Blockchain and Cryptocurrency - Chapter 2
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency - Chapter 2
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency - Chapter 2
The following are important attributes of every Bitcoin block:
Block hash - A unique identifier for the block. The block hash is generated from input data that
provides a snapshot of the current state of the blockchain within 256 bits of data. This snapshot
is like a technical version of a balance sheet for the entire Bit‐ coin blockchain. A Bitcoin block
does not contain its own block hash, but it does contain the hash of the previous block it is
building on, which is what makes the blocks chained. A block hash can be found by hashing the
block header.
Coinbase transaction - This is the first transaction of each new block mined on the network. It
adds new bitcoin to the supply, which is given as a reward to the miner who adds the block to
the chain.
Block height number - This number identifies how many blocks there are between the current
block and the first block in the chain (also known as the Genesis block).
Merkle root - This is a hash that allows proof of the validity of the blockchain
Bitcoin Block
Bitcoin block #170, which
records a transaction of 10
BTC sent from Satoshi
Nakamoto to developer and
early blockchain pioneer Hal
Why it would be hard to change
a past transaction.
Why it’s difficult to roll back
bitcoin transactions
A cryptographic hash is a function that converts any form of data into a fixed-size string. Hashes
have the following attributes that make them attractive for blockchain:
No matter the input, the resulting hash will always be a fixed length. For example, the hash generated
by SHA-256 will always be 256 bits long.
A hash is a one-way encryption, meaning it is easy to encrypt the data.
Conversely, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to decrypt the hash back to the original input data.
The only way to decrypt a hash without a private key is through brute force, which basically means
trying every possible combination of input data and seeing if the resulting hash matches the valid hash.
A hash is deterministic. This means every time the same input data is entered, the resulting hash will
always be the same. It is also easy to re-create a hash later using the same inputs and compare it to the
original to see if any tampering or corruption of data has occurred.
Any slight change to the input data makes the resulting hash look very different. This adds to the
difficulty of decrypting a hash.
Cryptographic hashes are collision resistant. It is extremely unlikely to find two different input values
that yield the same hash value. This means every unique input will have a unique output.
There are many different cryptographic hash algorithms. Two of the most common are: •
oSHA-256, commonly used by Bitcoin
oKeccak-256, commonly used by Ethereum
A common use case for a hash is a secure website storing a hash of your password in its database. Let’s say
your password for the website is FNj`{:;`k#F43rQ\.
For extra protection the website’s database will store not the password, but a hash of the password. If the
website uses the hash function SHA-256, the resulting string stored in the database will be:
Then, when you log in, the website only needs to verify the entered password by com‐ paring the hash of
the string you typed in to the hash stored in its database.
This process makes the website more secure because if a hacker breaks into the database, they’ll only get
the hashes of customer passwords.
Block Hashes
A block hash is a snapshot of what the entire blockchain looked like at the moment that block
was created. In accounting terms, it’s like a balance sheet for the entire network.
Every node in the network refers to the block hash to verify that its view of the network is the
exact same as everyone else’s.
If there’s even one minor difference in a node’s ledger, its hash will look significantly different.
This is what makes blockchain tamper-evident; if the content experiences tampering or
corruption, the resulting hash will no longer be the same.
Conceptual view of the Block
The Block header consists of different metadata.
First, there is a reference to a previous block hash,
which connects this block to the previous block in
the block‐ chain.
The second set of metadata, namely the difficulty,
timestamp, and nonce, relate to the mining
The third piece of metadata is the merkle tree root,
a data structure used to efficiently summarize all the
transactions in the block.
The Block’s body will store the transactions and their
Block Header
The two most important fields
in the Block_Header are
hashPrevBlock, which provides
a snapshot of what the Bitcoin
network looked like in the
previous block, and
hashMerkleRoot, a snapshot of
all the transactions included in
the current block.
Bitcoin transactions follow a unique type of accounting called UTXO, which stands for unspent
transaction output.
A transaction is basically a list of inputs and a list of outputs.
Each input identifies a Bitcoin address that is acting as the source of funds, plus an unspent
transaction that address has received in the past.
It also contains a digital signature proving that the owner of that address has authorized the
Each output identifies the Bitcoin address receiving the funds and the amount that address will
UTXO Model
Bitcoin transactions follow a unique type of accounting called unspent transaction output
(UTXO). A bitcoin transaction is essentially a list of inputs and a list of outputs. Each input
identifies a Bitcoin address that is providing the funds, and an unspent transaction that address
has received in the past.
Similarly, each output represents the Bitcoin address receiving the funds and the amount that
address receives.The difference between the input and the output is the transaction fee, which
will be earned by the bitcoin miner.
Each input also contains a digital signature, proving that the owner of that Bitcoin address
authorizes that transaction.
Anatomy of Transaction
Transaction Fees
Bitcoin transaction fees can vary depending on network capacity, how quickly confirmation is
needed, and other factors.
Because there is a limit on the number of trans‐ actions that can be recorded on a block—the
current limit is 1 MB of data, or roughly 3,500 transactions per block—a higher fee may be
required for greater urgency.
There is essentially a competition in place for getting miners to confirm a transaction: higher
fees mean faster confirmation.
Series of events involved in
executing a bitcoin transaction
—“block mined onto blockchain”
refers to miners adding a new
block to be confirmed by the
Bitcoin Address
The Bitcoin address is a translation of the public key and is the identity of the wallet where funds
can be received and from which they can be sent to other addresses.
This address can be shared with anybody for receiving and sending, a bit like a username or
email address. The private key is kept secret and is used to unlock stored cryptocurrency,
somewhat like how you use a password to access your bank account.
Bitcoin private keys are used to digitally sign transactions. That’s how the owner of a Bitcoin
address proves to the Bitcoin network that they are the rightful owner of that address, and how
they authorize a transaction.
Here’s an example of what they look like:
Merkle Root
The Merkle root is used to show a snapshot of the state of all the transactions in the current block,
stored in just 256 bits. The name comes from computer scientist Ralph Merkle, who came up with
Merkle trees, which are digital signature data structures.
The Merkle root has a special purpose aside from capturing the transaction snapshot. When a node
in the network wants to ensure it has the exact same list of transactions as every other node, it does
not need to compare each transaction individually.
Instead, it only needs to compare its Merkle root with every other node’s Merkle root. This allows for
the building of light software clients that do not require storing the entire blockchain to validate their
own transactions.
To calculate the Merkle root, you first create a Merkle tree, where the leaves are the transactions in
the current block.
By moving up the Merkle tree and generating hashes of all the leaves, you eventually reach the
Merkle root (yes, the Merkle tree is an upside-down tree). If the number of transactions is odd, then
the last transaction is replicated in order to continue this process. The Merkle root is an important
value that helps to generate the block hash
Structure of a
Merkle Root
HA is the transaction (tx) hash
of the first transaction, HB is the
tx hash of the second
transaction, and so on.
HAB is the hash of HA + HB =>
HA+B = SHA256( SHA256 (HA +
HB )).
The hash function for Bitcoin is
double SHA-256.
The important takeaway here is
that the Merkle root can be used
to quickly detect tampering in
blockchain nodes.
If there has been any tampering or
corruption of transactions in the
blockchain on any given node, its
Merkle root hash will no longer
match that of the other nodes.
Signing and Validating Transactions
Each transaction input contains a signature that provides proof that the owner of the sending
address has authorized the transaction. The signature is generated and encrypted using ECDSA,
a cryptographic algorithm that takes the private key and transaction data as inputs.
Encryption process to generate a transaction signature
When all the nodes are verifying the transaction, they can easily verify the validity of the
signature by using an ECDSA verify function. Verifying the signature on a transaction:
The Coinbase Transaction
The first transaction recorded on every block is called a coinbase transaction. It is made up of
two values:
Block reward
This is the reward a miner receives from the network for performing the work to discover a
block and doing their part to provide processing power to the Bitcoin network. The reward
comes in the form of new bitcoin being added to the world supply.
Transaction fees
This is the sum of all the transaction fees that are included in each transaction that gets added
to the current block. There are often more transactions waiting to be processed than can fit into
a block, generating a marketplace for transaction fees. The faster the miner wants a transaction
to be processed, the higher the fee.
Transaction Security
Bitcoin transactions are push transactions, meaning that the sender—the one pushing the funds
out of an account they control—is the one to initiate the transaction. In contrast, a pull
transaction is initiated by the receiver.
Pull transactions are significantly less secure because they require the sender to share their
account details with the receiver. To compensate for this weakness, pull payment networks (like
Visa) provide chargebacks, or the ability to dispute a transaction and ask for a refund. As push
transactions, bitcoin transactions are significantly more secure.
When initiating a transaction, a sender never has to reveal any of their account information. The
only way a fraudulent transaction can take place is if an unauthorized person gets a copy of
someone’s private key.
With the technology available today, it is considered to be impossible to guess or reverse
engineer what someone’s private key is. The only way to guess a private key is through brute
force—trying every possible combination. A private key is a 256-bit number, which means there
are potential combinations to try: =
The combined total power of the Bitcoin network is greater than that of any of the world’s
Currently the bitcoin hash rate—an estimate of how many hashes are being generated by all the
miners trying to solve any given block—is 90 exahashes per second. That works out to
something like pow(2,128)/ (90000000000000000000*3600*24*365)=119,892,034,120 per
(The use of pow(2,128) is because ECDSA, the cryptographic algorithm used to generate a bit‐
coin private key, can be cracked in proportion to the square root of the key size.)
So, if you harnessed the processing power of all the miners in the Bitcoin network, it would take
them this long to go through every combination: 4,589,678,828,851^37 years
Chain of
The transactions form a
chain, where the inputs
from the latest transaction
correspond to outputs from
previous transactions.
Transaction’s Lifecycle
The following are the four main stages a transaction goes through:
1. Broadcast: The first step is generating a valid bitcoin transaction and then broad‐ casting the
transaction details to the Bitcoin network.
2. Unconfirmed/Mempool: As every miner in the network receives the transaction, it places
that transaction into its memory pool, or mempool. The mempool is a collection of all the bitcoin
transactions that are in an unconfirmed state and are still considered active. By default, if a
transaction has been sitting in the mem‐ pool for more than two weeks, it is considered inactive
and is dropped from the mempool.
3. Confirmed by Miner: When a miner discovers a new block, the miner decides which
transactions to include in that block, choosing from transactions that are sitting in the mempool.
Miners choose transactions in order of transaction fees, starting with the highest ones. A
transaction is considered confirmed by a miner when that miner adds a block containing that
transaction to its blockchain.
4. Confirmed by the Network: As a block is buried under newer blocks, the chances that the
Bitcoin network has achieved consensus to include that block increase.
Bitcoin wallets, and most people in the industry,
consider a transaction to be safely confirmed by
the network when that transaction has reached
at least six confirmations.
A confirmation involves a miner adding a block
that contains transactions to the chain.
A transaction is considered to be confirmed by
the entire Bitcoin network when the network
has achieved consensus to include the
transaction’s block in the blockchain.
Consensus is a way of reaching agreement between various participants who have shared values
and goals, and it is an important component of how blockchain networks succeed.
A blockchain is a living, constantly updating document. As time goes on, more and more
transactions are added to it. Users of a centralized payments network like Pay‐ Pal trust that the
central authority will update its ledger with new transactions as time goes on. But in a
decentralized payments network like Bitcoin, there is no central authority—just thousands of
anonymous miners powering the network.
So, who should users trust to update Bitcoin’s blockchain with a new block of transactions?
Gaining that trust is called achieving consensus. It is a process that all the miners powering the
network use for the following two purposes:
Block discovery - To agree on which miner gets the right to add a block of transactions.
Validation of transactions - To agree that the transactions included in that new block are
[Consensus will be discussed in detail in later chapters]
Hashing vs Encryption
Encryption Hashing
Encryption is the process of converting Hashing is a one-way mathematical
plaintext (readable data) into ciphertext function that converts input data
(unreadable data) using an algorithm and (plaintext) into a fixed-size string of
a key. characters, called a hash value or hash
The primary goal of encryption is to
ensure confidentiality by preventing Unlike encryption, hashing is
unauthorized parties from accessing irreversible, meaning you cannot derive
sensitive information. the original input from the hash value.
Encrypted data can be decrypted back Hash functions are designed to be fast
into its original form using the and deterministic, producing the same
appropriate decryption key. hash value for identical inputs.
Hashing vs Encryption
Purpose: Encryption is primarily used for confidentiality, while hashing is used for data integrity and
Reversibility: Encryption is reversible (with the correct decryption key), whereas hashing is irreversible.
Key Management: Encryption often involves key management for secure key exchange, while hashing
does not require keys.
Output: Encryption produces ciphertext, which can be decrypted back to plaintext. Hashing produces a
fixed-size hash value, which cannot be reversed to retrieve the original input.
Use Cases: Encryption is used for securing communication and data storage, while hashing is used for data
integrity, password storage, and digital signatures.
In summary, encryption and hashing are both essential cryptographic techniques with distinct purposes
and applications. Encryption focuses on confidentiality and reversible transformation of data, while hashing
emphasizes data integrity and irreversible transformation. Understanding the differences and appropriate
use cases of each technique is crucial for implementing robust security measures.
Hash Cryptography
For a hash function to be cryptographically secure, we’re going to require that it has the following three
additional properties:
1. Collision‐Resistance
2. Hiding
3. Puzzle‐Friendliness
Property 1: Collision‐resistance. The first property that we need from a cryptographic hash function is
that it’s collision‐resistant. A collision occurs when two distinct inputs produce the same output. A hash
function H(.) is collision‐resistant if nobody can find a collision. Formally:
◦ Collision‐resistance: A hash function H is said to be collision resistant if it is infeasible to find two values, x and y,
◦ This collision‐detection algorithm works for every hash function. But, of course, the problem with it is that this takes
a very, very long time to do. For a hash function with a 256‐bit output, you would have to compute the hash function
2256 + 1 times in the worst case, and about 2128 times on average.
Property 2: Hiding The second property that we want from our hash functions is that it’s hiding. The hiding
property asserts that if we’re given the output of the hash function y = H(x), there’s no feasible way to
figure out what the input, x, was. The problem is that this property can’t be true in the stated form.
o Hiding.A hash function H is hiding if: when a secret value r is chosen from a probability distribution that
In information‐theory, min‐entropyis a measure of how predictable an outcome is, and high min‐entropy
captures the intuitive idea that the distribution (i.e., random variable) is very spread out. What that means
specifically is that when we sample from the distribution, there’s no particular value that’s likely to occur.
Property 3: Puzzle friendliness. The third security property we’re going to need from hash
functions is that they are puzzle‐friendly. This property is a bit complicated. We will first explain
what the technical requirements of this property are and then give an application that illustrates
why this property is useful.
◦ Puzzle friendliness.A hash function H is said to be puzzle‐friendly if for every possible n‐bit output value
y, if k is chosen from a distribution with high min‐entropy, then it is infeasible to find x such that H(k ‖ x)
= y in time significantly less than 2n.
Public/private key cryptography
Bitcoin uses public/private key cryptography to prove the validity of a transaction.
Private keys in Bitcoin are used to digitally sign bitcoin transactions, which is the way the
owner of a Bitcoin address proves to the network that they are the rightful owner of that
address. Private keys authorize a transaction. They are kept secret, much like passwords.
Public keys in Bitcoin are only used to generate a Bitcoin address. The address is essentially a
compressed version of the public key, making it somewhat easier to read. A Bitcoin address is a
value that can be shared publicly with anyone, usually when asking someone to send bitcoin. In
this way, it’s a bit like an email address.
Generating keys
A private key is a 256-bit number that is chosen at random. Private keys are almost always
shown in hexadecimal format. The private key is generated by a computer, most programming
languages have a function to randomly generate a number.
A private key can be paired with a public key to make transactions on the Bitcoin network.
Without a private key it is, by design, nearly impossible to do so.
In cryptography, a public key can be generated by running the private key through an Elliptic
Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) secp256k1 function.
A public key hash is then generated by running the public key through the cryptographic SHA256
and RIPEMD160 functions.
The Bitcoin address is generated by first adding 00 to the public key hash and then running that
value through a Base58Check function.
Here is an illustration of the process of generating a Bitcoin address from a private key.
Digital Signatures
A digital signature is supposed to be the digital analog to a handwritten signature on paper.
We desire two properties from digital signatures that correspond well to the handwritten signature
Firstly, only you can make your signature, but anyone who sees it can verify that it’s valid.
Secondly, we want the signature to be tied to a particular document so that the signature cannot be used
to indicate your agreement or endorsement of a different document.
For handwritten signatures, this latter property is analogous to assuring that somebody can’t take your
signature and snip it off one document and glue it onto the bottom of another one.
Digital Signatures
A digital signature scheme consists of the following three algorithms:
(sk, pk) := generateKeys(keysize)
◦ The generateKeys method takes a key size and generates a key pair. The secret key sk is kept privately and used to sign
messages. pk is the public verification key that you give to everybody. Anyone with this key can verify your signature.
◦ The sign method takes a message and a secret key, sk, as input and outputs a signature for message under sk
◦ The verify method takes a message, a signature, and a public key as input. It return a boolean value, isValid, that will
be trueif sig is a valid signature for message under public key pk, and false otherwise.