Programming Blockchain
Programming Blockchain
Programming Blockchain
Foreword 1.2
Second (Community) Edition 1.2.1
Introduction 1.3
Why Blockchain Programming and not Bitcoin Programming? 1.3.1
Why C#? 1.3.2
Why this book? 1.3.3
Crowdfunding this book 1.3.4
Complementary reading 1.3.5
Diagrams 1.3.6
License: CC (ASA 3U) 1.3.7
Prerequisites 1.3.8
Project setup 1.3.9
Bitcoin transfer 1.4
Bitcoin address 1.4.1
ScriptPubKey 1.4.2
Private key 1.4.3
Transaction 1.4.4
Blockchain 1.4.5
“The Blockchain is more than just Bitcoin” 1.4.6
Spend your coin 1.4.7
Proof of ownership as an authentication method 1.4.8
Key generation and encryption 1.5
Is it random enough? 1.5.1
Key Derivation Function 1.5.2
Like the good ol’ days 1.5.3
BIP38 (Part 2) 1.5.4
HD Wallet (BIP 32) 1.5.5
Mnemonic Code for HD Keys (BIP39) 1.5.6
Dark Wallet 1.5.7
Other types of ownership 1.6
P2PK[H] (Pay to Public Key [Hash]) 1.6.1
P2WPKH (Pay to Witness Public Key Hash) 1.6.2
Multi Sig 1.6.3
P2SH (Pay To Script Hash) 1.6.4
P2WSH (Pay to Witness Script Hash) 1.6.5
P2W* over P2SH 1.6.6
Arbitrary 1.6.7
Using the TransactionBuilder 1.6.8
Other types of asset 1.7
Colored Coins 1.7.1
Issuing an asset 1.7.2
Transferring an asset 1.7.3
Unit tests 1.7.4
Ricardian contracts 1.7.5
Liquid Democracy 1.7.6
Proof of Burn and Reputation 1.7.7
Protecting your private keys 1.7.8
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Japanese: Read - GitHub - GitBook
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Hall of the Makers (here are the true makers: those that succeeded in completing the
challenges of this book.)
An extract in Fountain Head by Ayn Rand resonated with me.
Gail Wynand, the powerful puppet master of the world, and Howard Roark, the
protagonist building architect discussed together. Gail finds a strange relief when he is
with Roark, not knowing where it comes from, he questions him.
Wynand asked:
"Howard, have you ever been in love?"
Roark turned to look straight at him and answer quietly:
"I still am."
"But when you walk through a building, what you feel is greater than that?"
"Much greater, Gail"
"I was thinking of people who say that happiness is impossible on earth. Look how hard
they all try to find some joy in life. Look how they struggle for it. Why should any living
creature exist in pain? By what conceivable right can anyone demand that a human
being exist for anything but his own joy? Every one of them wants it. Every part of him
wants it. But they never find it. I wonder why. They whine and say they don't understand
the meaning of life. There's a particular kind of people that I despise. Those who seek
some sort of a higher purpose or 'universal goal,' who don't know what to live for, who
moan that they must ‘find themselves.’ You hear it all around us. That seems to be the
official bromide of our century. Every book you open. Every drooling self-confession. It
seems to be the noble thing to confess. I'd think it would be the most shameful one."
"Look, Gail". Roark got up, reached out, tore a thick branch off a tree, held it in both
hands, one fist closed at each end; then, his wrists and knuckles tensed against the
resistance, he bent the branch slowly into an arc. "Now I can make what I want of it: a
bow, a spear, a cane, a railing. That's the meaning of life."
"Your strength?"
"Your work." He tossed the branch aside. "The material the earth offers you and what
you make of it..."
I think the Blockchain is like the tree branch. For outsiders, it feels like a boring and useless
collection of bits. For programmers and entrepreneurs, it is a marvelous raw material that
can be shaped with our imagination. We give it meaning and purpose.
Just as you need to know about wood to make a bow, spear or cane from a branch, you
need to learn about programming to shape the Blockchain. My hope is that you will discover
how much your skill and intelligence can shape that useless collection of bits.
Let me warn you: learning about Bitcoin is like taking the red pill from The Matrix. You may
find yourself ready to quit your job to work on it full time.
This book will take you from basic to advanced use of the Blockchain. It will not teach you
how to use an API (such as the RPC API provided with Bitcoin Core), but it will teach you
how to make such an API.
While programming to an API can assist in getting an application up quickly, the developer is
limited to innovations that can take place against the API. By fully understanding the
Blockchain, the developer is empowered to unleash its full potential.
Second (Community) Edition
A few years later I have pleasantly noticed someone has already done the work I talked
Someone has finally broken down the crypto voodoo into object oriented niceness. My
excitement has further grown when I realized Nicolas Dorier's C# library is the biggest, most
complete Bitcoin library out there and it is working on every platform. More, he even wrote a
book around it! So now I have the chance to work with the most powerful, best documented
Bitcoin library up to date in my favorite programming language.
But my excitement, Bitcoin addiction and risk-taking personality did not let me stop here. I
contacted Nicolas, and long story short, a month ago I found myself on a plane, flying to
Tokyo to fully devote myself to Bitcoin, learning under the guidance of Nicolas until my
savings run out and I have to find a job.
So far it resulted in the second edition of this book, and a very messy room, since I was not
able to find time to unpack my luggage. What is more astonishing by knowing I am a neat-
Oh, yes... the book. Compared to the first edition, I have updated it by introducing Nicolas'
latest works, fixed a bunch of typos (and left just as much), extended it in many places in
order to make it understandable by humans and last but not least I have ported all of it to
GitHub / Gitbook, so now the community itself will be able to get involved to the book
If I had to describe the book in one sentence it would be this one: Let's not talk Bitcoin,
let's do Bitcoin!
Why Blockchain Programming and not Bitcoin Programming?
We did not compare a bitcoin to a gold coin, but rather to jewelry. That’s because gold’s first
killer app was jewelry. Coins came later.
Do not be fooled into thinking that Bitcoin is flawed while the Blockchain is valuable. If gold is
valuable, would you throw away a gold necklace? The Blockchain is built on and thrives
because of Bitcoin. Any increase in value of the Blockchain will increase the amount of
bitcoins that is spent to use it, which will increase its demand.
Whether or not your app will use the “Bitcoin as a currency” feature is your own decision.
Blockchain is the raw material. Bitcoin is the fuel. Bitcoin as a currency is a feature that
emerges every time someone thinks this fuel is also a good medium of exchange. You can
do a lot more with the Blockchain than exchange value. You don’t even have to believe in
the currency. We will show you how to use Bitcoin as a currency in this book, but that’s not
Why C#?
Why C#?
The .NET framework is popular in corporate environments. We also believe this is the
perfect tool for startups and hobbyists.
You can create portable code that functions across iOS, Android, Windows
tablets/phones, desktops, servers and embedded devices, for free.
Everything from the compiler to the core runtime is open source.
The BizSpark program allows any startup to get all Microsoft tools, including
$150/month of Azure service, for free.
Visual Studio Community 2015 is a professional grade IDE that you can use freely as a
C# is closely related to Java and C++. As such, it can be easily read by a big base of
Nicolas Dorier, one of the authors of this book, created the most popular Bitcoin
Framework for .NET, called NBitcoin.
Every person I met who learned about C# will tell you it is the best language out there,
even if it is not the one they are using at the moment.
The authors of this book have over 15 years combined experience with C#. It is our go-to
language for any project for fun or profit.
Fact: We have not been paid by Microsoft. It’s not too late to change that.
Why this book?
If you let us guide you through the Blockchain world, we will not only arm you with skills
necessary to win any /r/Bitcoin arguments, but also enable you to wisely choose between
the countless developer opportunities that come your way daily. Furthermore, you will also
be able to make those ideas reality. And in general, what better way is there to understand
something, but coding it?
Crowdfunding this book
As cryptocurrency addicts might say: Proof of Stake and Proof of Work are the best
expression of affection, everything else is Fiat.
Complementary reading
Complementary Reading
Here is some literature that you can use to complete this book:
Most of the diagrams will have the same shape, they must be read by interpreting inward
arrows like components to create the target:
Code is nice, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. (Don’t worry, we’ll also
write the code.)
License: CC (ASA 3U)
You need to be comfortable with object oriented as well as functional programming.
A basic grasp of C# is helpful, but we feel the code will be legible to developers familiar
with Java and other C-based languages.
No mathematical knowledge is required. We will not cover cryptography beyond the
bare minimum you need to know to make a secure service.
You don’t need to have deep knowledge of Bitcoin.
Visual Studio Community Edition on Windows or Xamarin Studio on Mac and Linux
(both free).
Bitcoin Core - Ideally you have it, but you can just proceed without it.
Tip: If disk space is an issue, consider running Bitcoin Core in pruning mode. It is
practically the same as a full node (including security), except it throws away some of
the old history.
Project setup
Project Setup
Before we begin with the instruction, we should describe how we expect your projects to be
set up.
1. Create a new Console Application Project in Visual Studio (.NET 4.5 or higher)
2. Right click on “Dependencies” in Solution Explorer and select “Manage NuGet
3. Search for “NBitcoin” and install it (or NBitcoin.Mono on MAC and Linux.)
Tip: If you are on MAC or Linux and reference NBitcoin instead of NBitcoin.Mono you
will be missing some classes.
NBitcoin is the .NET Bitcoin library, it is open-source and maintained by Nicolas Dorier, the
main author of this book. This library should always be included if you do anything Bitcoin
related in C#.
NBitcoin supports cross-platform applications.
Project setup
NBitcoin lets you debug into its code to make your life easier. For this feature to work make
sure you have source server support enabled in Visual Studio (Tools/Options).
Now, if you step into NBitcoin's code, the source code will be automatically fetched from
GitHub, and appear in the Visual Studio Debugger.
Bitcoin transfer
Bitcoin transfer
In Bitcoin, everything is designed to make sure that the transactions go through. In this
chapter we are going to introduce the basic concepts of Bitcoin by guiding you through a
creation of simple bitcoin transaction "by hand".
Later we are going to show you a higher level framework for building transactions.
Bitcoin address
Bitcoin address
You know that your Bitcoin Address is what you share to the world to get paid.
You probably know that your wallet software uses a private key to spend the money you
received on this address.
The keys are not stored on the network and they can be generated without access to the
From the private key, we use a one-way cryptographic function, to generate a public key.
TestNet is a Bitcoin network for development purposes. Bitcoins on this network worth
MainNet is the Bitcoin network everybody uses.
Bitcoin address
Note: You can acquire testnet coins quickly by using faucets, just google "get testnet
You can easily get your bitcoin address from your public key and the network on which
this address should be used.
Console.WriteLine(publicKey.GetAddress(Network.Main)); // 1PUYsjwfNmX64wS368ZR5FMouTtU
Console.WriteLine(publicKey.GetAddress(Network.TestNet)); // n3zWAo2eBnxLr3ueohXnuAa8m
Bitcoin address
Fact: A public key hash is generated by using a SHA256 hash on the public key, then a
RIPEMD160 hash on the result, using Big Endian notation. The function could look like
this: RIPEMD160(SHA256(pubkey))
The Base58Check encoding has some neat features, such as checksums to prevent typos
and a lack of ambiguous characters such as '0' and 'O'.
The Base58Check encoding also provides a consistent way to determine the network of a
given address; preventing a wallet from sending MainNet coins to a TestNet address.
Console.WriteLine(mainNetAddress); // 1PUYsjwfNmX64wS368ZR5FMouTtUmvtmTY
Console.WriteLine(testNetAddress); // n3zWAo2eBnxLr3ueohXnuAa8mTVBhxmPhq
You might not know that as far as the Blockchain is concerned, there is no such thing as a
Bitcoin Address. Internally, the Bitcoin protocol identifies the recipient of Bitcoin by a
It is a short script that explains what conditions must be met to claim ownership of bitcoins.
We will go into the types of operations in a ScriptPubKey as we move through the lessons
of this book.
We are able to generate the ScriptPubKey from the Bitcoin Address. This is a step that all
bitcoin clients do to translate the “human friendly” Bitcoin Address to the Blockchain
readable address.
Notice the ScriptPubKey for testnet and mainnet address is the same?
Notice the ScriptPubKey contains the hash of the public key?
We will not go into the details yet, but note that the ScriptPubKey appears to have nothing
to do with the Bitcoin Address, but it does show the hash of the public key.
Bitcoin Addresses are composed of a version byte which identifies the network where to use
the address and the hash of a public key. So we can go backwards and generate a bitcoin
address from the ScriptPubKey and the network identifier.
It is also possible to retrieve the hash from the ScriptPubKey and generate a Bitcoin
Address from it:
Note: A ScriptPubKey does not necessarily contain the hashed public key(s) permitted
to spend the bitcoin.
So now you understand the relationship between a Private Key, a Public Key, a Public Key
Hash, a Bitcoin Address and a ScriptPubKey.
In the remainder of this book, we will exclusively use ScriptPubKey. A Bitcoin Address is
only a user interface concept.
Private key
Private key
Private keys are often represented in Base58Check called a Bitcoin Secret (also known as
Wallet Import Format or simply WIF), like Bitcoin Addresses.
Note that it is easy to go from BitcoinSecret to private Key. On the other hand, it is
impossible to go from a Bitcoin Address to Public Key because the Bitcoin Address contains
a hash of the Public Key, not the Public Key itself.
Process this information by examining the similarities between these two codeblocks:
Private key
1. Generate a private key on the mainnet and note it.
2. Get the corresponding address.
3. Send bitcoins to it. As much as you cannot afford to lose, so it will keep you focused
and motivated to get them back during the following lessons.
(Mastering Bitcoin) Transactions are the most important part of the bitcoin system.
Everything else in bitcoin is designed to ensure that transactions can be created,
propagated on the network, validated, and finally added to the global ledger of
transactions (the blockchain). Transactions are data structures that encode the transfer
of value between participants in the bitcoin system. Each transaction is a public entry in
bitcoin’s blockchain, the global double-entry bookkeeping ledger.
A transaction may have no recipient, or it may have several. The same can be said for
senders! On the Blockchain, the sender and recipient are always abstracted with a
ScriptPubKey, as we demonstrated in previous chapters.
If you use Bitcoin Core your Transactions tab will show the transaction, like this:
QBit Ninja depends on NBitcoin.Indexer which relies on Microsoft Azure Storage. C#
developers are expected to use the NuGet client package instead of developing a wrapper
around this API.
If you go to
df60d87a4a2d94 you will see the raw bytes of your transaction.
You can parse the transaction from hex with the following code:
Quickly close the tab, before it scares you away, QBit Ninja queries the API and parses the
information so go ahead and install QBitNinja.Client NuGet package.
// Create a client
QBitNinjaClient client = new QBitNinjaClient(Network.Main);
// Parse transaction id to NBitcoin.uint256 so the client can eat it
var transactionId = uint256.Parse("f13dc48fb035bbf0a6e989a26b3ecb57b84f85e0836e777d6ed
// Query the transaction
GetTransactionResponse transactionResponse = client.GetTransaction(transactionId).Resu
Let's see an example getting back the transaction id with both classes:
Console.WriteLine(transactionResponse.TransactionId); // f13dc48fb035bbf0a6e989a26b3ec
Console.WriteLine(transaction.GetHash()); // f13dc48fb035bbf0a6e989a26b3ecb57b84f85e08
GetTransactionResponse has additional information about the transaction like the value
and scriptPubKey of the inputs being spent in the transaction.
The relevant parts for now are the inputs and outputs.
You can see there is only one output in our transaction. 13.19683492 bitcoins are sent to
that ScriptPubKey.
var paymentScript = coin.TxOut.ScriptPubKey;
Console.WriteLine(paymentScript); // It's the ScriptPubKey
var address = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);
Console.WriteLine(address); // 1HfbwN6Lvma9eDsv7mdwp529tgiyfNr7jc
We have written out some information about the RECEIVED COINS using QBitNinja's
GetTransactionResponse class. Exercise: Write out the same information about the SPENT
COINS using QBitNinja's GetTransactionResponse class!
Let's see how we can get the same information about the RECEIVED COINS using
NBitcoin's Transaction class.
var paymentScript = output.ScriptPubKey;
Console.WriteLine(paymentScript); // It's the ScriptPubKey
var address = paymentScript.GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main);
Now let's examine the inputs. If you look at them you will notice a previous output is
referenced. Each input shows you which previous out has been spent in order to fund this
As illustration let's create a txout with 21 bitcoin from the first ScriptPubKey in our current
Every TxOut is uniquely addressed at the blockchain level by the ID of the transaction which
include it and its index inside it. We call such reference an Outpoint.
For example, the Outpoint of the TxOut with 13.19683492 BTC in our transaction is
(f13dc48fb035bbf0a6e989a26b3ecb57b84f85e0836e777d6edf60d87a4a2d94, 0).
Now let’s take a closer look at the inputs (aka TxIn) of the transaction:
The TxIn is composed of the Outpoint of the TxOut being spent and of the ScriptSig (we
can see the ScriptSig as the “Proof of Ownership”). In our transaction there are actually 9
Console.WriteLine(transaction.Inputs.Count); // 9
With the previous outpoint's transaction ID we can review the information associated with
that transaction.
We could continue to trace the transaction IDs back in this manner until we reach a
coinbase transaction, the transaction including the newly mined coin by a miner.
Exercise: Follow the first input of this transaction and its ancestors until you find a coinbase
Hint: After a few minutes and 30-40 transaction, I gave up tracing back.
Yes, you've guessed right, it is not the most efficient way to do this, but a good exercise.
Exercise: Get the total received amount, as I have been done with the spent amount.
That means 0.0002 BTC (or 13.19703492 - 13.19683492) is not accounted for! The
difference between the inputs and outputs are called Transaction Fees or Miner’s Fees.
This is the money that the miner collects for including a given transaction in a block.
You should note that a coinbase transaction is the only transaction whose value of output
are superior to the value of input. This effectively correspond to coin creation. So by
definition there is no fee in a coinbase transaction. The coinbase transaction is the first
transaction of every block.
The consensus rules enforce that the sum of output's value in the coinbase transaction does
not exceed the sum of transaction fees in the block plus the mining reward.
You might have noticed that while we proved ownership of the spent TxOut, we have not yet
proven the TxOut actually exists. This is where the main function of the Blockchain shines:
The Blockchain is the database of all transactions that have happened since the the first
Bitcoin transaction, known as the Genesis block. The Blockchain is duplicated all around the
world. If you use Bitcoin Core, you have the whole Blockchain on your computer. Once a
transaction appears on the Blockchain, it is very easy to prove its existence.
Miners are entities whose only goal is to insert a transaction in The Blockchain. However
miners do not modify the blockchain everytime they receive one transaction. Instead each of
them try to add a whole batch of transactions at the same time in something known as a
block. Other nodes on the network confirm the new block obeys the rules set forth in the
Bitcoin protocol. If two miners add a block at the same time, we have a fork, but ultimately
only the branch of the fork with the most work will be continued. If a miner tries to include an
invalid transaction in his block, the other nodes will not recognize it and the miner loses the
investment spent on creating the block.
Once a miner manages to submit a valid block, all transactions inside are considered
Confirmed. When this happens all miners must discard their current work and begin
working on a new block using new transactions. When a block is confirmed it is added to the
Blockchain as the most recent block. The likelihood of this addition being undone decreases
dramatically with every subsequent block that is added on top of it.
For the first time in history we have a database which can’t easily be rewritten, eliminates
the need for trust, resists censorship, and is widely distributed. Comparing the Blockchain to
a ledger is only relevant if we consider Bitcoin as a currency.
The Blockchain is a database, and you give meaning to its data. As you will soon discover, a
bitcoin transaction can bear more information than just bitcoin transfers. A bitcoin transaction
is a row in a database that can never be erased.
As a user, you can verify that a specific transaction exists in the Blockchain in two different
Check the entire Blockchain, which at the time of this writing is several gigabytes in
Ask for a partial Merkle tree, which are a few kilobytes in size. We will talk about Merkle
trees later in relation to Simple Payment Verification (SPV).
“The Blockchain is more than just Bitcoin”
But there is one thing we all agree on: an immutable database that cannot be censored,
tampered with, or erased that is duplicated all around the world will have tremendous impact
on other industries.
Notaries who record facts that can be used in court could store their documents permanently
in The Blockchain. Audits can become automatic and provable when assets and ownership
are stored and transferred on The Blockchain. All Money Transmitters can prove their
solvency publicly. Automatic trading scripts can trade between themselves without human
intervention or the need for authorization from a central authority.
In the rest of this book we will explore the fundamentals required to enable all of these
technologies and more. It all starts with spending a bitcoin.
Spend your coin
As you proceed through this lesson you will add code line by line as it is presented to build a
method that will leave feedback for the book in a Twitter style message.
Let’s start by looking at the transaction that contains the TxOut that you want to spend as
we did previously:
Have you already generated and noted down a private key yourself? Have you already get
the corresponding bitcoin address and sent some funds there? If not, don't worry, I quickly
reiterate how you can do it:
Note the bitcoinPrivateKey and the address, send some coins there and note the
transaction id (you can find it, probably, in your wallet software or with a blockexplorer, like
Console.WriteLine(bitcoinPrivateKey); // cSZjE4aJNPpBtU6xvJ6J4iBzDgTmzTjbq8w2kqnYvAprB
Console.WriteLine(address); // mzK6Jy5mer3ABBxfHdcxXEChsn3mkv8qJv
Spend your coin
Console.WriteLine(transactionResponse.TransactionId); // e44587cf08b4f03b0e8b4ae756221
Now we have every bit of information we need to create our transactions. The main
questions are: from where, to where and how much?
From where?
In our case, we want to spend the second outpoint. Here's how we have figured this out:
For the payment you will need to reference this outpoint in the transaction. You create a
transaction as follows:
To where?
Do you remember the main questions? From where, to where and how much?
Constructing the TxIn and adding it to the transaction is the answer to the "from where"
Constructing the TxOut and adding it to the transaction is the answer to the remaining ones.
Spend your coin
If you are working on the testnet, send the testnet coins to any testnet address.
How much?
If you want to send 0.5 BTC from a transaction input with 1 BTC you actually have to
spend it all!
As the diagram shows below, your transaction output specifies 0.5 BTC to Hall of The
Makers and 0.4999 back to you.
What happens to the remaining 0.0001 BTC? This is the miner fee in order to incentivize
them to add this transaction into their next block.
Spend your coin
Spend your coin
Spend your coin
"hash": "b7803df4b90fd615532bcbdb3b63eb1af5a2e4ae36f29a6fbf9f57d0a1842e0a",
"ver": 1,
"vin_sz": 1,
"vout_sz": 3,
"lock_time": 0,
"size": 154,
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "e44587cf08b4f03b0e8b4ae7562217796ec47b8c91666681d71329b764add2e3",
"n": 1
"scriptSig": ""
"out": [
"value": "0.50000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 d3a689bc36464b9d74e1721fd321d4686eae594e OP_E
"value": "0.62840112",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ce2c16edb74aef1caa6db0078af9d3a5b8fd12d1 OP_E
"value": "0.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_RETURN 6e6f706172613733206c6f766573204e426974636f696e21"
Spend your coin
First let's revisit the scriptSig of in and how we can get it from code. Remember, we
copy/pasted the address above from a blockexplorer, now let's get it from our QBitNinja
transaction.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = bitcoinPrivateKey.ScriptPubKey;
Then you need to provide your private key in order to sign the transaction:
transaction.Sign(bitcoinPrivateKey, false);
With QBitNinja:
if (!broadcastResponse.Success)
Console.Error.WriteLine("ErrorCode: " + broadcastResponse.Error.ErrorCode);
Console.Error.WriteLine("Error message: " + broadcastResponse.Error.Reason);
Console.WriteLine("Success! You can check out the hash of the transaciton in any b
lock explorer:");
Spend your coin
The using code block will take care of closing the connection to the node. That's it!
You can also connect directly to the Bitcoin network, however I advise you to connect to your
own trusted node as it is faster and easier.
Proof of ownership as an authentication method
You may remember Craig Wright, who really wanted us to believe he is Satoshi Nakamoto.
He had successfully convinced a handful of influential Bitcoin people and journalists with
some social engineering.
Fortunately digital signatures do not work that way.
Let's quickly find on the Internet the first ever bitcoin address, associated with the genesis
block: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa and verify his claim:
Here is how you prove you are the owner of an address without moving coins:
Nicolas Dorier Book Funding Address
Proof of ownership as an authentication method
This constitutes proof that Nicolas Dorier owns the private key of the book.
Exercise: Verify that Nicolas sensei is not lying!
Do you know how PGP works? Pretty similar, right?
Maybe this can be the foundation of a more user friendly PGP alternative.
Please build it on top of NBitcoin :-)
Key generation and encryption
Is it random enough?
When you call new Key(), under the hood, you are using a PRNG (Pseudo-Random-
Number-Generator) to generate your private key. On windows, it uses the
RNGCryptoServiceProvider, a .NET wrapper around the Windows Crypto API.
On Android, I use the SecureRandom class, and in fact, you can use your own
implementation with RandomUtils.Random.
On iOS, I have not implemented it and you will need to create your own IRandom
For a computer, being random is hard. But the biggest issue is that it is impossible to know if
a series of numbers is really random.
If malware modifies your PRNG (and so, can predict the numbers you will generate), you
won’t see it until it is too late.
It means that a cross platform and naïve implementation of PRNG (like using the computer’s
clock combined with CPU speed) is dangerous. But you won’t see it until it is too late.
For performance reasons, most PRNG works the same way: a random number, called a
Seed, is chosen, then a predictable formula generates the next number each time you ask
for it.
The amount of randomness of the seed is defined by a measure we call Entropy, but the
amount of Entropy also depends on the observer.
If your attacker knows that you generated the key last week, then your seed has
1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 = 604800000 possibilities.
And enumerating such a number on my home computer took less than 2 seconds. We call
such enumeration “brute forcing”.
However let’s say, you use the clock time + the process id for generating the seed.
Let’s imagine that there are 1024 different process ids.
Key generation and encryption
So now, the attacker needs to enumerate 604800000 * 1024 possibilities, which take around
2000 seconds.
Now, let’s add the time when I turned on my computer, assuming the attacker knows I turned
it on today, it adds 86400000 possibilities.
Is it enough? Probably, assuming your attacker does not know more information about the
realm of possibilities used to generate the seed.
But since the hash of a public key is 20 bytes (160 bits), it is smaller than the total universe
of the addresses. You might do better.
If you don’t completely trust the platform PRNG (which is not so paranoic), you can add
entropy to the PRNG output that NBitcoin is using.
RandomUtils.AddEntropy(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
var nsaProofKey = new Key();
KDF, or Key Derivation Function is a way to have a stronger key, even if your entropy is
Key generation and encryption
Imagine that you want to generate a seed, and the attacker knows that there are 10,000,000
Such a seed would be normally cracked pretty easily.
Even if your attacker knows that your source of entropy is 5 letters, he will need to run
Scrypt to check each possibility, which take 5 seconds on my computer.
The bottom line is: There is nothing paranoid in distrusting a PRNG, and you can mitigate an
attack by both adding entropy and also using a KDF.
Keep in mind that an attacker can decrease entropy by gathering information about you or
your system.
If you use the timestamp as entropy source, then an attacker can decrease the entropy by
knowing you generated the key last week, and that you only use your computer between
9am and 6pm.
In the previous part I talked briefly about a special KDF called Scrypt. As I said, the goal of
a KDF is to make brute force costly.
So it should be no surprise for you that a standard already exists for encrypting your private
key with a password using a KDF. This is BIP38.
Key generation and encryption
You do not trust your storage provider (they can get hacked)
You are storing the key on the behalf of somebody else (and you do not want to know
their key)
If you own your storage, then encrypting at the database level might be enough.
Be careful if your server takes care of decrypting the key, an attacker might attempt to
DDOS your server by forcing it to decrypt lots of keys.
However, in practice, you can also generate keys for each contact which makes this a
simple way to identify your payer without leaking too much privacy.
All backups of your wallet that you have will become outdated when you generate a new
You cannot delegate the address creation process to an untrusted peer.
Key generation and encryption
If you are developing a web wallet and generate keys on behalf of your users, and one user
gets hacked, they will immediately start suspecting you.
BIP38 (Part 2)
We already looked at using BIP38 to encrypt a key, however this BIP is in reality two ideas in
one document.
The second part of the BIP, shows how you can delegate Key and Address creation to an
untrusted peer. It will fix one of our concerns.
Tip: In NBitcoin, all types prefixed by “Bitcoin” are Base58 (WIF) data.
So, as a user that wants to delegate key creation, first you will create the PassphraseCode.
The third party will then generate new encrypted keys for you.
Key generation and encryption
then the EncryptedKey itself (as we have seen in the previous, Key Encryption lesson),
and last but not least, the ConfirmationCode, so that the third party can prove that the
generated key and address correspond to your password.
As the owner, once you receive this information, you need to check that the key generator
did not cheat by using ConfirmationCode.Check(), then get your private key with your
So, we have just seen how the third party can generate encrypted keys on your behalf,
without knowing your password and private key.
Key generation and encryption
All backups of your wallet that you have will become outdated when you generate a new
BIP 32, or Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (HD wallets) proposes another solution, which
is more widely supported.
A “Deterministic” wallet would fix our backup problem. With such a wallet, you would have to
save only the seed. From this seed, you can generate the same series of private keys over
and over.
Key generation and encryption
You only need to save the masterKey, since you can generate the same suite of private
keys over and over.
As you can see, these keys are ExtKey and not Key as you are used to. However, this
should not stop you since you have the real private key inside:
You can go back from a Key to an ExtKey by supplying the Key and the ChainCode to the
ExtKey constructor. This works as follows:
Key generation and encryption
But how can we solve our second problem: delegating address creation to a peer that can
potentially be hacked (like a payment server)?
The trick is that you can “neuter” your master key, then you have a public (without private
key) version of the master key. From this neutered version, a third party can generate public
keys without knowing the private key.
PubKey 0 : xpub67uQd5a6WCY6A7NZfi7yGoGLwXCTX5R7QQfMag8z1RMGoX1skbXAeB9JtkaTiDoeZPprGH1
PubKey 1 : xpub67uQd5a6WCY6CUeDMBvPX6QhGMoMMNKhEzt66hrH6sv7rxujt7igGf9AavEdLB73ZL6ZRJT
PubKey 2 : xpub67uQd5a6WCY6Dxbqk9Jo9iopKZUqg8pU1bWXbnesppsR3Nem8y4CVFjKnzBUkSVLGK4defH
PubKey 3 : xpub67uQd5a6WCY6HQKya2Mwwb7bpSNB5XhWCR76kRaPxchE3Y1Y2MAiSjhRGftmeWyX8cJ3kL7
PubKey 4 : xpub67uQd5a6WCY6JddPfiPKdrR49KYEuXUwwJJsL5rWGDDQkpPctdkrwMhXgQ2zWopsSV7buz6
So imagine that your payment server generates pubkey1, you can get the corresponding
private key with your private master key.
Key generation and encryption
//Check it is legit
Console.WriteLine("Generated address : " + pubkey1.PubKey.GetAddress(Network.Main));
Console.WriteLine("Expected address : " + key1.PrivateKey.PubKey.GetAddress(Network.Ma
ExtPubKey is similar to ExtKey except that it holds a PubKey and not a Key.
Now we have seen how Deterministic keys solve our problems, let’s speak about what the
“hierarchical” is for.
In the previous exercise, we have seen that by combining master key + index we could
generate another key. We call this process Derivation, the master key is the parent key,
and any generated keys are called child keys.
However, you can also derivate children from the child key. This is what the “hierarchical”
stands for.
This is why conceptually more generally you can say: Parent Key + KeyPath => Child Key
Key generation and encryption
In this diagram, you can derivate Child(1,1) from parent in two different way:
So in summary:
Key generation and encryption
Why do you need hierarchical keys? Because it might be a nice way to classify the type of
your keys for multiple accounts. More on BIP44.
Imagine you are CEO of a company. You want control over all wallets, but you don’t want the
Accounting department to spend the money from the Marketing department.
So your first idea would be to generate one hierarchy for each department.
However, in such a case, Accounting and Marketing would be able to recover the CEO’s
private key.
Key generation and encryption
//Recover ceo key with accounting private key and ceo public key
ExtKey ceoKeyRecovered = accountingKey.GetParentExtKey(ceoPubkey);
Console.WriteLine("CEO recovered: " + ceoKeyRecovered.ToString(Network.Main));
CEO: xprv9s21ZrQH143K2XcJU89thgkBehaMqvcj4A6JFxwPs6ZzGYHYT8dTchd87TC4NHSwvDuexuFVFpYaA
CEO recovered: xprv9s21ZrQH143K2XcJU89thgkBehaMqvcj4A6JFxwPs6ZzGYHYT8dTchd87TC4NHSwvDu
In other words, a non-hardened key can “climb” the hierarchy. Non-hardened keys should
only be used for categorizing accounts that belongs to a point of single control.
So in our case, the CEO should create a hardened key, so the accounting department will
not be able to climb the hierarchy.
You can also create hardened keys via the ExtKey.Derivate(KeyPath), by using an
apostrophe after a child’s index:
So let’s imagine that the Accounting Department generates 1 parent key for each customer,
and a child for each of the customer’s payments.
As the CEO, you want to spend the money on one of these addresses. Here is how you
would proceed.
Key generation and encryption
Cold wallets like Trezor, generate the HD Keys from a sentence that can easily be written
down. They call such a sentence “the seed” or “mnemonic”. And it can eventually be
protected by a password or a PIN.
The language that you use to generate your 'easy to write' sentence is called a Wordlist
Key generation and encryption
minute put grant neglect anxiety case globe win famous correct turn link
Now, if you have the mnemonic and the password, you can recover the hdRoot key.
mnemo = new Mnemonic("minute put grant neglect anxiety case globe win famous correct t
urn link",
hdRoot = mnemo.DeriveExtKey("my password");
Currently supported languages for wordlist are, English, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese
(simplified and traditional).
Dark Wallet
Although Dark Wallets are not in use anymore, it is still valuable to understand the concepts
presented here. Its name is unfortunate since there is nothing dark about it, and it attracts
unwanted attention and concerns. Dark Wallet is a practical solution that fixes our two initial
You have to share only one address with the world (called StealthAddress), without leaking
any privacy.
Key generation and encryption
Let’s remind ourselves that if you share one BitcoinAddress with everybody, then all can
see your balance by consulting the blockchain… That’s not the case with a StealthAddress.
It is a real shame that it was labeled as dark since it solves partially the important problem of
privacy leaking caused by the pseudo-anonymity of Bitcoin. A better name would have been:
One Address, because the Receiver of the coins needs to share only one address with the
Payer. Using that address the Payer is able to generate many new addresses and the coins
sent to these addresses will be spendable by the Receiver. Only the Payer and the Receiver
know that these addresses are related, a third party investigating the public blockchain
Key generation and encryption
The payer, will take your StealthAddress, generate a temporary key called Ephem Key
and will generate a Stealth Pub Key, from which the Bitcoin address to which the payment
will be made is generated. Please note, that this Bitcoin address is a special base58 address
which isn't recognized by the standard Bitcoin implementations like the Bitcoin Core.
Then, they will package the Ephem PubKey in a Stealth Metadata object embedded in the
OP_RETURN of the transaction (as we did for the first challenge)
They will also add the output to the generated bitcoin address. (the address of the Stealth
pub key)
The creation of the EphemKey is an implementation detail and you can omit it as NBitcoin
will generate one automatically:
Key generation and encryption
"hash": "7772b0ad19acd1bd2b0330238a898fe021486315bd1e15f4154cd3931a4940f9",
"ver": 1,
"vin_sz": 0,
"vout_sz": 2,
"lock_time": 0,
"size": 93,
"in": [],
"out": [
"value": "0.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_RETURN 060000000002b9266f15e8c6598e7f25d3262969a774df32b9b0b
"value": "1.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH16051f68af989f5bf24259c519829f46c7f2935b756 OP_EQ
Then the payer adds and signs the inputs, then sends the transaction on the network.
The Scanner knowing the StealthAddress and the Scan Key can recover the Stealth
PubKey and the expected BitcoinAddress payment.
Then the scanner checks if one of the outputs of the transaction corresponds to that
address. If it does, then Scanner notifies the Receiver about the transaction.
The Receiver can then get the private key of the address with their Spend Key.
Key generation and encryption
The code explaining how, as a Scanner, to scan a transaction and how, as a Receiver, to
uncover the private key, will be explained later in the TransactionBuilder (Other types of
ownership) section.
It should be noted that a StealthAddress can have multiple spend pubkeys, in which case,
the address represents a multi sig.
One limit of Dark Wallet is the use of OP_RETURN, so we can’t easily embed arbitrary data
in the transaction as we did in the Bitcoin transfer section. (Current bitcoin rules allows only
one OP_RETURN of 80 bytes per transaction)
Key generation and encryption
With a stealth address, you ask payers to generate a unique address in such a way that
you (using some additional data which is attached to the transaction) can deduce the
corresponding private key. So although you publish a single "stealth address" on your
website, the block chain sees all your incoming payments as going to separate
addresses and has no way to correlate them. (Of course, any individual payer knows
their payment went to you, and can trace how you spend it, but they don't learn
anything about other people's payments to you.)
But you can get the same effect another way: just give each payer a unique address.
Rather than posting a single public donation address on your website, have a button
that generates a new unique address and saves the private key, or selects the next
address from a long list of pre-generated addresses (whose private keys you hold
somewhere safe). Just as before, the payments all go to separate addresses and there
is no way to correlate them, nor for one payer to see that other payments went to you.
So the only difference with stealth addresses is essentially to move the chore of
producing a unique address from the server to the client. Indeed, in some ways stealth
addresses may be worse, since very few people use them, and if you are known to be
one of them, it will be easier to connect stealth transactions with you.
Other types of ownership
P2PK[H] (Pay to Public Key [Hash])
We also learned that as far as the blockchain is concerned, there is no such thing as a
bitcoin address. The blockchain identifies a receiver with a ScriptPubKey, and that a
ScriptPubKey could be generated from the address:
However, not all ScriptPubKey represent a Bitcoin Address. For example the first
transaction in the first ever blockchain block, called the genesis block:
P2PK[H] (Pay to Public Key [Hash])
"out": [
"value": "50.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61d
eb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f OP_CHECKSIG"
Console.WriteLine(firstScriptPubKeyEver); // 04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a82
In fact, at the beginning, public keys were used directly in the ScriptPubKey.
P2PK[H] (Pay to Public Key [Hash])
These 2 types of payment are referred as P2PK (pay to public key) and P2PKH (pay to
public key hash).
Satoshi later decided to use P2PKH instead of P2PK for two reasons:
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (the cryptography used by your public key and private
key) is vulnerable to a modified Shor's algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm
problem on elliptic curves. In plain English, it means that in the future a quantum
computer might be able to retrieve a private key from a public key. By publishing the
public key only when the coins are spent (and assuming that addresses are not reused),
such an attack is rendered ineffective.
With the hash being smaller (20 bytes) it is easier to print and easier to embed into
P2PK[H] (Pay to Public Key [Hash])
Nowadays, there is no reason to use P2PK directly although it is still used in combination
with P2SH... more on this later.
(Discussion) If the issue of the early use of P2PK is not addressed it will have a serious
impact on the Bitcoin price.
(nopara73) While reading this chapter I found the the abbreviations (P2PK, P2PKH, P2W,
etc..) very confusing.
My trick was to force myself to pronounce the terms fully every time I encountered them
during the following lessons. Suddenly everything made much more sense. I recommend
you to do the same.
P2WPKH (Pay to Witness Public Key Hash)
There are several reasons why it is beneficial to use this new scheme, a summary of which
are presented below. For more details visit
Third party Malleability Fix: Previously, a third party could change the transaction id of
your transaction before it was confirmed. This can not occur under Segwit.
Linear sig hash scaling: Signing a transaction used to require hashing the whole
transaction for every input. This was a potential DDoS vector attack for large
Signing of input values: The amount that is spent in an input is also signed, meaning
that the signer can’t be tricked about the amount of fees that are actually being paid.
Capacity increase: It will now be possible to have more than 1MB of transactions in
each block (which are created every 10 minutes on average). Segwit increases this
capacity by a factor of about 2.1, based upon the average transaction profile from
November 2016.
Fraud proof: Will be developed later, but Simple Payment Verification (SPV) wallets will
be able to validate more consensus rules rather than just simply following the longest
Before Sewgit the transaction signature was used in the calculation of the transaction id.
The signature contains the same information as a P2PKH spend, but is located in the
witness instead of the scriptSig. The scriptPubKey though, is modified from
P2WPKH (Pay to Witness Public Key Hash)
0 0067c8970e65107ffbb436a49edd8cb8eb6b567f
For nodes which did not upgrade, this looks like two pushes on the stack. This means that
any scriptSig can spend them. So even without the signatures, old nodes will consider
such transactions valid. New nodes interpret the first push as the witness version and the
second push as the witness program.
New nodes will therefore also require the signature in order to verify the transaction.
0 0067c8970e65107ffbb436a49edd8cb8eb6b567f
Signing the spending of such coins will be explained later in the “Using the
TransactionBuilder " section, and does not differ in any way from the code used to sign a
P2PKH output.
The witness data is similar to the scriptSig of P2PKH, and the scriptSig data is empty:
"in": [
"hash": "725497eaef527567a0a18b310bbdd8300abe86f82153a39d2f87fef713dc8177",
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "",
"witness": "3044022079d443be2bd39327f92adf47a34e4b6ad7c82af182c71fe76ccd39743ced58cf
0220149de3e8f11e47a989483f371d3799a710a7e862dd33c9bd842c417002a1c32901 0363f24cd2cb27b
Once again, the semantics of P2WPKH is the same as the semantics of P2PKH, except that
the signature is not placed at the same location as before.
P2WPKH (Pay to Witness Public Key Hash)
Multi Sig
## MultiSig {#multi-sig}
Bitcoin allows us to have shared ownership and control over coins with multi-signature
transactions or multisig for short.
Let’s create a multi sig with Bob, Alice and Satoshi, where two of the three of them need to
sign a transaction in order to spend a coin.
Generates this script which you can use as a public key (coin destination address):
2 0282213c7172e9dff8a852b436a957c1f55aa1a947f2571585870bfb12c0c15d61 036e9f73ca6929dec
6926d8e319506cc4370914cd13d300e83fd9c3dfca3970efb 0324b9185ec3db2f209b620657ce0e9a7924
72d89911e0ac3fc1e5b5fc2ca7683d 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
As you can see, the scriptPubkey has the following form: <sigsRequired> <pubkeys…>
The process for signing it (in order to be able to spend it) is a little more complicated than
just calling Transaction.Sign , which does not work for multisig.
Later we will talk more deeply about the subject but for now let’s use the
TransactionBuilder for signing the transaction.
Bob and Alice agree to pay Nico 1.0 BTC for his services. First they get the Coin they
received from the transaction:
Multi Sig
The transaction is not yet signed. Here is how Alice signs it:
Transaction aliceSigned =
Multi Sig
Transaction bobSigned =
//At this line, SignTransaction(unSigned) has the identical functionality with
the SignTransaction(aliceSigned).
//It's because unsigned transaction has already been signed by Alice privateKe
y from above.
Now, Bob and Alice can combine their signature into one transaction. This transaction will
then be valid, because two (Bob and Alice) signatures were used from the three (Bob, Alice
and Satoshi) signatures that were initially provided. The requirements of the 'two-of-three'
multisig have therefore been met. If this wasn't the case, the network would not accept this
transaction, because the nodes reject all unsigned or partially signed transactions.
Transaction fullySigned =
.CombineSignatures(aliceSigned, bobSigned);
Multi Sig
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "9df1e011984305b78210229a86b6ade9546dc69c4d25a6bee472ee7d62ea3c16",
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "0 3045022100a14d47c762fe7c04b4382f736c5de0b038b8de92649987bc59bca8
3ea307b1a202203e38dcc9b0b7f0556a5138fd316cd28639243f05f5ca1afc254b883482ddb91f01 30440
"out": [
"value": "1.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 d4a0f6c5b4bcbf2f5830eabed3daa7304fb794d6 OP_E
Before sending the transaction to the network, examine the need of CombineSignatures()
method: compare the two transactions 'bobSigned' and 'fullySigned' thoroughly. It will seem
like they are identical. It seems like the CombineSignatures() method is needless in this
case because the transaction got signed properly without the CombineSignatures() method.
Multi Sig
Transaction unsignedNew =
.Send(nico, Money.Coins(1.0m))
.BuildTransaction(sign: false);
Transaction aliceSigned =
Transaction bobSigned =
The transaction is now ready to be sent to the network, but notice that the
CombineSignatures() method was critical here, because both the aliceSigned and the
bobSigned transactions were only partially signed, therefore not acceptable by the network.
CombineSignatures() combined the two partially signed transactions into one fully signed
Sidenote: there is an inherent difficulty which arises from this situation. You need to
send the newly created, unsigned multi-sig transaction to every signer and after their
signed it, you also need to collect the partially signed transactions from them and
combine them into one, so that you can publish that on the network. This problem is
partially solved by the BIP-0174, because it at least standardizes the data format, but
you still need to implement your own way to distribute the data between the signing
NBitcoin doesn't have an implementation for BIP-0174 or for the off-chain data
distribution yet.
Multi Sig
Although the Bitcoin network supports multisig as explained above, the one question worth
asking is: How can you expect a user who has no clue about Bitcoin to pay to a complicated
multisig script address containing Alice's, Bob's Satoshi's public keys as we have done?
Don’t you think it would be cool if we could represent such a scriptPubKey as easily and
concisely as a regular Bitcoin Address?
Well, this is possible using something called a Bitcoin Script Address (also called Pay to
Script Hash or P2SH for short).
Nowadays, native Pay To Multi Sig (as you have seen above) and native P2PK are never
used directly. Instead they are wrapped into something called a Pay To Script Hash
payment. We will look at this type of payment in the next section.
P2SH (Pay To Script Hash)
Pay To Script Hash (or P2SH as it is often known), is an easy way to represent a
scriptPubKey as a simple BitcoinScriptAddress , no matter how complicated it is in terms
of it's underlying m-of-n signature set up.
2 0282213c7172e9dff8a852b436a957c1f55aa1a947f2571585870bfb12c0c15d61 036e9f73ca6929dec
6926d8e319506cc4370914cd13d300e83fd9c3dfca3970efb 0324b9185ec3db2f209b620657ce0e9a7924
72d89911e0ac3fc1e5b5fc2ca7683d 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
Instead, let’s see how such a scriptPubKey would look in a P2SH payment.
P2SH (Pay To Script Hash)
Do you see the difference? This P2SH scriptPubKey represents the hash of the multi-sig
script: redeemScript.Hash.ScriptPubKey
Script redeemScript =
.GenerateScriptPubKey(2, new[] { bob.PubKey, alice.PubKey, satoshi.PubKey });
Console.WriteLine(redeemScript.Hash.GetAddress(Network.Main)); // 3E6RvwLNfkH6PyX3bqoV
Such an address will still be understood by any existing client wallet, even if the wallet does
not understand what “multi-sig” is.
In P2SH payments, we refer to the hash of the Redeem Script as the scriptPubKey .
Since anyone sending a payment to such an address only sees the Hash of the
RedeemScript, and do not know the Redeem Script itself, they don’t even have to know
that they are sending money to a multi sig of Alice/Bob/Satoshi.
Signing such a transaction is similar to what we have done before. The only difference is
that you also have to provide the Redeem Script when you build the Coin for the
P2SH (Pay To Script Hash)
Imagine that the multi-sig P2SH receives a coin in a transaction called received .
Script redeemScript =
.GenerateScriptPubKey(2, new[] { bob.PubKey, alice.PubKey, satoshi.PubKey });
When any two owners out of the three that control the multi-sig address (Alice/Bob/Satoshi)
then want to spend what they have received, instead of creating a Coin they will need to
create a ScriptCoin .
The rest of the code concerning transaction generation and signing is exactly the same as in
the previous section about native multi sig.
P2WSH (Pay to Witness Script Hash)
0 e4d3d21bab744d90cd857f56833252000ac0fade318136b713994b9319562467
With what was previously in the scriptSig (signature + redeem script), moved to the
witness :
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "ffa2826ba2c9a178f7ced0737b559410364a62a41b16440beb299754114888c4",
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "",
"witness": "304402203a4d9f42c190682826ead3f88d9d87e8c47db57f5c272637441bafe11d5a
d8a302206ac21b2bfe831216059ac4c91ec3e4458c78190613802975f5da5d11b55a69c601 210243b3760
As the P2SH payment explained previously, P2WSH uses ScriptCoin in exactly the same
way to be signed.
P2W* over P2SH
To harness the advantages of segwit, while being compatible with old software, P2W over
P2SH is allowed. For old node, it will look like a normal P2SH payment.
Don’t worry, if this sound complicated, the TransactionBuilder will allow you to abstract the
plumbing effectively.
Let’s take the example of P2WPKH over P2SH, also called with the sweet name of
P2W* over P2SH
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "674ece694e5e28956138efacab96fc0bffd7c6cc1af7bb2729943fedf8f0b8b9",
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "001404100ab485c95701bf0f4d73e3fe7d69ecc4f0ea",
"witness": "3045022100f4c14cf383c0c97bbdaf520ea06f7db6c61e0effbc4bd3dfea036a9027
2f6cce022055b0fc058759a7961e718d48a3dc4dd5580fffc310557925a0865dbe467a835901 0205b956a
The scriptSig is only the push of the P2SH redeem script of the previous ScriptPubKey (in
other words key.PubKey.WitHash.ScriptPubKey). The witness is exactly the same as a
normal P2WPKH payment.
By following the same principle, let’s see how a P2SH(P2WSH) looks like. You need to
understand that in this case we are dealing with two different redeem scripts: The P2SH
redeem script that need to be put in the scriptSig of the spending transaction, AND the
P2WSH redeem script that need to be put in the witness.
2. The former ScriptPubKey will be placed as the only push in the scriptSig in the
spending transaction,
3. All other data will be pushed in the witness of the spending transaction,
For 3, the ‘other data’, in the context of a P2WSH payment, means the parameters of the
P2WSH redeem script followed by a push of the P2WSH redeem script.
P2W* over P2SH
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "1d23fa744a26cf6433f0841e9de7e088cf95e6f953e584b98d0de6ef4216765f",
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "0020c54eb79829b2e26b71d15fd3b490b6e95cbdab361a45eed2cdfe642497480a
"witness": "3045022100d7570c3bf87149a0be3ba2e8bfccbdd35c3da44f741695e9962014795f
abc4fc02203183cfa55a85728520b0f1ac59ac3ffa1a8526634fe619f99fac0f76016f366e01 2103146e8
In summary, the P2SH Redeem Script is hashed to get the P2WSH scriptPubKey as normal
P2WSH payment. Then, as a normal P2SH payment the P2WSH scriptPubKey is replaced
by hashed and used to create the actual P2SH.
As far as NBitcoin is concerned, you just need to feed the right transaction output you want
to spend, with the right underlying redeem script, and the TransactionBuilder will figure out
how to sign correctly as explained in the previous Multi Sig part and the next “Using the
TransactionBuilder” part.
From Bitcoin 0.10, the RedeemScript can be arbitrary, which means that with the script
language of Bitcoin, you can create your own definition of what “ownership” means.
For example, I can give money to whoever knows either my date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
serialized in UTF-8 or the private key of 1KF8kUVHK42XzgcmJF4Lxz4wcL5WDL97PB.
The details of the script language are out of scope. You can easily find the documentation on
various websites. The Bitcoin script language is a stack based language so everyone having
done some assembler should be able to read it.
Note: (nopara73) I find Davide De Rosa's tutorial as the most enjoyable one.
Note: For this code to work right click References -> Add Reference... -> Find
This RedeemScript means that there are 2 ways of spending such ScriptCoin: Either you
know the data that gives birthHash (my birthdate) or you own the bitcoin address.
The first option is to know my birth date and to prove it in the scriptSig:
You can see that in the scriptSig I push OP_1 so I enter in the OP_IF of my RedeemScript.
Since there is no backed-in template, for creating such scriptSig, you can see how to build
a P2SH scriptSig by hand.
Then you can check that the scriptSig proves the ownership of the scriptPubKey:
Using the TransactionBuilder
We will see how you can harness its full power, for signing more complicated transactions.
Spend any
Spend any P2SH on the previous redeem script.
Spend Stealth Coin (DarkWallet).
Issue and transfer Colored Coins (open asset, following chapter).
Combine partially signed transactions.
Estimate the final size of an unsigned transaction and its fees.
Verify if a transaction is fully signed.
The goal of the TransactionBuilder is to take Coins and Keys as input, and return back a
signed or partially signed transaction.
The TransactionBuilder will figure out what Coin to use and what to sign by itself.
Using the TransactionBuilder
Now let’s gather some Coins. For that, let us create a fake transaction with some funds on
Let’s say that the transaction has a P2PKH, P2PK, and multi-sig coin of Bob and Alice.
Using the TransactionBuilder
Script bobAlice =
bob.PubKey, alice.PubKey);
Now let’s say they want to use the coins of this transaction to pay Satoshi.
Now let’s say bob wants to send 0.2 BTC, alice 0.3 BTC, and they agree to use
bobAlice to send 0.5 BTC.
Using the TransactionBuilder
Then you can verify it is fully signed and ready to send to the network.
Console.WriteLine(builder.Verify(tx)); // True
The nice thing about this model is that it works the same way for P2SH, P2WSH,
P2SH(P2WSH), and P2SH(P2PKH) except you need to create ScriptCoin.
coins = init.Outputs.AsCoins().ToArray();
ScriptCoin bobAliceScriptCoin = coins[0].ToScriptCoin(bobAlice);
For Stealth Coin, this is basically the same thing. Except that, if you remember our
introduction on Dark Wallet, I said that you need a ScanKey to see the StealthCoin.
Using the TransactionBuilder
Using the TransactionBuilder
//Spend it
tx = builder
.AddKeys(bob, alice, scanKey)
.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.9m))
Console.WriteLine(builder.Verify(tx)); // True
Other types of asset
Colored Coins
Colored Coins
So until now, you have seen how to exchange Bitcoins on the network. However you can
use the Bitcoin network for transferring and exchanging any type of assets.
A colored coin is represented by a standard TxOut. Most of the time, such TxOut have a
residual Bitcoin value called “Dust”. (600 satoshi)
The real value of a colored coin reside in what the issuer of the coin will exchange against
Since a colored coin is nothing but a standard coin with special meaning, it follows that all
what you saw about proof of ownership and the TransactionBuilder stays true. You can
transfer a colored coin with exactly the same rules as before.
As far as the blockchain is concerned, a Colored Coin is a Coin like all others.
You can represent several type of asset with a colored coin: company shares, bonds, stocks,
But no matter what type of asset you will represent, there will always have a trust
relationship between the issuer of the asset and the owner.
If you own some company share, then the company might decide to not send you dividends.
If you own a bond, then the bank might not exchange it at maturity.
However, a violation of contract might be automatically detected with the help of Ricardian
A Ricardian Contract is a contract signed by the issuer with the rights attached to the asset.
Such contract can be either human readable (pdf), but also structured (json), so tools can
automatically prove any violation.
The issuer can’t change the ricardian contract attached to an asset.
Colored Coins
Open Asset is the name of the protocol created by Flavien Charlon that describes how to
transfer and emit colored coins on the Blockchain.
Other protocols exist, but Open Asset is the most easy and flexible and the only one
supported by NBitcoin.
In the rest of the book, I will not go in the details of the Open Asset protocol, the GitHub
page of the specification is better suited to this need.
Issuing an asset
Issuing an Asset
For the purpose of this exercise, I will emit BlockchainProgramming coins.
You get one of these BlockchainProgramming coins for every 0.004 bitcoin you send
One more if you add some kind words.
Furthermore this is a great opportunity to make it to the Hall of The Makers.
Issuance Coin
In Open Asset, the Asset ID is derived from the issuer's ScriptPubKey.
If you want to issue a Colored Coin, you need to prove ownership of such ScriptPubKey.
And the only way to do that on the Blockchain is by spending a coin belonging to such
The coin that you will choose to spend for issuing colored coins is called “Issuance Coin” in
I want to emit an Asset from the book bitcoin address:
Take a look at my balance, I decided to use the following coin for issuing assets.
"transactionId": "eb49a599c749c82d824caf9dd69c4e359261d49bbb0b9d6dc18c59bc92
"index": 0,
"value": 2000000,
"scriptPubKey": "76a914c81e8e7b7ffca043b088a992795b15887c96159288ac",
"redeemScript": null
Issuing an asset
Now I need to build transaction and sign the transaction with the help of the
var tx = builder
.IssueAsset(nico, new AssetMoney(issuance.AssetId, quantity: 10))
"out": [
"value": "0.00000600",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 356facdac5f5bcae995d13e667bb5864fd1e7d59 OP_E
"value": "0.01989400",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 c81e8e7b7ffca043b088a992795b15887c961592 OP_E
"value": "0.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_RETURN 4f410100010a00"
Issuing an asset
You can see it includes an OP_RETURN output. In fact, this is the location where
information about colored coins are stuffed.
In our case, Quantities have only 10, which is the number of Asset I issued to nico .
Metadata is arbitrary data. We will see that we can put an url that points to an “Asset
An Asset Definition is a document that describes what the Asset is. It is optional, we are
not using it in our case. (We’ll come back later on it in the Ricardian Contract part.)
With QBitNinja
if (!broadcastResponse.Success)
Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode: " + broadcastResponse.Error.ErrorCode);
Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + broadcastResponse.Error.Reason);
Issuing an asset
My Bitcoin Wallet have both, the book address and the “Nico” address.
As you can see, Bitcoin Core only shows the 0.0001 BTC of fees I paid, and ignore the 600
Satoshi coin because of spam prevention feature.
For preventing a user from sending Colored Coin to a wallet that do not support it, Open
Asset have its own address format, that only colored coin wallets understand.
nico = BitcoinAddress.Create("15sYbVpRh6dyWycZMwPdxJWD4xbfxReeHe");
Now, you can take a look on an Open Asset compatible wallet like Coinprism, and see my
asset correctly detected:
Issuing an asset
As I have told you before, the Asset ID is derived from the issuer’s ScriptPubKey, here is
how to get it in code:
Transferring an asset
Transfer an Asset
So now, let’s imagine I sent you some BlockchainProgramming Coins.
How can you send me back the coins?
You need to build a ColoredCoin.
In the sample above, let’s say I want to spend the 10 assets I received on the address
Here is the coin I want to spend:
"transactionId": "fa6db7a2e478f3a8a0d1a77456ca5c9fa593e49fd0cf65c7e349e5a4cbe58842",
"index": 0,
"value": 600,
"scriptPubKey": "76a914356facdac5f5bcae995d13e667bb5864fd1e7d5988ac",
"redeemScript": null,
"assetId": "AVAVfLSb1KZf9tJzrUVpktjxKUXGxUTD4e",
"quantity": 10
We will show you later how you can use some web services or custom code to get the coins
more easily.
I also needed another coin (forFees), to pay the fees.
The asset transfer is actually very easy with the TransactionBuilder.
Transferring an asset
"out": [
"value": "0.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_RETURN 4f410100010a00"
"value": "0.00000600",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 c81e8e7b7ffca043b088a992795b15887c961592 OP_E
"value": "0.04415000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 356facdac5f5bcae995d13e667bb5864fd1e7d59 OP_E
Transferring an asset
Unit tests
Unit tests
You can see that previously I hard coded the properties of ColoredCoin.
The reason is that I wanted only to show you how to construct a Transaction out of
ColoredCoin coins.
In real life, you would either depend on a third party API to fetch the colored coins of a
transaction or a balance. Which might be not a good idea, because it add a trust
dependency to your program with the API provider.
NBitcoin allows you either to depend on a web service, either to provide your own
implementation for fetching the color of a Transaction. This allows you to have a flexible
way to unit test your code, use another implementation or your own.
Let’s introduce two issuers: Silver and Gold. And three participants: Bob, Alice and Satoshi.
Let’s create a fake transaction that give some bitcoins to Silver, Gold and Satoshi.
Init does not contain any Colored Coin issuance and Transfer. But imagine that you want to
be sure of it, how would you proceed?
In NBitcoin, the summary of color transfers and issuances is described by a class called
Unit tests
You can see that the ColoredTransaction class will tell you:
But the method that interests us right now is FetchColor, which will permit you to extract
colored information out of the transaction you gave in input.
Unit tests
An implementation of IColoredTransactionRepository is
CoinprismColoredTransactionRepository which is a public API for colored coins
However, you can easily do your own, here is how FetchColors works.
The simplest case is: The IColoredTransactionRepository knows the color, in such case
FetchColors only return that result.
The second case is that the IColoredTransactionRepository does not know anything about
the color of the transaction.
So FetchColors will need to compute the color itself according to the open asset
However, for computing the color, FetchColors need the color of the parent transactions.
So it fetch each of them on the ITransactionRepository, and call FetchColors on each of
Unit tests
Once FetchColors has resolved the color of the parent’s recursively, it computes the
transaction color, and caches the result back in the IColoredTransactionRepository.
By doing that, future requests to fetch the color of a transaction will be resolved quickly.
Some IColoredTransactionRepository are read-only (like
CoinprismColoredTransactionRepository so the Put operation is ignored).
So, back to our example: The trick when writing unit tests is to use an in memory
using NBitcoin.OpenAsset;
Unit tests
"inputs": [],
"issuances": [],
"transfers": [],
"destructions": []
So now, let’s use the two coins sent to Silver and Gold as Issuance Coins.
var issuanceCoins =
.Select((c, i) => new IssuanceCoin(c))
From that you can send Gold to Satoshi with the TransactionBuilder, as we have done in
the previous exercise, and put the resulting transaction in the repository, and print the result.
"inputs": [],
"issuances": [
"index": 0,
"asset": "ATEwaRSNeCgBjxjcur7JtfypFjqQgAtLJs",
"quantity": 10
"transfers": [],
"destructions": []
Unit tests
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "46117f3ef44f2dfd87e0bc3f461f48fe9e2a3a2281c9b3802e339c5895fc325e",
Unit tests
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "304502210083424305549d4bb1632e2c67736383558f3e1d7fb30ce7b5a3d7b87a
53cdb3940220687ea53db678b467b98a83679dec43d27e89234ce802daf14ed059e7a09557e801 03e232c
"prev_out": {
"hash": "aefa62270999baa0d57ddc7d2e1524dd3828e81a679adda810657581d7d6d0f6",
"n": 2
"scriptSig": "30440220364a30eb4c8a82cc2a79c54d0518b8ba0cf4e49c73a5bbd17fe1a5683a
0dfa640220285e98f3d336f1fa26fb318be545162d6a36ce1103c8f6c547320037cb1fb8e901 03e232cda
"out": [
"value": "0.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_RETURN 4f41010002060400"
"value": "0.00000600",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 5bb41cd29f4e838b4b0fdcd0b95447dcf32c489d OP_E
"value": "0.00000600",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 469c5243cb08c82e78a8020360a07ddb193f2aa8 OP_E
"value": "0.99999400",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 5bb41cd29f4e838b4b0fdcd0b95447dcf32c489d OP_E
Colored :
"inputs": [
"index": 0,
"asset": " ATEwaRSNeCgBjxjcur7JtfypFjqQgAtLJs ",
"quantity": 10
"issuances": [],
"transfers": [
"index": 1,
"asset": " ATEwaRSNeCgBjxjcur7JtfypFjqQgAtLJs ",
"quantity": 6
Unit tests
"index": 2,
"asset": " ATEwaRSNeCgBjxjcur7JtfypFjqQgAtLJs ",
"quantity": 4
"destructions": []
We have finally made a unit test that emits and transfers some assets without any external
You can make your own IColoredTransactionRepository if you don’t want to depend on a
third party service.
You can find more complex scenarios in NBitcoin tests, and also one of my article “Build
them all” in codeproject. (Like multi sig issuance and colored coin swaps.)
Ricardian contracts
Ricardian contracts
This part is a copy of an article I wrote on Coinprism’s blog. At the time of this writing,
NBitcoin do not have any code related to Ricardian Contracts.
Such rights are typically enumerated inside a Contract, and signed by the issuer (and a
trusted party if needed, like a notary).
So the contract cannot be denied, tampered, and is provably signed by the issuer.
Such contract can be kept confidential between the issuer and the redeemer, or published.
Open Asset can already support all of that without changing the core protocol, and here is
Ricardian contracts
RedeemScript = HASH160(RicardianContract) OP_DROP IssuerScript
IssuerScript refer to a classical P2PKH for a simple issuer, multi sig if issuance need
several consents. (Issuer + notary for example.)
It should be noted that from Bitcoin 0.10, IssuerScript is arbitrary and can be anything.
The RicardianContract can be arbitrary, and kept private. Whoever holds the contract can
prove that it applies to this Asset thanks to the hash in the ScriptPubKey.
But let’s make such RicardianContract discoverable and verifiable by wallet clients with the
Asset Definition Protocol.
Let’s add to the Open Asset Marker, the following asset definition url:
In the page, let’s create the following Asset Definition File:
"IssuerScript" : IssuerScript,
"name" : "MyAsset",
"contract_url" : "",
"contract_hash" : "DKDKocezifefiouOIUOIUOIufoiez980980",
"Type" : "Vote",
"Candidates" : ["A","B","C"],
"Validity" : "10 jan 2015"
RicardianContract = AssetDefinitionFile
Check list
A contract offered by an issuer to holders.
The contract is hosted by the issuer, unalterable, and signed every time the Issuer
issues a new asset,
Ricardian contracts
Digitally signed.
The ScriptPubKey is signed when the issuer issues the asset, thus, also the hash of
the contract, and by extension, the contract itself.
What is it for?
Without Ricardian Contract, it is easy for a malicious issuer to modify or repudiate an Asset
Definition File.
Also, since the Asset Definition File can’t be changed, it becomes possible to save it on
redeemer’s own storage, preventing rupture of access to the contract by a malicious issuer.
Liquid Democracy
Liquid Democracy
This part is a purely conceptual exercise of one application of colored coins.
Let’s imagine a company where some decisions are taken by a board of investors after a
Some investors do not know enough about a topic, so they would like to delegate
decisions about some subjects to someone else.
There is potentially a huge number of investors.
As the CEO, you want the ability to sell voting power for financing the company.
As the CEO, you want the ability to cast a vote when you decide.
But before beginning, let’s talk about some downside of voting on the Blockchain:
Whether these points are relevant or not is up to the vote organizer to decide.
Let’s say that three persons are interested, Satoshi, Alice and Bob. (Yes, them again)
So Boss decides to sell each Power Coin at 0.1 BTC each.
Let’s start funding some money to the powerCoin address, satoshi , alice and bob .
Liquid Democracy
Imagine that Alice buy 2 Power coins, here is how to create such transaction.
Liquid Democracy
In summary, powerCoin issues 2 Power Coins to Alice and send the change to himself.
Likewise, Alice send 0.2 BTC to powerCoin and send the change to herself.
Where GetCoins is
For some reason, Alice, might want to sell some of her voting power to Satoshi.
You can note that I am double spending the coin of Alice from the init transaction.
**Such thing would not be accepted on the Blockchain. However, we have not seen yet how
to retrieve unspent coins from the Blockchain easily, so let’s just imagine for the sake of the
exercise that the coin was not double spent.
Now that Alice and Satoshi have some voting power, let’s see how Boss can run a vote.
Running a vote
By consulting the Blockchain, Boss can at any time know ScriptPubKeys which owns
Power Coins.
So he will send Voting Coins to these owner, proportionally to their voting power, in our case,
1 voting coin to Alice and 1 voting coin to Satoshi.
Liquid Democracy
Vote delegation
The problem is that the vote concern some financial aspect of the business, and Alice is
mostly concerned by the marketing aspect.
Her decision is to handout her voting coin to someone she trusts having a better judgment
on financial matter. She chooses to delegate her vote to Bob.
Liquid Democracy
You can notice that there is no SetChange the reason is that the input colored coin is spent
entirely, so nothing is left to be returned.
Imagine that Satoshi is too busy and decide not to vote. Now Bob must express his decision.
The vote concerns whether the company should ask for a loan to the bank for investing into
new production machines.
Now Boss can compute the result of the vote and see 1-Yes 0-No, Yes win, so he takes the
Every participants can also count the result by themselves.
Liquid Democracy
This works great, but Bob need to know that the website exists.
Another solution is to publish the modalities of the vote directly on the Blockchain within an
Asset Definition File, so some software can automatically get it and present it to Bob.
The only piece of code that would have changed is during the issuance of the Voting Coins
to voters.
In such case, Bob can see that during the issuance of his voting coin, an Asset Definition
File was published, which is nothing more than a JSON document whose schema is partially
specified in Open Asset.The schema can be extended to have information about things like:
However, imagine that a hacker wants to cheat the vote. He can always modify the json
document (either man in the middle attack, physical access to, or access to Bob’s
machine) so Bob is tricked and send his vote to the wrong candidate.
Transforming the Asset Definition File into a Ricardian Contract by signing it would make
any modification immediately detectable by Bob’s software. (See Proof Of Authenticity in the
Asset Definition Protocol)
Proof of Burn and Reputation
OpenBaazar seems to be the first trying to use proof of burn as a reputation determinant.
There is several responses to that (escrow or notary/arbiter), but one that we will explore
here is called Proof Of Burn.
Imagine yourself in the middle age, and you live in a small village with several local
One day, a traveling merchant comes to your village and sells you some goods at an
unbelievable low price compared to local one.
However, traveling merchant are well known for scamming people with low quality product,
because losing reputation is a small price to pay for them compared to local merchants.
Local Merchant invested into a nice store, advertising and their reputation. Unhappy
customers can easily destroy them. But the traveling merchant, having no local store and
only transient reputation do not have those incentives to not scam people.
On the internet, where the creation of an identity is so cheap, all merchants are potentially
as the travelling one from the middle age.
The solution of market providers was to gather the real identity of every participant in the
market, so law enforcement become possible.
If you get scammed on Amazon of Ebay, your bank will most likely refund you, because they
have a way to find the thief by contacting Amazon and Ebay.
In a purely P2P market using Bitcoin, we do not have that. If you get scam, you lose money.
So how a buyer can trust the traveling merchant?
The response is: by checking how much he invested into his reputation.
So as a good intentioned seller, you want to inspire confidence to your customer. For that
you will destroy some of your wealth, and every customer will see. This is the definition of
“investing into your reputation”.
Imagine you burned 50 BTC for your reputation. And a customer want to buy 2 BTC of
goods from you. He has good reason to believe that you will not scam him, because you
invested more into your reputation that what you can get out of him by scamming.
It becomes not economically profitable for you to scam him.
Proof of Burn and Reputation
The technical details will surely vary and change over time, but here is an example of Proof
of Burn.
Proof of Burn and Reputation
"in": [
"prev_out": {
"hash": "0767b76406dbaa95cc12d8196196a9e476c81dd328a07b30954d8de256aa1e9f",
"n": 0
"scriptSig": "304402202c6897714c69b3f794e730e94dd0110c4b15461e221324b5a78316f97c
4dffab0220742c811d62e853dea433e97a4c0ca44e96a0358c9ef950387354fbc24b8964fb01 03fedc2f6
"out": [
"value": "1.00000000",
"scriptPubKey": "OP_RETURN 4275726e7420666f722022416c6963652042616b65727922"
Once in the Blockchain, this transaction is undeniable proof that Alice invested money for
her bakery.
The Coin with ScriptPubKey OP_RETURN 4275726e7420666f722022416c6963652042616b65727922 do
not have any way to be spent, so those coins are lost forever.