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Glider Wings

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Lord jagannath College of engineering and





Team members Project guide

Aswin Ragul.K Dr.R.R.Ravi
Kannan.R Head of the Department
This project delves into the intricate world of glider wing fabrication and
performance optimization. Gliders, with their reliance on aerodynamic
principles for sustained flight, present a fascinating challenge in
engineering design. This study aims to explore various fabrication
techniques and materials used in constructing glider wings, considering
factors such as weight, strength, and aerodynamic efficiency. Additionally,
performance optimization strategies, including wing shape, aspect ratio,
and control surfaces, are investigated to enhance glide ratio and
maneuverability. Through a combination of theoretical analysis,
computational simulations, and practical experimentation, this research
aims to contribute insights into advancing glider technology for more
efficient and sustainable flight.
An ornithopter (from Greek ornithos "bird" and pteron "wing") an aircraft
that flies by flapping its wings. Designers seek to imitate the flapping-wing
flight of birds, bats, and insects. Though machines may differ in for`m,
they are usually built on the same scale as these flying creatures. Manned
ornithopters have also been built, and some have been successful. The
machines are of two general types: those with engines, and those powered
by the muscles of the pilot.
A kinematic link or element or link is a resistant body that constitutes part
of the machine, connecting other parts which have motion relative to it.
piston , piston rod and crosshead of a steam engine constitutes one unit and
hence called one link.
A mechanism is a device that transforms input forces and movement into a
desired set of output forces and movement. Mechanism, in mechanical
construction, the means employed to transmit and modify motion in a
machine or any assemblage of mechanical parts. The chief characteristic of
the mechanism of a machine is that all members have constrained motion;
i.e., the parts can move only in a determinate manner relative to one
another. The nature of these relative motions is determined largely by the
number of parts and the way in which they are connected.
Sl. No Name of the paper Author Year of Inferences taken from the
Publishing paper
1 CFD ANALYSIS OF AN RC WING Shreyas A designed wing geometry
krishnamurthy May 2014 was analyzed and modified;
Suraj jayashankar, further
Sharath vrao, rochen analysis was carried out on
Krishna t the modified wing for a
comparative study. Thus
giving a clear comparative
view of how minute
changes affect the flow
characteristics of the
2 Aerial robotics Cooperative assembly Anibal Ollero Evaluation for techniques
system Jan 2011 for interaction of ’s to the
3 A Review of Configuration Design for D. Felix Finger , While VTOL can use the
Distributed Propulsion Carsten Braun1 June 2017 conventional wing-fuselage-
Transitioning VTOL and Cees Bil stabilizer
configuration, much of new
development efforts involve
unconventional planforms.
4 Path planning using concentrated Jamie Biggs, Study of methods for a
analytically-defined trajectories Jonathan June 2015 semi-analytical trajectory
Jamieson planning of
• Investigate current glider fuselage designs and their respective efficiencies.
• Identify key factors influencing aerodynamic performance and aesthetic
appeal in glider fuselage design.
• Develop innovative design concepts aimed at enhancing both aerodynamic
efficiency and aesthetic elegance.
• Utilize computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to evaluate the
performance of proposed fuselage designs.
• Experiment with various materials and manufacturing techniques to
optimize the balance between weight, strength, and aesthetics.
• Construct prototype fuselages based on the refined designs and evaluate
their performance through wind tunnel testing and flight trials.
• Compare the performance metrics and subjective impressions of the
constructed fuselages to assess their success in achieving the objectives of
efficiency and elegance.
• Document the design process, findings, and lessons learned to contribute to
the body of knowledge in glider fuselage design and construction.
• The shape of a bird’s wing is important for producing lift. The increased
speed over a curved, larger wing area creates a longer path of air. This
means the air is moving more quickly over the top surface of the wing,
reducing air pressure on the top of the wing and creating lift.
• Also, the angle of the wing (tilted) deflects air downwards, causing a
reaction force in the opposite direction and creating lift. Larger wings
produce greater lift than smaller wings. So smaller-winged birds (and
planes) need to fly faster to maintain the same lift as those with larger
wings. Wing loading tells you how fast a bird or plane must fly to be able
to maintain lift:
wing loading = weight/wing area (kilograms per square metre).
• A smaller wing loading number means the bird/plane can fly more slowly
while still maintaining lift and is more manoeuvrable.
• When a bird is gliding, it doesn’t have to do any work. The wings are held
out to the side of the body and do not flap. As the wings move through the
air, they are held at a slight angle, which deflects the air downwards and
causes a reaction in the opposite direction, which is lift.
• But there is also drag (air resistance) on the bird’s body, so every now and
then, the bird has to tilt forward and go into a slight dive so that it can
maintain forward speed.
A team of engineers and researchers called "Fullwing" has created an
ornithopter that has an average lift of over 8 pounds, an average thrust of
0.88 pounds, and a propulsive efficiency of 54%. The wings were tested in
a low-speed wind tunnel measuring the aerodynamic performance,
showing that the higher the frequency of the wing beat, the higher the
average thrust of the ornithopter.
Broadcast seeding is one of the most widely used post-wildfire emergency
response treatments intended to reduce soil erosion, increase vegetative
ground cover, and minimize establishment and spread of non-native plant
species. Usually for this kind of operation small planes and helicopters are
used, however the present method of aerial seeding is not economic, it can
be done only by public organizations. Our project is mainly focused on the
alternative aerial seeding using ornithopters, which give easy access to the
social activist’s to do the task in the economical way.
• The greatest air loads on an aircraft usually comes from the generation of
lift during high-g maneuvers. Even the fuselage is almost always
structurally sized by the lift of the wings rather than by the pressures
produced directly on the fuselage. Aircraft load factor (n) expresses the
maneuvering of an aircraft as a standard acceleration due to gravity.
• At lower speeds the highest load factor of an aircraft may experience
islimited by the maximum lift available. At higher speeds the maximum
loadfactor is limited to some arbitrary value based upon the expected use
of theaircraft. The maximum lift load factor equals 1.0 at levels flight stall


1 Minimum Turning Radius 14.62

2 Pull up 14964

3 Pull down 8829

4 Rate of Glide 634.83

The specified structural roles of the wing (or main plane) are:
• To transmit: wing lift to the root via the main span wise beam
1. Inertia loads from the power plants, undercarriage, etc., to the mainbeam.
2. Aerodynamic loads generated on the aerofoil, control surfaces & flapsto the
main beam.
• To react against:
1. Landing loads at attachment points
2. Loads from pylons/stores
3. Wing drag and thrust loads
• To provide
1. Fuel tank age space
2. Torsional rigidity to satisfy stiffness and aero-elastic requirements.
• To fulfill these specific roles, a wing layout will conventionally compromise:
1. Span wise members (known as spars or booms)
2. Chord wise members(ribs)
3. A covering skin
4. Stringers
With the V-n diagram complete, the actual loads and load distribution on
the wing can be determined. Before the actual structural members can be
sized and analyzed, the loads they will sustain must be determined. Aircraft
loads estimation, a separate discipline of aerospace engineering, combines
aerodynamics, structures and weights. Initially we have to calculate the lift
produced by the wings. Once the lift on the wings is known, the span-wise
and chord-wise load distributions can be determined.
The investigation into glider wing fabrication and performance
optimization yielded valuable insights across multiple fronts. Firstly,
analysis of various materials highlighted the importance of composite
materials in achieving the desired balance between strength, weight, and
durability. Carbon fiber reinforced polymers emerged as the preferred
choice due to their high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent fatigue
resistance, albeit at a higher cost.
In conclusion, the exploration of glider wing fabrication and performance
optimization has provided valuable insights into advancing the field of
glider technology. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing material
selection, structural design, fabrication techniques, aerodynamic analysis,
and practical implementation, this study has demonstrated the potential for
significant improvements in glider performance and sustainability.
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