TTL 2 Report
TTL 2 Report
TTL 2 Report
Developing Your Learning Plan
In this step, you will be mapping the content of your learning plan using the template
provided below. The templates part were considered as these are essential in developing a
learning plan and are based on the principles of ICT-pedagogy integration principles .
In developing a learning plan summary and learning outcomes, We need
integrate any of the learning approaches
integrate ICT in your pedagogical procedures
STEP 1: The Learning Area of the Learning Plan
Identify the learning area in language education that your plan will
Is it English, Filipino, Mother Tongue, or other Foreign Language Course?
What year level and what grading period?
English grade 6, 4th quarter
Step 2: The specific Coverage of the Learning Plan
Identify the topics which your teaching will cover.
Give a brief description of the main concepts that must be learned by your
students during this lesson.
With this selected learning area to cover, all students should be able to fully utilize the given task and
learning materials through technological tools effectively. The following are the areas that shows a
brief description of the main concepts.
In teaching Language Education, the chosen English lesson for the Grade 6 curriculum (4th Quarter)
will be taught through the given topic about writing simple paragraphs on different activities, issues,
events, or occasions using appropriate grammatical structures. This lesson will be enhanced with the
help of various technological tools and applications, which will eventually enhance both their use of
technology and communication skills.
Step 3: K to 12 Standards and
Identify the Basic Education Competencies, with the
that are targeted by your learning plan.
E: In this Grade 6 curriculum 4th quarter class, all the students will be given a topic
about Essay Writing and will be taught starting from basic to complex. After that,
each student will be given the opportunity to write their own essay connected to the
given issues and events. A project wherein students will be given by a teacher a
whole blank log book for a task of creating an e-journal through making a group
page or an online forum through websites and each student will write a reflection,
reactions, essay, or even feedbacks to their fellow classmates in the log every after-
class session and each log will be checked periodically
STEP 5: The Learning Objectives or Learning Outcomes of
the Learning Plan
List the general objectives that focus on your learning concepts
The general objectives that focus on this learning concepts in this
grade 6 curriculum 4th quarter class are:
• Developing writing skills
• Enhance critical thinking
• Improve communication skills
• Foster collaboration and teamwork
Up-to-date and Emerging Productivity Tools for
Language Teaching
In this activity, you will be tasked to report some of the
latest and also the emerging hardware and software
applications that can be maximized by any language
Step 1: Review all the open-ended tools or productivity tools presented and
discussed by your TTL 2 teachers in the previous modules.
Step 2: Search from the World Wide Web some new or emerging productivity
tools that were not presented by your TTL 2 teacher.
• Note what you have researched.
Step 3. Prepare the results of your inquiry by following the table below.