly written in C or C++
 Advantages of using higher level language are
 Application programs are also written in high level languages,
so OS can be written in more compact
 Easy to debug
 Easy to understand
 Portability
 Improvements in compiler technology will improve the
generated code for the entire OS by simple recompilation
 Only disadvantage of implementing OS in higher level language are
reduced speed & increased storage requirements.

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