Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

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Particle swarm optimization is a population-based stochastic optimization technique inspired by bird flocking or fish schooling. It is used to find solutions to optimization problems in a search space.

Particle swarm optimization is a population-based stochastic optimization technique developed in 1995 by Eberhart and Kennedy. It is inspired by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.

In particle swarm optimization, potential solutions called particles 'fly' through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. Particles are accelerated towards the particles' previous best solution and the global best solution, finding better search locations in the process.

Particle Swarm

Optimization (PSO)

Overview of Basic PSO

1) Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population (swarm intelligence) based on
stochastic optimization algorithms to find a solution and then solve an optimization
problem in a search space.
2) It has been developed by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995, inspired by social behavior
of bird flocking or fish schooling.

How can birds or fish exhibit such

a coordinated collective behavior?

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Overview of Basic PSO

Pseudo-code for PSO

The Flowchart of PSO

Generate and initialize particles with
random position (X) and velocity (V)
Particle m
Particle 1

Evaluate position (Fitness)

If fitness(X) >fitness(Pbest)


If fitness(X) >fitness(Gbest)


Termination criterion is met? (e.g.,

Gbest=sufficient good fitness or maximum

Return the best solution


Aspects of Basic PSO

Aspects of Basic PSO (movement

of particles

Original velocity
Velocity toward Gbest

X1 (t 1)

Velocity toward Pbest

Resultant velocity

X 1 (t )

Pbest ( X1 )

Particle 1

X 2 (t )

Particle 2
Global best

Pbest ( X 2 )

Personal best
X 2 (t 1)

Individual particles (1 and 2) are accelerated toward the location of the global
best solution (Gbest) and the location of their own personal best (Pbest) in the
n-dimensional space.

Aspects of Basic PSO

Aspects of Basic PSO

Aspects of Basic PSO

PSO shares many similarities with

evolutionary computation techniques such
as Genetic Algorithms (GA).
The system is initialized with a population of
random solutions and searches for optima by
updating generations.
However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution
operators such as crossover and mutation.
In PSO, the potential solutions, called
particles, fly through the problem space by
following the current optimum particles.
Compared to GA, the advantages of PSO are
that PSO is easy to implement and there are
few parameters to adjust.
PSO has been successfully applied in many
areas: function optimization, artificial neural
network training, fuzzy system control, and

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