Nervous System
Nervous System
Nervous System
Neurons are highly irritable
Action potentials, or nerve impulses,
Electrical impulses carried along the length
of axons
Always the same regardless of stimulus
Figure 11.6a
Operation of a Voltage-
Gated Channel
Example: Na+ channel
Closed when the intracellular
environment is negative
Na+ cannot enter the cell
Open when the intracellular environment
is positive
Na+ can enter the cell
Operation of a Voltage-
Gated Channel
Figure 11.6b
Gated Channels
When gated channels are open:
Ions move quickly across the membrane
Movement is along their electrochemical
An electrical current is created
Figure 11.8
Membrane Potentials: Signals
Used to integrate, send, and receive
Membrane potential changes are
produced by:
Changes in membrane permeability to ions
Alterations of ion concentrations across
the membrane
Types of signals – graded potentials and
action potentials
Changes in Membrane
Figure 11.9
Graded Potentials
Short-lived, local changes in membrane
Decrease in intensity with distance
Their magnitude varies directly with the
strength of the stimulus
Sufficiently strong graded potentials
can initiate action potentials
Graded Potentials
Figure 11.10
Graded Potentials
Figure 11.11
Action Potentials (APs)
A brief reversal of membrane potential with a
total amplitude of 100 mV
Action potentials are only generated by
muscle cells and neurons
They do not decrease in strength over
They are the principal means of neural
An action potential in the axon of a neuron is
a nerve impulse
Action Potential: Resting State
Figure 11.12.1
Action Potential: Depolarization
Na+ permeability increases; membrane
potential reverses
Na+ gates are opened; K+ gates are closed
Threshold – a critical level of depolarization
(-55 to -50 mV)
At threshold,
Figure 11.12.2
Action Potential: Repolarization
Sodium inactivation gates close
Membrane permeability to Na+ declines to
resting levels
As sodium gates close, voltage-sensitive K+
gates open
K+ exits the cell and
internal negativity
of the resting neuron
is restored
Figure 11.12.3
Action Potential: Hyperpolarization
Figure 11.12.4
Action Potential:
Role of the Sodium-Potassium Pump
Restores the resting electrical conditions
of the neuron
Does not restore the resting ionic
Ionic redistribution back to resting
conditions is restored by the sodium-
potassium pump
Phases of the Action Potential
1 – resting state
2 – depolarization
3 – repolarization
Propagation of an Action Potential
(Time = 0ms)
Figure 11.13a
Propagation of an Action
Potential (Time = 1ms)
Ions of the extracellular fluid move
toward the area of greatest negative
A current is created that depolarizes
the adjacent membrane in a forward
The impulse propagates away from its
point of origin
Propagation of an Action
Potential (Time = 1ms)
Figure 11.13b
Propagation of an Action
Potential (Time = 2ms)
Figure 11.13c
Threshold and Action Potentials
Figure 11.15
Relative Refractory Period
The interval following the absolute
refractory period when:
Sodium gates are closed
Potassium gates are open
Repolarization is occurring
Figure 11.16