Ethics in IT: IBU 020 Computer Engineering Orientation
Ethics in IT: IBU 020 Computer Engineering Orientation
Ethics in IT: IBU 020 Computer Engineering Orientation
Ethics in IT
International Burch University
Both the likelihood and the negative impact of inappropriate behavior have increased
Several trends have increased the likelihood of unethical behavior:
Globalization creating complex work environments
Organizations challenged to maintain profits / revenue
Heightened vigilance by:
Regulatory agencies
Code of ethics
Highlights an organization’s key ethical issues
Identifies overarching values and important principles
Focuses employees on areas of ethical risk
Offers guidance for employees to recognize and deal with ethical issues
Provides mechanisms to report unethical conduct
Help employees abide by the law, follow necessary regulations, and behave in an ethical
The general public does not understand the critical importance of ethics as applied to IT
Important decisions are often left to technical experts
General business managers must assume greater responsibility for these decisions by:
Making decisions based on technical savvy, business know-how, and a sense of ethics
Creating an environment where ethical dilemmas can be discussed openly, objectively, and
What relationships must an IT professional manage, and what key ethical issues
can arise in each?
Ethical problems arise if a company recommends its own products and services to
solve problems they have detected
A company is unable to provide full and accurate reporting of a project’s status
Corporations are taking actions to ensure good business ethics among employees