Introduction, Principles, and Purposes of Iee and Eia
Introduction, Principles, and Purposes of Iee and Eia
Introduction, Principles, and Purposes of Iee and Eia
• Overview
• Environmental regulations
• IEE introduction
• Objectives of IEE
• Characteristics of IEE
• Purpose of IEE
• IEE process
• EIA introduction
• Purpose of EIA
• Principles of EIA
• Process of EIA
• The National Environment Action Plan 1 (NEAP) was adopted in the National
Assembly in 1994.
• The Forest Act and the Environmental Protection Law (EPL) have been
enforced since 1996 and 1999 respectively
• The STEA was established in a reorganization of the STENO, the first authority
established in 1993 to control the environment
Environment Assessment System(EAS)
• In 2000, the STEA issued a ministerial ordinance for a general rule for
Environment Assessment (EA), based on the Environmental Protection
Law enforced in 1999.
• Definition:
• Describe the environmental condition of a project.
• Include potential impact, formulation of mitigation measures, and preparation of
institutional requirements and environmental monitoring.
Initial study,(preliminary action) survey or analysis of data that predict impact of
project on environment and health.
Give preventive & mitigatory measures.
Objectives of IEE
• (2) Characterize the physical and social environments potentially affected by the
program or activity.
• (3) IEE should evaluate the potential impact of the proposed activities on these
Principle of IEE
• The guideline provides the detailed criteria for the screening and scooping
as well as the reference formats.
Environmental impact Assessment:
• EIA is the evaluation of the effects likely to arise from a major project
significantly affecting the environment.
• EIA can be
Legal role:-
To ensure that development projects such as a housing estate or some such
construction project has a minimal impact on the environment in its entire
i.e. during designing and construction
Educational role:-
• Ahmad Y. J. and Sammy G. K., 1987: Guidelines to Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing
Countries, UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 85, UNEP, 1987.
• European Commission, 1999: Guidelines for the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as well as
Impact Interactions. Luxembourg, 172pp
• International Association for Impact Assessment, 1999: Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment Best
Practice, UK. 20pp
• Lee N., 1995: Environmental Assessment in European Union: a tenth anniversary project appraisal 7: pp
• Modak P. & Biswas A. K., 1999: Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries,
United Nations University press. Morris P and Therivel R., (eds), 1995: Methods of environmental impact
assessment, UCL press, London
• Mutemba S., 1996: Public participation in environmental assessment for banks supported projects in sub-
Saharan Africa, in Environmental Assessment in Africa: A World Bank commitment, Environmental
Department, World Bank Washington DC
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