The Synapse: Defintion
The Synapse: Defintion
The Synapse: Defintion
Defintion: site of contact between axon terminal of one neuron(presynaptic) with another neuron (postsynaptic) across which transmission of nerve impulses occur.
It could be electrical or chemical synapses.
Electrical synapse
Chemical synapse
Almost all synapses in the human central nervous system are chemical synapses. the impulses in the presynaptic axon causes secretion of a chemical transmitter at the synapse, and this transmitter act on receptors located in the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron to modify its activity either exciting or inhibiting it depending upon the nature of the postsynaptic receptors.
Structure of synapse
The synapse
A place where two neurones functionally meet. Where they meet the neurones do not touch. There is a small gap, about 20nm wide The gap is called the synaptic cleft The neurone that carries the impulse to the synapse is called the presynaptic neurone The neurone that carries the impulse away is called the postsynaptic membrane
Synaptic transmission
When an AP arrives at a synaptic knob it causes calcium channels to open in the pre-synaptic membrane. Ca rushes into the synaptic bulb down its concentration gradient from the cleft.
Synaptic transmission
This influx of calcium ions causes vesicles containing acetylcholine to move towards the presynaptic membrane. The vesicles fuse with the membrane releasing the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
Synaptic transmission
The acetylcholine diffuses across the cleft and attaches to specific receptor sites on the postsynaptic membrane. The protein receptor sites have a complementary shape to that of acetylcholine but the binding is temporary
Synaptic transmission
The binding of the neurotransmitter to the receptor site opens up sodium channels in the postsynaptic membrane. Sodium ions flood in depolarising the membrane and set of an AP.
Synaptic transmission
The enzyme
acetylcholinesterase which is present in the synaptic cleft splits the acetylcholine into acetate and choline.
Synaptic transmission
The choline is taken back up by the synaptic knob and recombines with acetyl coenzyme A to reform acetylcholine.
Synaptic transmission
Hence the need for mitochondria in the synaptic knob. If the acetylcholine was not removed from the postsynaptic membrane it would keep firing action potentials!
Synaptic transmission
Excitatory synapse:
Depolarisation of postsynaptic neuron (EPSP) Localised, Last for 15msec. Several EPSP Action potential
Inhibitory synapse:
Hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic cell
When and IPSP and EPSP coincide, the EPSP is reduced and less likely to depolarize the membrane
Presynaptic inhibition
Presynaptic inhibition
Challenge question
See the picture below. If the following ion channels in the post-synaptic membrane are opened, will an IPSP or EPSP occur?
1. Forward conduction At synapse, the impulses can only pass in one direction from presynaptic to postsynaptic neuron..
2. Summation
Temporal summation
presynaptic cell
Temporal summation
low frequency of action potentials
presynaptic cell
Temporal summation
low frequency of action potentials
presynaptic cell
Temporal summation
low frequency of action potentials
presynaptic cell
Temporal summation
low frequency of action potentials
high frequency of action potentials
presynaptic cell
Temporal summation
low frequency of action potentials
high frequency of action potentials
presynaptic cell
Temporal summation
low frequency of action potentials
high frequency of action potentials
presynaptic cell
transmitter below threshold level no depolarisation of postsynaptic cell postsynaptic cell depolarises
Spatial summation
A number of presynaptic neurones may converge on one postsynaptic neurone at the same time APs arriving in each presynaptic neurone will release transmitter, which builds up to the threshold level and triggers a postsynaptic impulse. This is called spatial summation
3. Synaptic delay
4. Synaptic fatigue
a. Effect of pH
b. Effect of hypoxia
Nicotine: very similar affect to acetylcholine, has an excitatory effect on the postsynaptic membrane. In large concentrations it can block synaptic transmission after an initial stimulation
6. Synaptic plasticity
is the ability of the synapse, between two neurons to change in strength in response to either use or disuse of transmission over synaptic pathway, ie, synaptic conduction can be strengthened or weakened on the basis of past experience. These changes are of great interest because they represent forms of learning and memory; these changes could be in the form of:
include synaptic potentiation, depression & sensitization.
This is production of enhanced (increased) PSPs. It occurs after applying a brief tetanizing train of stimuli to presynaptic neurons, and is 2 types:
When a presynaptic terminal is rapidly stimulated with successive stimuli, the postsynaptic neurone will show increase excitability for a period of seconds or minutes in some neurons Due to; Increase conc. of ca+ in the presynaptic neuron leading to more rapid release of the Nt
-more prolonged
- and can last for days. - initiated mainly by an increase of the intracellular calcium concentration in the postsynaptic neuron. -have an important role in learning and memory occurs in the hippocampus (where the excitatory neurotransmitter is glutamate).
b. Synaptic depression:
1. Habituation
When a stimulus is benign and is repeated over and over, the response to the stimulus gradually disappears (habituation). This is associated with decreased release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic terminal because of decreased intracellular calcium.
which occurs secondary to inactivation of the Ca++ channels by an unknown mechanism).
- opposite of LTP; - it is characterized by a decrease in synaptic strength. -It is produced by slower stimulation of presynaptic neurons and is associated with a smaller rise in the intracellular calcium.
c. Synaptic sensitization:
This is augmentation of a PSP in response to a habituated presynaptic stimulus, if it is paired once (or more times) with a noxious stimulus. and it occurs by a presynaptic facilitation mechanism as follows:
1. The noxious stimulus arrives via a facilitatory neuron which terminates on the preseynaptic ending.
2. The released transmitter from the facilitatory neuron (which is commonly serotonin) causes closure of the K+ channels in the presynaptic ending (which decreases K+ efflux).
3. Due to reduction of the K+ efflux, presynaptic stimulation results in prolonged action potentials at its ending. This causes prolonged opening of the voltagegated Ca++ channels in the presynaptic ending, which leads to more Ca++ influx and, consequently, more release of the neurotransmitter (resulting in an augmented PSP).