Types of Estimate and Common Terminologies
Types of Estimate and Common Terminologies
Types of Estimate and Common Terminologies
• Types Of estimate
• Objective
• Approximate estimate
• Plinth area method
• Cubical content method
• Unit base method
• Detailed Estimate
• Assignments
• Learning Outcomes
• Student effective learning outcomes
• References
Types of estimate?..
In this estimate, the approximate cost of all important works such as cost
of land, roads, buildings, water supply, sanitary works, electrification etc.
are mentioned separately.
A brief report of the project indicating its necessity, utility and method of
arriving at the cost of each item and the site or layout plan is also enclosed
with the estimate.
Approximate Estimate..
<SELO: <Reference
2,8> No.:R1,R3>
Detailed Estimate..
This is the accurate method of estimating in which the entire building work
is subdivided into individual items of work
The quantities of each item of works are calculated from the complete set
of drawings (i.e. plan, elevation, sections etc.)
The rates of various items of work can be obtained from the ‘schedule of
rate’ prepared by the Government organization or from analyzed rates of
<Reference No.:R2>
Detailed Estimate..
In order to make provision for unforeseen expenditure for miscellaneous
petty items (for which no provision is made in the estimate) and
contingencies a 3 to 5% of the estimated cost is added to it.
The grand total of all the above cost is known as the total estimated cost of
the proposed work.After the administrative approval for the work is
obtained, its detailed estimate is prepared and sent for obtaining technical
sanction from the appropriate competent Government authorities.
Detailed Estimate..
The detailed estimate is accompanied by the following documents:
Analysis of rates for the items of work not included in the schedule of rate.
<Reference No.:R2>