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Comparative degree Superlative degree
Вищий ступінь Найвищий ступінь
One syllable adjectives adjective + -er (+ than): the + adjective + -est:
односкладові прикметники: Los Angeles is larger than She is the nicest girl in the
Large,slow,funny,nice,pretty San Francisco. class.

Adjectives with two or more More/less + adjective (+ the most/the least + adjective:
syllables Прикметники з than): Gold is more valuable Platinum is the most valuable
двома чи більше складами : than silver. metal

irregular adjectives better /worse, further /farther, the best /worst, the furthest
Неправильні прикметники: older /farthest, the oldest
good /bad, far, old
Односкладові прикметники та прислівники
warm warmer warmest
теплий тепліший найтепліший
hot hotter hottest
гарячий гарячіший найгарячіший
Двоскладові прикметники на -ow, -le, -er, -y
nice nicer nicest
приємний приємніший найприємніший
narrow narrower narrowest
вузький вужчий найвужчий
simple simpler simplest
простий простіший найпростіший
tender tenderer tenderest
ніжний ніжніший найніжніший
happy happier happiest
щасливий щасливіший найщасливіший
severe severer severest
суворий суворіший найсуворіший
Всі інші прикметники
modern more modern most modern
сучасний сучасніший найсучасніший
terrible more terrible most terrible
страшний страшніший найстрашніший
• . Двоскладові прикметники, що закінчуються на
суфікси -ow, -le, -er, -y, можуть утворювати вищий та
найвищий ступені порівняння як за допомогою суфіксів
-er и -est, так і використовуючи слова more (більш) та
(the) most (найбільш). Вибір способу утворення ступенів
залежить від мовця, однак форма, що утворюється за
допомогою суфіксів -er та -est зустрічається частіше з
короткими словами.
• crazy → crazier → the craziest
• crazy → more crazy →the most crazy
• pretty → prettier → the prettiest
• pretty → more pretty →the most pretty
• narrow → narrower → the narrowest
• narrow → more narrow →the most narrow

1.Літеру –e відкидають перед Big – bigger –the biggest

додаванням –er,-est.
e.g. nice – nicer – the nicest

2.Літера –y після приголосного

змінюється на –ier(вищий ступінь),
-iest(найвищий ступінь)
e.g. pretty - prettier – the prettiest

3.Кінцевий приголосний ,якому передує

голосний , подвоюється :
Hot - hotter - the hottest
Часта помилка :
Не використовуй одночасно
more/less most/least та суфікси -er/-
More funnier = Funnier
The most prettiest =The prettiest
The least funniest = the least funny
Less shorter = shorter
Ми не говоримо в українській
мові :
Набійльш найкрасивіший ,менш
коротший ,правильно казати :

good, well better best
хороший, гарний, кращий, краще найкращий, найкраще
bad, badly worse worst
поганий, погано гірше, гірший найгірший, найгірше
many, much more most
численний, багато численніший, найчисленніший,
більше найбільше
little less least
маленький, мало менший, менше найменший, найменше
far farther farthest
далекий, далеко більш віддалений, найбільш віддалений,
далі найдальше
far further furthest
давній, давно давніший, давніше найдавніший, найдавніше
Не мають ступеня порівняння за нормальних обставин так прикметники ,як :
-Dead Також прикметники на –
-Empty ed :bored ,
але ми можемо сказати
More/less bored
-Perfect I was boreder than I was on
-Straight the flight to Sydney.
-Unique ✓ I was more bored than I was
on the flight to Sydney.
1. Red apples are usually_____than green apples.
A) more sweeter B)most sweet C)sweeter D)sweetest
2. They have three sons and two daughters. Betty is___of
their children.
A) most young B)the younger C)the youngest D)younger
3. I can't hear you. Please speak____.
A) Louder B)loudest C) more loud D)the most loud
P.S. : don’t worry it's easy!
4. As we didn't have much money, we stayed at____hotel that
we could find.
A)a less expensive B)a more expensive C)the least
expensive D)the most expensive
5. They say that it's____storm in ten years.
A) by far worse B) most worst C)the worse D)the worst
6. That happened in 1990, maybe even____.
A)earlier B)more early C)the earliest D)the most early
7. I have no____questions.
A)farther B)further C)farthest D)furthest
8. I need a brown carpet. This carpet is____than
A)more red B)most red C)redder D)reddest
9. She walked____trying to see the house numbers in
the dark.
A)as slow as B)more slow C)more slower D)more
10. I think that it's____but still possible.
A)as likely as B)less likely C)likelier D)more likely
• Every day in elementary school in America begins at
9.20 a.m. Children have classes till 3.15 p.m. At 12
o’clock children have lunch. Many boys and girls
bring their lunch from home. But some of them go
for lunch to a school cafeteria.
• Mrs. Bradley prepares school lunches almost every
weekday for her two children. Sometimes she gives
the children money and they eat in the school
cafeteria. But usually the children prefer to take a
lunch from home.
• This morning Mrs. Bradley is making peanut butter
and cheese sandwiches, the children's favorite. She
puts two bottles of apple juice for the children to
drink. She is going to put the sandwiches, some
cherry tomatoes and two bananas in their
lunchboxes. The lunchbox is easy for the children to
carry to school.
• I suppose every person has the best friend and so do I. Susie and I met when we were at school
and we became friends immediately. They say extremes meet but this is not about me and my
friend. We are very similar to each other and I believe this is very important. We have the same
interests, we listen to the same music. We both like going to the cinema and play tennis.

My friend Susie She is a very open and easy going person, she does not feel confused with new
people and can easily speak to them. She is very generous – she always shares things with me
and other guys, her whole family is so hospitable – we can come to visit her and her mom and
dad are always happy to see us. Moreover, Susie is reliable, I can always count on her and if I
have any problems she is always ready to support me and give some good advice. Susie and I
spend a lot of time together and I notice she is polite with every person she meets. My friend
has good manners, she knows how to behave in public. What I also like about my friend is that
she is ambitious - she sets goals for herself and achieves them.

However, we also have some differences in our character: I am a calm and quiet person and
Susie is normally very energetic, sometimes even too energetic, but I think we complement
each other in this. Another thing about Susie is that she is talkative but at the same time she
knows how to listen to a person, so we can always chat with her about everything.Susie is very
kind and helpful person. She is an example for me and for our friends, we really admire her.
There are different kinds of animals on our planet, and all of them are very
important for it. For example, everybody knows that the sharks are dangerous
for people, but they are useful for cleaning seawater. There are two types of
animals: domestic (or pets) and wild. People keep pets in their homes. And
some wild animals are very dangerous. Domestic animals live next to people,
whereas wild animals’ “homes” are forests, jungles, oceans and so on.
Giraffes are very beautiful and unusual animals. They are the tallest land animals
in the world. Giraffes can reach a height of 5,5 m and a weight of 900 kg. They
are famous for their long necks. But does anybody know, that giraffes have a
very long tongue? They even can clean the ears with it! Giraffes are usually
yellow or light brown with dark stains. Giraffes live in African savannas. They can
live from 20 to 30 years. It is interesting to know, that giraffes sleep only twenty
minutes at a time. They sit down on the ground and bend their long neck down.
Giraffes do not hunt. They eat leaves, grass, and fruit. Due to their long neck,
they can reach the highest leaves on the trees that other animals cannot eat.
You can often meet giraffes in city Zoos. They are very friendly and all the
children like them very much.

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