Chapter 1r

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Marks Distribution

1. Internal Evaluation
Exam 4 marks
Attendance 2 marks
Assignment and Presentation 4 marks
Sub Total 10 marks

2. Final Exam 40 marks

Grand Total 50 marks

Course Outline

No. of chapters = 7
1. History of Engineering Practices 3 hrs.
2. Profession and Ethics 6 hrs.
3. Professional Practice in Nepal 3 hrs.
4. Contract Management 6 hrs.
5. Regulatory Environment 5 hrs.
6. Contemporary Issues in Engineering 3 hrs.
7. Case Studies 4 hrs.

References :

Carson Morrison and Philips Hughes, “ Professional

Engineering Practice with Ethical Aspects.”
Tak Bahadur Galami,” Engineering Professional
Nepal Engineering Council Act
Contract Act/ Labor Act/ Company Act/ Copyright
Act/ Public Procurement Act/ Building Bylaws.





 Sociology- the term was coined by French Philosopher in 1839 (Latin
word "societus meaning "society" and Greek word "logos" meaning
"study of Science")
 "Sociology is the study of the interrelationships between man and his
human environment" (H.P. Fairchild)
 Sociology is the science of society.

Society, is a group of people with a common and somewhat distinct
culture, who occupy a particular territorial area, have a feeling of unity
and regard as distinguishable entity.
Concept of Society

 "Society is the union itself, the organization, the sum of formal

relations in which associating individuals are bound together"
 "Society is a complex of forms or processes each of which is
living and growing by interaction with the others, the whole being
so unified that what takes place in one part affects all the rest"
 A society is a collection of individuals united by certain relations
or mode of behavior which mark of them off from others who do
not enter into these relations or who differ from them in behavior"
(Morris Ginsberg)

Characteristics of Society

Society consists of people: Society is composed

of people. No people no society.
Mutual interaction and mutual awareness:
Society is the process whereby men interpenetrate
the minds of each other, Individuals are in
continuous interactions with other individuals of the
society. Social interaction take place with mutual

Characteristics of Society

Society depends on likeness, Mutual

understanding :(Earlier based on kinship- blood
relationship, now nationality) etc.
Society rests on the difference: Difference is
opinion, interest, genders etc. in social lives .
Co-operation and division of labor
Dynamic: Changeability is the inherent quality of
society. No society can ever remain constant or static
for length of time.

Characteristics of Society

Social Control: Society has its own ways of

controlling the behavior of its members. Customs,
traditions, law, police, court etc.
Culture: Every society is unique because it has its
own ways of life called culture. It includes our
attitude, judgments, moral ideas etc.
There is indefinite interplay of:
 Likeness and difference
 Cooperation and conflicts
 Agreements and dissents etc

Characteristics of Society

Cooperation and conflict. In a healthy and well
developed society both cooperation and conflict co-
Members of society depends on each other in many
ways and extend cooperation.
Family is an example of interdependency. Today
even the countries depend on each other.
Permanent Nature
Society is Abstract

Summary of Society

Plurality (male/female/young/old)
Differences (opinion/ gender/ interest)
Dynamic ( changeability/ existing quality)
Likeness (blood/ nationality)
Mutual understanding/ interaction/ awareness)
Social control/ stability


 "Whenever the members of any group, small

or large, live together in such a way that
they share, not this or that particular
interest, but the basic conditions of a
common life, we call that group a
community" (MacIver)


• “Any circle of people who live together and belong

together in such a way that they do not share this or
that particular interest only, but a whole set of
interest" (Mannheim)

 "A community is that collectivity the members of

which share a common territorial area as their base
of operation for daily activities" (Talcott Parson)


Definition: Community is the geographical

area having common centers of interests and
Community is essentially an area of social living
marked by some degree of social coherence.
Community is a social group that may be may a
small or large, the members of which lives
together in such a way that they share not this
or that particular interest but the basic
condition of a common life.
Elements of Community

i. Group of People: when individual live together

sharing the basic conditions of common life they
obviously form a community.
ii. Locality/ Definite territory: Group of people
forms a community when it begins to reside in a
definite locality.
iii. Community Sentiment/ close social relationship:
A community is essentially an area of common
living with a feeling of belonging together
iv. Cultural similarity (Likeness)
v. Organized similarity: festival, mela etc.
Elements of Community

vi. Permanency
vii. Naturality
viii.Wider ends
ix. A Particular name
x. No legal status

Man and society

Man is the social animal.

The man forms the society and develops
standard and norms.
However in the course of time, the tradition,
culture and the guidelines of the society
controls human beings.

Origin of society

There are different theories explaining origin of

society. Following are some widely discussed
theories on origin of society.
Devine origin theory
This theory says that the society is the creation of
his mighty God.
The structure of the society and the activities are
all the will of god. Human beings are only acting
according to the guidance of the god.

Origin of society

Social contract theory

This theory presumes that the society is a
set up deliberately planned by man for
certain ends.
It assumes that all men are born free and
equal and individual precedes society.
The society is created with mutual
agreement of the individuals.

Origin of society

Evolutionary theory
This theory says that society is not made any
intention rather it is the result of gradual evolution.
Therefore society is the result of growth of human
Society is a continuous development from
unorganized to organized and from less perfect to
more perfect.
 Kinship and family were the earlier bonds for
uniting men. This kinship created the society.
Types of society

Following are the typical societies:

Tribal society
Horticultural society
Pastoral society
Agrarian society
Industrial society
Post Industrial society

Tribal Society

Food production is the main economic activity.

Divided on the basis of how they produce food and
their level of technology.
Hunting and gathering – collection of wild plants
and hunting of animals.
Move around constantly in search of food
No permanent villages
Smaller size – 60-100 people
Family is the main social unit.

Pastoral Society

Main form of food production = domesticated

herd animal.
Move around to new pastures for animals
Can support larger populations
Food surpluses – division of labor
Specialization of tasks by individuals

Horticultural Society

Main form of food production = fruits and

vegetables grown in a garden.
Size of society depends on land available for farming
Food surpluses – division of labor
Inequalities in wealth and power

Agricultural Society

Main form of food production = domesticated

animals used to plow fields to grow crops
Use of irrigation techniques.
Can support very large populations
Development of cities and more advanced

Industrial Societies

Emphasis shifts from food production to the

production of manufactured goods.
Food production is carried out with the help of
machines – can produce faster.
Industrialization can lead to urbanization =
concertration of population in cities.
Competition for social population.

Post Industrial Society

Economy is centered around providing

information and services.
In the US roughly around 73% of the population is
involved in these fields.
Standard of living and quality of life improve
Emphasis on science and education
Social equality and democracy

Social Change

Change in society: social change is the

change in society. Society changes with the
changes in the social relationship.
 This includes social processes and
interactions, mutual activities and relationship
of various parts of society. This change brings
change in social organization as well.
Man is dynamic being. Therefore society
never remains static. It undergoes changes or
Factor causing social change

There are numbers of factors causing changes in

Following are some of pertinent factors causing
social change:
i. Cultural factors
ii. Technological factor
iii. Biological factor
iv. Demographic factor
v. Environmental factor

Factor causing social change

vi. Psychological factor

vii. Others factor
 Ideas and opinions
 Social conflict
 Social movements

Technological and social change

Technology is a systematic which facilitates in the
use of the machines and tools. It is means and
process that transfer knowledge into skill.
Technology discloses man’s mode of dealing with
nature and the process of production by which he
sustains and thereby lays mode of formation of
social relationship and of mental conceptions.
Technology transfers input to outputs.

Technological and social change

The term technology refers to how input is transferred to
output . One of the distinctive of all human characteristics
is that we are all tool using animals.

 It is true that a few other animals have learned to employ

implements in a rudimentary way, but the tool use of
other species has little effect on social or natural
environment .

People in contrast , have used increasing sophisticated

technique that have transformed and continue to
Technological and social change

Over the generation such cultural artifacts as
the knife the wheel, the plow, gunpowder,
screws, windmills, dams, the compass,
clocks, the printing press, steam engines,
vaccines, pesticides, television, rocket, lasers
and nuclear reactors have dramatically
influenced the society.

Technological and social change

These and countless similar items are all
examples of technology the practical application
of scientific and other knowledge.
Modern civilization on our ability to translate
knowledge of nature into the multiple of gadgets,
contraption, processes, implements and
technique: aircrafts and antibiotics computer
and plastics assembly lines telecommunications
synthetics fabrics and skyscrapers.
Technological and social change

 Technology and social changes are
intimately connected particularly in the
modern world where rapid technology and
social change goes hand to hand.
Many people in the modern society seem to
implicitly assume that technology
development and human progress is much
the same thing.
Technological and social change

But some observers see advanced
technology as the key to a brighter future.
Others wonder if it may sometimes be more
of curse than a blessing .
Modern technology has certainly offered
admirable achievements , but it has also
created dismaying problems.

Change in technology

It implies modification, alternation and

innovation in materials and it use.
This is achieves from information technique and
Technique change influences all social
institutions changing values norms and attitudes
naturally bringing considerable impact on cast
system and culture.
A change in technology has tremendous impact
in the society.
Change in technology

Invention of machines has given birth factory

system: this in turn has accelerated the process
of urbanization by the concentration of
With the development of machine, there was the
evolution of new social classes. New social
conceptions and movements were the result of
this as well.
Machine resulted mass production and this has
improved the condition of life.
Change in technology

Change in technology has resulted

tremendous development in the means of
The work has become the global village due
to the effect of mass communication.
The information technology has created a
new revolution fast change in the society.

Change in technology

Development of means transport is yet

another achievement of technology causing
changes in the society.
There is a great mobility of the people from
one place to another air, water and land
means of transport.

The feudal society living under traditional
agricultural production with primitive local
means of production has changed
tremendously with the changes in the
agricultural technology.
It is possible now to have huge agricultural
production in the small piece of land with
the application of modern technology

Manifestation of change

Everything changes and change is reality. The process

of change may be passive or quantitative and
tremendous or active.
When the change is passive, It is difficult to sense it.
The manifestation of this change in the technology is
more pronounced in following areas:
 Printing
 Gun power
 Communication satellite
 Organic chemistry
 Mechanizations (automation)
EPP  Computers
The 20 greatest technology achievements of the 20th century

These achievements have greatest impact in the quality of

life and have caused great changes in the society:
1. High Performances Materials
2. Nuclear Technology
3. Laser and Fiber Optics
4. Petroleum And Gas Technologies
5. Health Technologies
6. Household Appliances
7. Imaging Technologies
8. Internet
9. Space Exploration
EPP Interstate Highway
The 20 greatest technology achievements of the 20th century

11. Air Condition and Refrigeration

12. Telephone
13. Computers
14. Agricultural Mechanization
15. Radio And Television
16. Electronics
17. Safe and Abundant Water
18. Airplane
19. Automobile
20. Electrification

Concept Of Social Change

Change is a dynamic and on-going process.

In fact, it is a law of nature.
Similarly, a society is subjected to constant
A social change has taken place in all
societies at all times.

Concept Of Social Change

No societies can successfully prevent change

but some societies more resistant to change,
social change is the alteration n pattern of
cultures social structure and social behavior
over time.
Social change involves not only past and
present but also future.
Socials change usually a complex of
interacting factors.
Concept Of Social Change

 Different writers have defined social change. Some of them are

as follows:
 Maclver‍‍= social change in the human relationship.
 M.P. Jenison = social change may be defined as modification
in ways of doing and thinking of people.
 Social change is the alternation in patterns of culture , social
structures (caste, religion, political and economical
organization) and social relationship over time.

Theories of social change

1. Socio-cultural evolution theory:

This is based on the assumption that societies
gradually develop from simple beginning into ever
complex forms. This assumption rests on both
anthropologist and historical evidences.
It assume that social change is meant by progress
towards betterment, there is the influence of Charles
Darwin’s “organics evolution”. Evolutionary
process implies that societies would reach new and
higher level of civilization.

Theories of social change

2. Functionalist theory
This theory assumes that society consists of
interdependent parts each of which helps to maintain the
stability the entire social society. The system as a whole
has a tendency to constantly seed equilibrium or balance.
Social change occurs when internal or external strains
such as unemployment or war throw the system out of
balance, this balances provokes adjustments that
help[ bring the system back into equilibrium once more
establishing different social arrangements and cultural
components than the previous one.

Theories of social change

3. Conflicts theory (class conflict –Karl Marx)

Conflicts are inevitable and normal process. Social
change is the result of conflicts between classes existing
in the society. Classes are fundament mentally economy
based. Different classes have different interests; this
theory assumes that the existing condition is the seed of
new social change. Theory was developed by Karl Marx
from Germany and has been modified by other
sociologist. Based on the condition of economic
production the form of the society is defined as: primitive
socialist slave, feudal, capitalist, socialist and finally
communist society.
Theories of social change

4. Cyclical theory
It focuses on the rise and fall of civilization attempting
to discover and account for these patterns of growth and
decay. It assumes that each civilization is like a
biological and has similar life cycle; birth, maturity, old,
age and death. Each society faces challenges at first from
environment, internal enemies, external enemies etc.
The nature of response determines the fate of society.
The achievements’ of the civilization consists of its
successful responses to challenges. If it cannot mount an
effective response

History of Engineering Practice in Eastern Society

Some significant events:-

 During 5000 BC, civilization developed near Yanshao (a
Neolithic culture that existed extensively along the Yellow
river in China), where people roamed seeking new soil for
animal and agriculture. People used earthen pottery and
stone tools.
 During 4000 BC, early Chinese communities planned
cities in Grid patterns.
 During 3300-3200 BC, Egyptians firs developed a system
of Division of Labor.
 In 132 AD, Chinese philosopher Chang Heng invented a
History of Engineering Practice in Eastern Society

In 510 AD, China’s Grand Canal in southern china

was build.
In 805 AD, the forerunners of Gun were invented
which is called ‘fire lance’.
In 1040 AD, Chinese writer Tseng Kung- Liang
published the first known Gun- Powder formulae.
IN 1045 AD, Pi- Sang invented movable type for
In 1805 AD, Habaoka Seishu performed the first
surgery under a general anesthesia in Japan.

History of Engineering Practice in Western Society

In 3000 BC – 100 AD, agriculture and power

appeared in ancient Mesoamerica.
In 250 – 900 AD, Maya created and maintained a
sophisticated pair of interlocking Calendar to help
them plan ceremonies.
In 1268 AD, English scientist Roger Bacon records a
statement about using lenses to improve vision with
In 1747 – 1752 AD, American scientist Benjamin
Franklin theorized that lightning is a form of
History of Engineering Practice in Western Society

In 1780 AD, Scottish Inventor James Watt and

English manufacturer Matthew Boulton began
manufacturing a steam engine for industrial use.
In 1548- 1620 AD, Simon Stevin discovered the
triangle of forces in Netherlands, which helped to
calculate the actual load on the members of cranes,
trusses and other structures.
In 1564-1642 AD, beginning of analysis of stresses in

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