Particle Swarm Optimization

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Particle Swarm Optimization

Discover the power of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and how it

revolutionizes problem-solving through inspiration from nature.

Dev Gyan Priyadarshi – B201172ME
Gundu Yashwanth – B200618ME
Introduction to PSO
• PSO is stochastic optimization technique
proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart ( 1995) .
• A population based search method with position
of particle is representing solution and Swarm
of particles as searching agent.
• PSO is a robust evolutionary optimization
technique based on the movement and
intelligence of swarms.
• PSO find the minimum value for the function.
Key Components of PSO

1 Particles 2 Position and Velocity

Individual agents representing potential Particles dynamically adjust their position and
solutions. velocity to explore the problem space.

3 Global and Local Best 4 Swarm Topology

Particles optimize their movement based on Different ways particles in the swarm connect
their individual best and the global best found and communicate with each other.
by the swarm.
How PSO Works
The idea is similar to bird flocks searching for food.
Bird = a particle, Food = a solution
pbest = the best solution (fitness) a particle has achieved so far.
gbest = the global best solution of all particles within the swarm
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO): ALGORITHM

Each particle tries to modify its position X

using the following formula:

X (t+1) = X(t) + V(t+1) (1)

V(t+1) = wV(t) +
c1 ×rand ( ) × ( Xpbest - X(t)) + c2 ×rand ( ) × ( Xgbest - X(t)) (2)

V(t) velocity of the particle at time t

X(t) Particle position at time t
w Inertia weight
c1 , c2 learning factor or accelerating factor
rand uniformly distributed random number
between 0 and 1
Xpbest particle’s best position
Xgbest global best position
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO): ALGORITHM

The PSO algorithm pseudocode [2] as following:

Input: Randomly initialized position and velocity of Particles:
Xi (0) andVi (0)
Output: Position of the approximate global minimum X*

1: while terminating condition is not reached do

2: for i = 1 to number of particles do
3: Calculate the fitness function f
4: Update personal best and global best of each particle
5: Update velocity of the particle using Equation 2
6: Update the position of the particle using equation 1
7: end for
8: end while

Applications of PSO

Renewable Energy Supply Chain Management Neural Network Training

PSO can maximize energy Optimize inventory levels and PSO can fine-tune the weights and
generation efficiency of solar minimize transportation costs in biases of neural networks,
panels and wind farms, complex supply chain networks improving their learning and
contributing to sustainable power using PSO. prediction capabilities.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
• Simple and easy to implement • May get stuck in local optima
• Global search capability • Sensitivity to parameter settings
• Parallel processing-friendly • Not suitable for discrete problems
Comparison with Other Optimization
Algorithm Advantages Disadvantages

PSO Global search, easy Local optima, sensitivity to

implementation parameters

Genetic Algorithms Diverse solutions, can handle Slower convergence, complex

discrete problems operators

Simulated Annealing Escapes local optima, suited for Slow cooling schedule, tuning
discrete problems required

Particle Swarm Optimization has shown great promise in solving complex

optimization problems. Future research aims to enhance its convergence speed
and improve its performance on large-scale problems.

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