1 - Introduction & EM Energy

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Remote Sensing



❖ 1- Introduction & Definition of terms

❖ 2- EM energy and RS
❖ 3- Sensors, Platforms and Earth Resources Satellites
❖ 4 - Image Enhancement & Visualisation Practicals
❖ 5 –Digital Image Classification
❖ 6 -Applications of RS to your field of specialisation
Introduction to Principles of
Remote Sensing
❖Remote Sensing is the science of acquiring, processing
and interpreting images that record the interaction
between electromagnetic energy and matter.
(Sabins, 1996)
❖Remote Sensing is the instrumentation, techniques and
methods to observe the Earth’s surface at a distance
and to interpret the images or numerical values
obtained in order to acquire meaningful information
of particular objects on Earth. (Buiten and Clevers,
Aim/goal of doing RS
Inherent aspects of RS
Integrated data acquisition
RS in Pictures
Observation of water bodies.
Lake Tana of Ethiopia (Landsat pseudo
Synoptic overview (area covering) about the
surface: Irrigated versus dry land agriculture
Mapping small scale reservoirs in
Gutu District
Combining RS with DEM
Urban sprawl: Implications on water
◻ 1973 1987
OTD in 1786, Columbia, the capital of South Carolina was founded.
Happy 236th birthday!
We deserve a break!!!!!!!!!!
EM energy and RS
The Remote Sensing Process
Electro-Magnetic (EM) energy

Lusch D.P, (1999)

Electro-Magnetic (EM) energy
❖ If a wave of water goes by, while you are sitting in a boat, you go up
and down at a given rate.
❖ This rate is the frequency of the wave.
❖ Same analogy - with light waves, but instead of meters we talk about
microns (or nanometres)
Wave model
❖c = speed of EM energy (light)
= 3*108 m s-1
= 300 000 km s-1
❖λ = wavelength [m]
❖ν = frequency [s-1 or Hz]
❖light is considered as wave
❖wavelength (λ) & frequency (ν) have an inverse r/ship
Quantum theory (Particle model)
❖Q = energy of 1 photon [J]
❖h = Plank’s constant
= 6.6 * 10-34 [J s-1]
❖ν = frequency [s-1]
❖Light is considered as discrete particles (“photons”)
❖Photon energy (Q) and frequency (ν) have a positive
Combination of the theories

❖λ and Q have inverse relationship (since h and c are

The Remote Sensing Process
The EM spectrum (bands)
Passive / Active sensors
Types of remote sensing

□ Passive: source of □ Active: source of

energy is either the Sun energy is part of the
or Earth/atmosphere remote sensor system
■ Sun ■ Radar
- wavelengths: 0.4-5 - wavelengths: mm-m
µm ■ Lidar
■ Earth or its atmosphere - wavelengths: UV,
- wavelengths: 3 µm - Visible, and near
30 cm infrared

Camera takes photo as example, no flash and

Energy interactions in the
❖The earth’s atmosphere has a profound effect on
the intensity and spectral composition of EM
passing through it, principally through the
mechanisms of scattering and absorption
❖Scattering is unpredictable diffusion of radiation by
particles in the atmosphere
Ideal spectral reflectance curve of
healthy vegetation
Spectral curves of vegetation under
Other (ideal) spectral reflectance curves
What about other materials …?
HOMEWORK: How about the spectral reflectance
curves of other materials …?
Goodbye & Blessings

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