Methods of Approximate Construction Cost Estimation Preparation

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1.What are the methods of preparation for approximate estimates and explain.

Methods of preparation of preliminary or approximate construction cost estimation for studies

of various aspects of work of project and its administrative approval is discussed. This estimate
can decide, in case of commercial projects, whether the net income earned justifies the amount
invested or not.
The approximate estimate is prepared from the practical knowledge and cost of similar works.
The estimate is accompanied by a report duly explaining necessity and utility of the project and
with a site or layout plan. A percentage 5 to 10% is allowed for contingencies.
Methods of Approximate Construction Cost Estimation Preparation
The following are the methods used for preparation of approximate construction cost
a. Plinth area method
b. Cubical contents method
c. Unit base method

a) Plinth area method:

The cost of construction is determined by multiplying plinth area with plinth area rate. The area
is obtained by multiplying length and breadth (outer dimensions of building).

In fixing the plinth area rate, careful observation and necessary enquiries are made in respect of
quality and quantity aspect of materials and labour, type of foundation, height of building, roof,
wood work, fixtures, number of storeys etc.

As per IS 3861-1966, the following areas include while calculating the plinth area of

Types of Estimates:

 Area of walls at floor level.

 Internal shafts of sanitary installations not exceeding 2.0 sqm, lifts, air-conditioning
ducts etc.,
 Area of barsati at terrace level: Barsati means any covered space open on one side,
constructed on one side, constructed on terraced roof which is used as shelter during
rainy season.
 Porches of non-cantilever type.

Areas which are not to include

 Area of lofts.
 Unenclosed balconies.
 Architectural bands, cornices etc.,
 Domes, towers projecting above terrace level.
 Box louvers and vertical sun breakers.
b) Cubical Contents Method:

This method is generally used for multi-storeyed buildings. It is more accurate that the other two
methods viz., plinth area method and unit base method.

The cost of a structure is calculated approximately as the total cubical contents (Volume of
buildings) multiplied by Local Cubic Rate. The volume of building is obtained by Length x
breadth x depth or height.

The length and breadth are measured out to out of walls excluding the plinth offset.

The cost of string course, cornice, corbelling etc., is neglected.

The cost of building = volume of buildings x rate/ unit volume.

c) Unit Base Method:

According to this method the cost of structure is determined by multiplying the total number of
units with unit rate of each item. In case schools and colleges, the unit considered to be as ‘one
student’ and in case of hospital, the unit is ‘one bed’.

The unit rate is calculated by dividing the actual expenditure incurred or cost of similar building
in the nearby locality by the number of units.

2. Differentiate Detail Estimate and Cube Rate Estimate.

Methods of Detailed Construction Estimation Preparation

i) Details of measurements and calculation of quantities:

The complete work is divided into various items of work such as earthwork concreting,
brickwork, reinforced concrete, plastering etc. The details of measurements are taken from
drawings and entered in respective columns of prescribed proforma.

The quantities are calculated by multiplying the values that are in numbers column to Depth
column as shown below:

Details of measurements form

ii) Abstract of Estimated Cost:

The cost of each item of work is worked out from the quantities that already computed in the
detailed measurement form at workable rate. But the total cost is worked out in the prescribed
form is known as abstract of estimated form. 4%of estimated Cost is allowed for Petty
Supervision, contingencies and unforeseen items.

Abstract of Estimate Form

The detailed estimate should be accompanied with:

1. Report
2. Specification
3. Drawings (plans, elevation, sections)
4. Design charts and calculations
5. Standard schedule of rates.

Factors to be considered while Preparing Detailed Estimate:

i) Quantity and transportation of materials: For bigger project, the requirement of materials is
more. Such bulk volume of materials will be purchased and transported definitely at cheaper rate.

ii) Location of site: The site of work is selected, such that it should reduce damage or in transit
during loading, unloading, stocking of materials.

iii) Local labour charges: The skill, suitability and wages of local labores are considered while
preparing the detailed estimate.

Data for detailed estimate:

The process of working out the cost or rate per unit of each item is called as Data. In preparation
of Data, the rates of materials and labour are obtained from current standard scheduled of rates
and while the quantities of materials and labour required for one unit of item are taken from
Standard Data Book (S.D.B).

Fixing of Rate per Unit of an Item:

The rate per unit of an item includes the following:

1) Quantity of materials & cost: The requirement of materials is taken strictly in accordance with
standard data book (S.D.B). The cost of these includes first cost, freight, insurance and
transportation charges.

ii) Cost of labour: The exact number of labourers required for unit of work and the multiplied by
the wages/ day to get of labour for unit item work.

iii) Cost of equipment (T&P): Some works need special type of equipment, tools and plant. In
such case, an amount of 1 to 2% of estimated cost is provided.

iv) Overhead charges: To meet expenses of office rent, depreciation of equipment salaries of
staff postage, lighting an amount of 4% of estimate cost is allocated

Cube Rate Estimate.

The cube method estimating is a single rate method of estimating based on the cubic content of a
building. Cost per cubic metre method is specific for building projects and aims to overcome the
current criticism floor area method that does not take into account possible variations of the
storey height. The building volume method became very popular in some European countries
like in Germany and Switzerland, where building costs are often expressed in cubic meter prices.
The total cost of the project will be given by:

Estimate = Volume X Unit Cost (Cost/m3)

{Volume = External plan area X height X Cost (cost/ m3)}

In order to use the method, the building volume must be first assessed and explicit rules exist in
some countries for that purpose. Buildings with distinct types of occupation should have
corresponding volumes assessed separately, for example, car park areas, shopping areas and
office areas in a commercial building. Specific works like excavations, foundations and external
works ought to be assessed separately by using cost comparisons or approximate quantities, for

Costs per cubic meter may be difficult to find in countries where the method is not current.
Actually, such costs depend on a number of variables, like building types, the proportion of wall
area per floor area, quality of finishes and so on.

Calculation of volume is subject to rules of measurement

o Measured from external faces of external walls

o Height of the building is taken from the top of foundation to
For pitched roof
o A point midway between the ceiling and the apex of roof 2/3 where roof space is
o A point three-quarters from the ceiling to the apex of the roof where roof space is
For Flat roof
o A point 610mm (2feet) above the roof structure

Cube Method Estimating Advantages

o Quick method
o Simple math process
o Easy to understand
o Satisfactory on works of a recurring nature.
o Suitable where cubic content of a space or a building directly influences the cost of an

Cube Method Estimating Disadvantages

o Need higher levels of skill to assess unit rate

o Do not express the actual cost of different parts of the building
o Due to large number of variables, difficult to adjust unit cost
o Doesn’t provide any indication about amount of usable space
o Fails to take account of variations in plan, shape, storey height/ total number of storeys

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